529 research outputs found

    Biomimetic Photodiode Device with Large Photocurrent Response Using Photosynthetic Pigment-protein Complexes

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    Efficient light to energy conversion was demonstrated in solid-state, lateral photodiodes device containing photosynthetic light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complexes as active materials. The device exhibits the highest reported photocurrent density response of 365 µA/cm2 when illuminated at 320 mW/cm2 radiation source power. The photocurrent response was stabled over 104 s of continuous cycles of dark and illumination states. The short rise and decay time of the photocurrent waveform within sub-second range indicates an effective photogeneration and charge extraction within the device. Optical bandgap extraction using absorption coefficient method reveals that the energy gap of the active materials ranges from 2.8 to 3.8 eV, correspond to the Photosystem I and Photosystem II of the photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes

    Tectonic Influence on Changes in Neogene Sediment Supply, Western Part of North Serayu Basin

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    Western part of North Serayu Basin composed of Neogene sequence; Halang, Pemali and Rambatan Formation. The oil seeps discovery in this area is an indication of the presence an active petroleum system. Active tectonic condition occur coincidence with the time of deposition. The tectonic influence on change in sediment supply will be the subject of this research. The combinations of subsidence, eustatic and sediment supply are corresponding to the accommodation space, moreover to the type of sediment which is deposited. The quantity and rate of sediment supply to the basin are closely related to the tectonic activity. In the context of Petroleum Potential, study of sediment supply will provide information about the potential source rock, reservoir and caprock that developed in the research area. During the Neogene at least there have been three times of sea level change in the research area which is related to thickening sedimentary sequence during middle of N18 and thinning in N13 to N17 in some place

    Analisa Pengaruh Laju Aliran Partikel Padat Terhadap Sudu-sudu Turbin Reaksi Pada Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Menggunakan Cfd

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    A good quality of steam is essentially needed on power plant system. The main function of this steam is to rotate steam turbine and to couple generator for produce electric. The use of the steam bean is very risky because of the relatively high velocity fluid that comes out of the previous step due to the narrowing of the flow. High velocity may cause huge turbulence which affects the rate of erosion in steam turbine blade. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of effect of mass flow rate of solid particle of the fluid toward the erosion rate in the blade using CFD. Variations of the mass flow rate of solid particle are 1 kg/s, 1,2 kg/s, 1,4 kg/s, 1,6 kg/s, 1,8 kg/s, and 2 kg/s. Simulation results shows that the increased mass flow rate of solid particle affects to the increasing the erosion rate

    Pengaruh Penambahan A-tokoferol Pada Media Pengencer Tris Kuning Telur Terhadap Kualitas Semen Cair Domba Garut

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    The study was conducted to know the influence of a- tocoferrol additional into the egg yolk tris extender medium to the liquid semen quality of “Garut” lamb (Ovis aries). Parameter which had been evaluated i.e. percentages of progressive motile sperm, percentages of viable sperm and percentages of plasma membrane. On the 4 th day evaluation showed that the addition of a- tocoferrol with the dose 0,04 g/100 ml into the egg yolk tris extender produced the highest percentages ofprogressive motile sperm, percentages of viable sperm and percentages of plasma membrane ( 49,0 ± 6,5%; 68,6 ± 4,2% and 59,3 ± 6,5% ) but there were not significantly different from control ( 45,5 ± 5%; 66,0 ± 4,6% and 56,2 ± 5,7% )and the addition of a- tocoferrol with the dose 0,02 g/100 ml ( 49,0 ± 6,5%; 66,6 ± 4,0% and 59,3 ± 2,8% ) respectively. In conclusion, the addition of a-tocoferrol in the egg yolk tris extender medium no significant effect on the liquid semen quality

    The Implementation Analysis of Internal Control on Credit Procedure of Working Capital (Case Study at PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawatimur Cabang Malang Tbk)

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    The provision or distribution of credit, mainly working capital credit, is the one business of a bank with high-risk. Risk in credit distribution is the occurrence of non-performing loans. The worst possibility is a lackof non-performing loans in the form of bad credit borrowers, which in this condition debtors are unable to repay the funds that the banks have been given. Non-performing loans can be calculated using the ratio of non-performing loans (NPL). The higher NPL ratios indicate a high level of non performing bank loans. High NPL ratios also indicate poor management of the systems and procedures in the distribution or provision of working capital loans. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur, known as Bank Jatim, is one of public bank that deal with working capital loans. The research on management of working capital credit in Bank Jatim done through interviews and documentation of secondary sources suggests that, Bank Jatim applied the system and procedures of credit distribution. Internal controls that applied in Bank Jatimalso performed extremely well, and give the results that the number of NPL ratio is close to zero percent over the next three years

    Perbaikan Kinerja Supply Chain Perusahaan Keripik Singkong Berdasarkan Analisis Product Availability

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    Level ketersediaan produk menjadi permasalahan pada objek penelitian ini karena adanya fluktuasi dan ketidak- pastian permintaan dari konsumen yang timbul ketika pelaku USAha telah menentukan cycle service level. Hal ini menjadi indikator kinerja supply chain dalam memenuhi ketersediaan produk dan menghindari kekurangan stok atau- pun kelebihan stok di siklus replenishment. Penelitian dilakukan di UD As-Salam, dan bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kinerja supply chain dari sisi product availability. Perlu ditetapkan optimal level of product availability agar mampu mengoptimalkan profit. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan penentuan optimal cycle service level, optimal order size, expected profit, dan analisis sensitivitas terhadap optimal cycle service level dengan expected profit. Hasil peneli- tian menunjukan bahwa nilai cost of understocking adalah Rp 4.144,00 dan cost of overstocking adalah Rp 6.573,00. Nilai optimal cycle service level dapat dicapai pada level 63% dengan optimal order size 2.842 kg per bulan. Nilai ini mampu memberikan profit sebesar Rp 11.043.570,00. Peningkatan kinerja berdasarkan analisa product availability akan memberikan peningkatan profit sebesar Rp 127.891,00 pada Perusahaan