107 research outputs found

    Student Choice Criteria for Selecting an Indonesian Public University: A Preliminary Finding

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    This research aims to explore the factors that influence student choice in the selection of an Indonesian Public University. The research design is conducted by mixed-method approach. For the first phase, semi-structured and focus-groups interviews were carried out with the same cohort of 48 first-year undergraduate students in five Indonesian public universities. Preliminary results revealed 25 choice criteria for selecting a university considered by Indonesian students. Finally, implications and recommendations are presented

    Social Networking Sites for University Search and Selection

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    The potential power and implications of using social media to reach an enormous audience has been recognised as well as the technological habits of prospective students today. However, many universities are not leveraging on this media tool beneficially as part of their marketing tools. This research provides an analysis and evaluation of the use of social networking sites for university search and selection. The research investigates the current issues related to the information sources used by students for selecting a higher education institution. The research conducted a content analysis from a sample of business and marketing sciences research published in refereed journals from 2000 to 2013. The findings show that the use of social networking sites for university search and selection among prospective students is growing in importance. The reason for the popularity of these sites is that they can supply information from three different sources: direct information from the university, trusted information from social networking or reference groups (friends, peers, current/former students, alumni), and real time, on-line information from university websites. The research found the future for universities to promote their programs and events through social networks is worthwhile as they are already popular and well established among stakeholders. Keywords: Social networking sites (SNSs), university, search, selectio


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    Meskipun telah banyak bukti yang mendukung pentingnya menyusui eksklusif selama 6  bulan,  namun  masih  terdapat  kenyataan  bahwa  para  ibu  di  beberapa  negara  termasuk Indonesia melakukan penyapihan dini sebelum bayi berusia 3 dan 6 bulan,serta memberikan makanan  semi  padat  kepada  bayi  mereka. Pencapaian  ASI  eksklusif  di  Kabupaten  Kudus berdasarkan  hasl  survey  hanya  19,56%.  Kota  Kudus  merupakan  kota  yang  didalamnya terdapat pabrik rokok dan sebagian besar pekerjanya adalah perempuan.Tujuan  penelitian  ini  adalah  mengetahui  korelasi  faktor  sosio  demografi  dengan pelaksanaan pemberian ASI eksklusif di Kabupaten Kudus.Rancangan  penelitian  yang  digunakan  adalah  analitik  korelasi  dengan  pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah subyek penelitian 92 orang, yaitu ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 7 – 12 bulan.variabel  bebas dalam  penelitian  ini  adalah  faktor  sosio demografi yang  meliputi usia ibu,  paritas,  pendidikan,  pekerjaan,  status  ekonomi sedangkan  variabel  terikatnya adalah pelaksanaan  pemberian  ASI  eksklusif.  Hubungan  variabel  bebas  dan  variabel  terikat dianalisis dengan  menggunakan  Rank  Spearman  dan  Chi  kuadrat,  sedangkan  untuk  melihat interaksi antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat menggunakan rumus Kruskal Wallis. Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan  korelasi  antara usia  nilai  p  =  0,189  (p  >0,05),paritas nilai p = 0,030 (p 0,05), pekerjaan nilai p = 0,772(p > 0,05), status ekonomi nilai p = 0,567(p > 0,05).Simpulan  menunjukkan  terdapat  korelasi  antara  paritas  dengan  pelaksanaan pemberian  ASI  eksklusif,sedangkan  persepsi  dan  faktor  sosiodemografi yang  meliputi usia, pendidikan, pekerjaan dan status ekonomi tidak terdapat korelasi, dan pendidikan berkorelasi dengan persepsi ibu tentang menyusu

    Analisis Pengaruh Experiential Marketing Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan: Kasus Hypermart Malang Town Square (Matos) Analysing the Influence of Experiential Marketing on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: the Case of Hypermart Malang Town Square

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    This study aims to describe the influence of Experiential Marketing on Customer Loyaltythrough Customer Satisfaction as an intermediate variable. Explanatory research wasconducted by using questionnaire survey on 50 respondents as the customer of HypermartMalang Town Square (MATOS). Path analysis was used to analyse the research data. Theresult shows that Experiential Marketing has significantly influence the Customer Loyalty inRetail Business and Customer Satisfaction as an intermediate variable. Based on this result,Hypermart of Malang Town Square should maintain and continue to provide a goodexperience to customers through experiential marketing so it can increase their satisfaction.In addition, the need for the Hypermart of Malang Town Square continues to maintain anddeliver customer satisfaction in order to achieve customer loyalty


