7 research outputs found

    Kajian Pola Penataan Massa dan Tipologi Bentuk Bangunan Kampung Adat Dukuh di Garut , Jawa Barat

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    Indonesiais an archipelago witha very wideborderswith everythingthe wealthinside.Withthe phenomenonof this countryis veryrich inethnicity, culture, language, culture andnatural resources, as well as thetraditionalsettlementof each region.TraditionalsettlementsinIndonesiais stillmaintainedanduphold thethe philosophyand the concept ofthe traditional forms.As oneexample,West Javaitself isvery rich incultureand customsof their ancestors.Contoured geological conditions affecting the pattern of the mass and shape of traditional Sundanesesettlement.Research on traditional village of Hamlet in arrowroot will use analytical description of the study methods, which describe and analyze filsofi, Masaa arrangement pattern, and Sundanese traditional building forms.Dukuh VillageCikeletGarutdistrict, where thevillageis atraditional Sundanesetraditionalvillagesthathave not changedin terms of bothforms ofthe building andbuilding materials used. In Dukuh Villageconsists of42houseswith the form, structureand materialsof massequal toa fixed amount. Dukuh Villageis boundby aruleforbuilding formsandmaterials used.The house islocatedina stagyDukuh Villagesquareshapedwithlongroof, stoodbased on therock.This study will examine the architectural concept of Sunda, mass structuring, and building typologies in traditional Sundanese village

    Pola Spasial Permukiman Kampoeng Batik Laweyan, Surakarta

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    Settlement is an entity from culture and existence of human to live, grow and survive. Man creates house in an environment as they need. Forming process of the settlement affected by physical and non-physical thing, such as social culture system, economy, government, education, or technology. Laweyan Village, Surakarta, is one of settlement which in its forming process affected by these factors. The society that has became batik workers and seller since 15th century form a special spatial pattern and settlement characteristic make it interesting to be researched with qualitative-descriptive method. The built and unbuilt areas of the settlement formed grid-linear settlement pattern. The un built areas are used for circulation as narrow streets or public squares. Public squares in settlement‟s nodes and private squares inside the dwellings kavling. The city image elements are nodes and landmarks. Settlement node as activity intersection. Batik statue and Al-Makmoer mosque as landmarks

    Fungsi dan Aktifitas Taman Ganesha sebagai Ruang Publik di Kota Bandung

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    The development concept of City Parks in Bandung has been forgotten, due to the lack of green space avaibility that houses the citizen to do social activities. The existence of Public Open Space is important as complementary elements of a city that serves as the lungs of the city. In the Dutch colonial era Bandung City\u27s Government applies Garden City concept that intended to anticipate the rapid development of Bandung city in the future, one of which is Ganesha Park. Ganesha Park was built to commemorate the services of a prominent founder of ITB, Dr. Ir. A. W. Ijzerman, so the formerly name was "Ijzerman Park". The park was designed aesthetically not only to absorb pollution but also as the beauty of the city to give freshness in daily routine. Ganesha Park currently function as Public Open Space in which the beauty and comfort makes many visitors come to the park to do various activities. This study will observes functions and activities that happen in Ganesha Park that can support activities of people around. This Public Open Space has important role for the citizen of Bandung in particular, because this POS serves as a place that can be physically and visually accessible by people, so people\u27s various activities can be done at the Park

    Kenyamanan Visual Ditinjau dari Orientasi Massa Bangunan dan Pengolahan Fasad

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    Kenyamanan Visual ditinjau dari Orientasi Massa Bangunan dan Pengolahan Fasad Apartemen Gateway, Bandung DWI KUSTIANINGRUM, YUDHA ARIEP MUHAMAD, MUHAMMAD RIZQIKA RAHMA, ARDI NASRUL WIJAYA, ARIFIN DWI PRAMANA Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur – Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Nasional E-mail : [email protected] ABSTRAK Bangunan adalah tempat berlindung bagi manusia, selain itu bangunan juga sebagai tempat beraktifitas manusianya. Untuk itu bangunan harus memiliki faktor yang menimbulkan Kenyamanan terhadap manusia. Kenyamanan suatu bangunan dapat dikategorikan dalam Kenyamanan termal (suhu, penghawaan), visual (penglihatan) dan akustik (Kenyamanan suara). Namun Kenyamanan itu sendiri lebih bersifat subjektif karena tingkat Kenyamanan setiap individu berbeda, tergantung dengan kondisi fisik dan kondisi tempat tinggal atau lingkungan. Adapun untuk faktor Kenyamanan visualnya, dapat dilihat dari orientasi bangunan yang terbentuk akibat gubahan massa dan penerapan desain fasad bangunan. Pada kajian ini akan dibahas mengenai Kenyamanan visual di Apartemen Gateway Cicadas dengan meneliti orientasi massa bangunan dan pengolahan fasadnya dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis. Hasildari kajian terkait orientasi massa Apartemen Gatewayadalah cukup baik karena bangunan memanfaatkan orientasi matahari dan sirkulasi angin,tetapipengolahan fasadnya belum memenuhi kebutuhan standar pencahayaan alami. Kata Kunci : Kenyamanan visual, orientasi bangunan, desain fasad. ABSTRACTA Building is a shelter place for human, except that a building is place for human activity. Therefore a building has a factor who create for human comfort. A comfortable of building can be categorized in the thermal comfort (temperature, air), visualization and acoustic (sound comfort). But a words of comfortable is subjective because an individual comfort levels is different, depending on the physical conditions and dwelling a conditions or an environment. Therefore, factor of visualization comfort in terms from building orientation which that establish a mass composition and an application of the building façade design. In this study will be discussing about visual comfort in Cicadas Gateway Apartment by an examine the building mass orientation and its facade processing using a descriptive-analytic method. The result of Gateway Apartement is good enough because the building abuse a sun orientation and wind circulation, but the façade processing is not satisfy standard needed of natural lightning

    Kajian Tatanan Massa dan Desain Bangunan Hotel Padma Bandung

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    Hotel is a commercial buildings and is an investment that is growing in Bandung. The concept of sustainable hotel building can be applied to the design of buildings and building operations. Padma Hotel is a hotel that respect the environment and use natural resources into the building design. Study of Padma Hotel aims to analyze the order of the mass of the building, building design, and the utilization of natural resources. The method used is descriptive that concluded that the order of the mass of the building, building design, and utilization of natural resources impact to create a sustainable building design. Padma Hotel Bandung has already implemented most aspects of the ecology but social and economic aspects have not been entirely fulfilled

    Sustainable Site : Kenyamanan Spasial pada Ruang Terbuka Publik Kampus Itenas Bandung

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    Ruang terbuka publik di kawasan kampus itenas terbentuk dari pola tatanan massa yang dapat bersifat katalisator bagi perkembangan interaksi dan komunitas civitas akademika.. Interaksi antar civitas akademika dapat terjadi karena Kenyamanan beraktifitas. Ruang yang responsif terhadap aktifitas memiliki kriteria, salah satunya dalam Kenyamanan spatial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi Kenyamanan spatial di ruang terbuka publik itenas. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan metoda kualitatif dengan pengambilan data melalui observasi, kuesioner dan dokumentasi di periode waktu tertentu. Metoda analisis menggunakan metoda deskriptif. Hasil penelitian teridentifikasi hanya beberapa tempat yang menjadi titik kumpul mahasiswa dengan Kenyamanan spatial tercapai dengan alasan tempat tersebut masuk kategori area teduh dan nyaman. Walaupun dari sisi elemen publik space di beberapa tempat belum terlengkapi namun mahasiswa dapat menggunakan elemen lain untuk mendukung aktifitasnya