623 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) untuk Perusahaan Ritel

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    Ritel memiliki peranan penting dalam proses pendistribusian produk dan jasa dari produsen ke konsumen. Ritel membutuhkan pengaturan informasi bagi konsumen dan produsen mengenai produk dan jasa yang tersedia dan yang diperlukan. Perubahan yang cepat pada lingkungan ritel saat ini, menuntut pengusaha untuk lebih cerdas dan tanggap terhadap Perubahan tersebut. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) merupakan sebuah sistem yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. ERP merupakan sebuah sistem yang mengintegrasikan proses bisnis Perusahaan sehingga dapat merampingkan aktivitas Perusahaan, memfasilitasi interaksi antar unit bisnis, dan memberikan kemudahan untuk mengakses informasi. Dipicu oleh perkembangan e-commerce saat ini, fungsi pada ERP juga mengalami penambahan yaitu adanya interaksi bisnis secara elektronik. Pada Penelitian ini dikembangkan sebuah sistem Enterprise Resource Planning untuk Perusahaan ritel dimana fungsi-fungsi dalam sistem ini disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan e-commerce. ERP ini akan dibangun dengan pendekatan berorientasi objek dan memanfaatkan design pattern Model View Controller (MVC) pattern

    Analisis Investasi Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Kota Dumai Berdasarkan Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta

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    Construction of water supply system has been implemented Dumai City since 2009. But until 2011 the construction should be done despite stalled cost as much as Rp 180 billion. The cost is only partially physical labor can build transmission and distribution networks in 4 districts. Therefore, the city government plans to continue the development dumai the project. In the government's development plan includes an investor to reduce sourced financing from the state budget. In this study, the system will analyze the cooperation undertaken by making 3 schemes. And each of these schemes will be analyzed in the economy that is based on net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), benefit cost ratio (BCR), and payback period (PBP). Economic analysis is performed on each scheme can be stated that the three schemes is feasible, for each of the parameters such as NPV is positive, BCR greater than 1.0 and internal rate of return and the value of the prevailing commercial interest, but the rates obtained are very expensive so the rates are not feasible. but the rates obtained are very expensive so the rates are not feasible. Thus, in the financing of infrastructure development should be done budget sharing the rates obtained becomes smaller

    Perceived Value, Leisure Experience, Dan Willingness to Stay: Arsitektur Hotel Untuk Dewasa Muda Indonesia

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    . Hospitality concept can be defined in two aspects i.e. in philosophy and economy aspects. Architecture design that related with hospitality facilities such as hotel building, need to shows the philosophy of hospitality concept that related with experience management, and hospitality in economy concept that related with cost for the experience. The aim of this study is to reviewing relationship of Indonesian early-adulthoods perception and preference (willingness to stay) to hotel design with perceived value (in philosophy) and leisure experience (in economy) concepts in hospitality context. This study used sequential mixed-method to investigate respondents perception and willingness to stay, which is that result will be associated with perceived value and leisure experience concepts. The results showing the sign of a link between respondents willingness to stay with perceived value and leisure experience

    Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Motivasi Kerja Dengan Disiplin Kerja Pegawai Kantor Pertanahan Kota Semarang

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    A clerk as human resources main in running an organization prosecuted not only have the skills and the ability of course but also is required to adhere to and obey regulation that has been set previously organization , hence needed real role of a leader to invite and affect employees to obey existing regulation by applying force leadership that effective .A style of leadership that effectively will not give influential if there is no support spirit and desire in self employees as motivation in self employees to comply with rules and norms existing in order to create prime services for the community and the goals of the organization. This research both type research ( explanation ) who tried to explain the relationship between variables as well as test a hypothesis that has been formulated , where researchers trying to find out the relationship between the style of leadership and motivation working with the awareness of discipline the land office semarang city , with the total sample 34 people employees .Data collection by observation , the questionnaire , interviews and a literature review , then analyzed in qualitative and quantitative ways .The testing of hypotheses with using analysis koefisiensi correlation rank kendall , konkordasi kendall and to know the size of the relationship between variables used koefisiensi analysis determined with the help of spss program. The research results show that the relationship with the leadership style discipline to 15.5 %, while relations with the motivation of the work of work discipline 21,9 % and discipline of work associated with the style of leadership and motivation simultaneously by 6 percent .The results of research shows that there is a positive relationship between the style of leadership and motivation of employees to work discipline employees work .Recommendations that the author of give it that is underscored the rules and good governance and working in imposing real doubtful , the need of adjustment of the style of leadership that applied by the leader with the level of maturity employees , and the last need the support of leaders such as the appreciation and praise directly as a form of appreciation to the employees

    Aplikasi Metode Common Reflection Surface (Crs) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Stack Data Seismik Laut 2d Wilayah Perairan “Y”

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    Stacking is an important phase in the seismic data processing, it\u27s a tool or quick look before subsurface section resulted. Common Reflection Surface is the developing of the conventional processing that has been generally done. CRS method has more benefits than conventional stack method, specially on the complex structure and do not rely on from velocity model that\u27s really useful for seismic data processing. The main difference between CRS and conventional stacking mode is on stack parameter decision or the attribute connected to subsurface reflector. CRS application has been applied in the area “Y” using software ProMAX 2D. In this research by using marine seismic data has done five times using different apperture values, they are 150 m, 100 m, 67 m, 33 m, and 20 m for getting the best stack result. Based on the research can be concluded that CRS method has applicated successly on the 2D marine seismic data having a better result than by using conventional method, proved by CRS method stack result can show the better reflector continuity and it increases the signal to noise ratio qualitative

    The Effect of the Performance of the TNI-AU SAR Team Personnel During the Kab. Cianjur

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    Earthquakes are natural phenomena that have the potential to cause physical damage and loss of life. In an emergency like this, the performance of the Indonesian Air Force's search and rescue team has a direct influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of rescue efforts, as happened during the emergency response to the earthquake in Cianjur Regency. The fast and precise response of the Indonesian Air Force SAR team in emergency situations such as earthquakes can have a direct impact on the safety of victims. This study aims to evaluate the ability of personnel to deal with earthquake emergency response situations in Cianjur, West Java. The research method used is a qualitative approach involving in-depth document analysis. In general, the TNI-AU succeeded in achieving effectiveness and efficiency in rescue efforts during the earthquake emergency response period in Cianjur Regency, including in terms of prompt and appropriate handling of victims, coordination with relevant agencies, monitoring of the latest information, and availability of tools and defense equipment. The results of the SAR training implemented by the TNI-AU have proven to be positive, as seen from the direct actions taken in a short time after the earthquake occurred