17 research outputs found

    The cholera epidemic in South Africa, 1980 - 1987 Epidemiological features

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    During the cholera epidemic in South Africa, 1980-1987, 25251 cases of cholera were bacteriologically proven. The case-fatality rate was 1,4%. Outbreaks occurred in the summer rainfall season. Age-specific aUack rates followed the pattern typically found during the 'epidemic phase' of the disease in most years. The vast majority of patients were black South Africans living in rural areas with an average annual rainfall in excess of 600 mm. The containment strategy employed is summarised. Despite the apparent eradication of the disease, it is strongly recommended that vigilance should be maintained and investigations of all possible sources of infection and all human contacts of any new proven case should be carried out speedily and thoroughly

    National HIV surveillance - South Africa, 1990 - 1992

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    The findings of three annual surveys of women attending antenatal clinics (at the end of 1990,1991 and 1992) are presented here. These surveys form part of the National HIV Surveillance Programme. This programme is probably the most usefulmeans of monitoring the trend and distribution of the epidemic. In all strata, a consistent rise in the HIV prevalence rate was found; it doubled almost every 12 months. The point prevalence rate in antenatal clinic attenders in South Africa increased from 0,76% in 1990 to 1,49% in 1991 and 1,49% in 1992. The prevalence rate was found to vary widely geographically: Natal/KwaZulu formed the spearhead of the epidemic with a 4,77% rate of HIV infection in 1992. Venda and the Capeappeared to be the least affected with rates of 0,64% and 0,66% respectively

    The rôle of light in the life of plants II. The influence of light upon growth and differentiation

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