8 research outputs found

    Role of student scientific society in forming professional motivation of students

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    The article presents the activities of the student scientific society of the department of propaedeutics of internal diseases. It is shown the contribution of student scientific society to the formation of professional motivation of students during 10 years, besides, some problems are identified, and it is shown the ways to improve the effectiveness of scientific activities for professional and personal growth of students.В статье представлена работа студенческого научного общества (СНО) кафедры пропедевтики внутренних болезней. На основании анализа деятельности СНО кафедры за 10 лет показан его вклад в формирование профессиональной мотивации студентов, выявлены проблемы и определены пути повышения эффективности работы СНО для профессионального и личностного роста студентов

    Heart Rhythm of the Ocean Quahog Arctica Islandica

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    . We studied the cardiac activity of the ocean quahog (Arctica islandica) and identified the precise point on the mollusc's shell at which the heart rate can be successfully monitored remotely. The heartbeat pattern was markedly unstable. Moreover, irregular cardiac arrests were observed in every monitored mollusc. Keywords: Arctica islandica, cardiac activity, heart rat

    Cruise report of R/V SONNE Cruise 102, Valparaiso - Valparaiso, 9.5. -28.6.95

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    The near coastal upwelling region off Chile and Peru is one of the most productive regions of the world ocean. In cooperation between the University of Bremen and institutes in Chile, Denmark and Sweden the carbon cycle in this, on a global scale, important area will be studied. The aim of this studies is the investigation of the present day cycling of carbon and the reconstruction of paleoenvironmental conditions, focusing on paleoproductivity, through the late Quaternary climatic cycles. Only very little is known so far about the southern part of the Peru/Chile current and about its youngest geological history. Because this is one of the most important high productivity regions of the world ocean, a detailed knowledge about the paleoproductivity is necessary to assess the role of this system throughout the late Quaternary climatic variations. A detailed study of the oceanographic and biologic conditions about the entire width of the Peru/Chile current in combination with surface sediment data will help to understand the present-day sedimentation processes with this region. In addition, this expedition provided the excellent opportunity to repeat the oceanographic measurements done during the SCORPIO cruise 28 years ago. By this repetition, variations in water mass structure and composition and changes as e.g. global warming can be detected. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RO 7630(68) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Chronobiology and Chronopharmacology of the Haemopoietic System

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