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    Masa Nifas atau puerperium adalah periode waktu dimana organ – organ reproduksi kembali  pada keadaan sebelum hamil dan memerlukan  waktu 6 minggu dari mulai bayi keluar. Metode persalinan normal merupakan  fisiologis keluarnya janin dari  jalan  lahir  (vagina) dan  setelah  itu  ibu  memasuki  tahapan - tahapan  masa nifas  (puerperium) dimulai setelah  kelahiran  plasenta dan berakhir  ketika alat-alat kandungan kembali seperti keadaan sebelum  hamil  berlangsung  selama kira-kira 6 minggu. Gangguan pada hari ke 2 – 3 diantaranya  adalah gangguan buang air besar (BAB) dalam  masa nifas pada umumnya adalah malnutrisi (muteh), di samping penyebab medis, faktor  usia, pendidikan  tingkat  pengetahuan sosial ekonomi, sosial budaya dan sikap ibu sehingga mengakibatkan proses involusi jadi terhambat.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan cross sectional yaitu variabel sebab (Independent Variabel) dan variabel akibat (Dependent Variabel) yang terjadi pada obyek penelitian di ukur atau dikumpulkan secara simultan atau dalam waktu bersamaan. ). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu nifas yang berjumlah 30 ibu nifas.Berdasarkan hasil uji chi square  r hitung (17,260) > chi square r tabel (5,991) dengan df: 2 dengan taraf signifikan 5% dan p value 0,000 r  Tabel ( 0,604 > 0,5) .         Tenaga kesehatan diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi atau konseling tentang masalah gangguan buang air besar pada masa nifas dan cara - cara untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut


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    This study aims to describe the influence of Experiential Marketing on Customer Loyaltythrough Customer Satisfaction as an intermediate variable. Explanatory research wasconducted by using questionnaire survey on 50 respondents as the customer of HypermartMalang Town Square (MATOS). Path analysis was used to analyse the research data. Theresult shows that Experiential Marketing has significantly influence the Customer Loyalty inRetail Business and Customer Satisfaction as an intermediate variable. Based on this result,Hypermart of Malang Town Square should maintain and continue to provide a goodexperience to customers through experiential marketing so it can increase their satisfaction.In addition, the need for the Hypermart of Malang Town Square continues to maintain anddeliver customer satisfaction in order to achieve customer loyalty.Key words: experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, customer loyalt

    Pengaruh Green Advertising, Eco Brand, Dan Green Trust Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Pada Konsumen Lampu Philips Led Di Rw 12 Kelurahan Merjosari Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Kota Malang)

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    This research aims to determine:The effect of Green Advertising to Buying Decision; The effect of Eco Brand to Buying Decision; and The effect of Green Trust to Buying Decision. The kind of research used in this research is an explanation or explanotory research with a quantitative approach. The variable in this research is Green Advertising, Eco Brand, and Green Trust as independent variables and the Buying Decision as the dependent variable. The result of this research indicate that: Green Advertising, Eco Brand, and Green Trust simultaneously significant effect on Buying Decision; T test result indicate that the Green Advertising partially significant influence the Buying Decision, Eco Brand partially significant influence the Buying Decision, and Green Trust partially significant influence the Buying Decision. Keywords: Green Advertising, Eco Brand, Green Trust, and Buying Decision АBSTRАK Pеnеlitiаn ini bеrtujuаn untuk mеnjеlаskаn: Pеngаruh Grееn Аdvеrtising tеrhаdаp Kеputusаn Pеmbеliаn; Pеngаruh Еco Brаnd tеrhаdаp Kеputusаn Pеmbеliаn; dаn Pеngаruh Grееn Trust tеrhаdаp Kеputusаn Pеmbеliаn. Jеnis pеnеlitiаn yаng digunаkаn dаlаm pеnеlitiаn ini аdаlаh pеnеlitiаn pеnjеlаsаn аtаu еxplаnаtory rеsеаrch dеngаn pеndеkаtаn kuаntitаtif. Vаriаbеl dаlаm pеnеlitiаn ini аdаlаh Grееn Аdvеrtising, Еco Brаnd, dаn Grееn Trust sеbаgаi vаriаbеl bеbаs dаn Kеputusаn Pеmbеliаn sеbаgаi vаriаbеl tеrikаt. Hаsil pеnеitiаn ini mеnunjukkаn bаhwа: Grееn Аdvеrtising, Еco Brаnd, dаn Grееn Trust sеcаrа simultаn bеrpеngаruh signifikаn tеrhаdаp Kеputusаn Pеmbеliаn; Hаsil uji t mеnunjukkаn bаhwа vаriаbеl Grееn Аdvеrtising bеrpеngаruh signifikаn tеrhаdаp Kеputusаn Pеmbеliаn, vаriаbеl Еco Brаnd bеrpеngаruh signifikаn tеrhаdаp Kеputusаn Pеmbеliаn, dаn vаriаbеl Grееn Trust bеrpеngаruh signifikаn tеrhаdаp Kеputusаn Pеmbеliаn. Kаtа Kunci: Grееn Аdvеrtising, Еco Brаnd, Grееn Trust, dаn Kеputusаn Pеmbеliаn