9 research outputs found

    Persepsi Pengguna Fasilitas Zona Selamat Sekolah

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    School Safety Zone, as an instrument to reduce traffic speed in a school area, has been implemented in Indonesia. This study tried to evaluate the effectiveness of the School Safety Zone based on the perception of its users, including students, teachers, parents, and travelers around the school. The results show that most ofthe respondents understand very well the meaning and the purpose of the School Safety Zone. However, it is also found that “Four Ts” method has not been recognized well by the respondents


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    Kesuksesan siswa dalam pemecahan masalah sangat tergantung kepada kemampuan siswa merepresentasikan masalah dan setiap perkembangan representasi yang lebih tinggi dipengaruhi oleh representasi lainnya. Penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan survey dengan metode deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengungkap dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan representasi dan disposisi matematis berdasarkan daya matematika (mathematical power) mahasiswa. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa (calon guru matematika) semester ganjil tahun akademik 2015/2016 Prodi Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang. Jumlah mahasiswa dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 29 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes representasi matematis, angket disposisi matematis dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa representasi dipengaruhi oleh aspek disposisi matematis seseorang, melalui disposisi positif akan membantu peningkatan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap konsep matematika. Selanjutnya representasi matematis akan meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi, melakukan konjektur dan pemecahan masalah. Secara umum disposisi dan representasi matematis sangat berperan dalam peningkatan kompetensi daya matematika (mathematical power) mahasiswa

    The Role of Mathematical Representation and Disposition in Improving Students\u27 Mathematical Power

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    The success of students in problem solving is highly dependent on the ability of students representing each developmental problems and a higher representation influenced by other representations. The aim of research to uncover and describe the capabilities and dispositions mathematical representation based on the students\u27 mathematical power. The subjects were students (prospective teachers of mathematics) academic year 2015/2016 Mathematics Education Department, Sultan Agung Islamic University. The numbers of students in this study were 29 students. The data collection technique using a mathematical representation tests, mathematical disposition questionnaires and interviews. The study concluded that the representation is affected by the disposition of the mathematical aspects of a person, through a positive disposition will help increase students\u27 understanding of mathematical concepts. Furthermore, the mathematical representation will improve communication skills, perform conjecture and troubleshooting. In general disposition and mathematical representation was instrumental in enhancing the competence of the students\u27 mathematical power

    Ontological Misconception in Mathematics Teaching in Elementary Schools

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    Elementary school teachers in Indonesia are required to master many subjects to be taught to their students. It is undeniable that the teachers' mastery of knowledge (material) in some subjects inadequate. Therefore, it is worth to argue that there was a misconception in mathematics teaching in elementary schools. This research was designed using a qualitative approach. The participants of this study were 30 elementary school teachers in Semarang city area, Central Java province, Indonesia. The research data were obtained through questionnaires, and interviews. The purpose of the study was to discuss the types and causes of the misconception of mathematics teaching in elementary schools. Alternative solutions were also presented to problem-solving so that misconceptions do not occur anymore in mathematics teaching. The findings show that, teachers evenly experience types of misconceptions: (1) pre-conception, (2) under-generalization, (3) over-generalization, (4) modelling error, (5) prototyping error; and (6) process-object error in teaching mathematics in elementary schools. Some misconceptions have taken root and are difficult to remove, called "ontological misconceptions" because of teachers' years of belief that the knowledge they received was true when in fact it was not quite right