14 research outputs found

    The emergence of quantum capacitance in epitaxial graphene

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    We found an intrinsic redistribution of charge arises between epitaxial graphene, which has intrinsically n-type doping, and an undoped substrate. In particular, we studied in detail epitaxial graphene layers thermally elaborated on C-terminated 4H4H-SiCSiC (4H4H-SiCSiC (0001ˉ000{\bar{1}})). We have investigated the charge distribution in graphene-substrate systems using Raman spectroscopy. The influence of the substrate plasmons on the longitudinal optical phonons of the SiCSiC substrates has been detected. The associated charge redistribution reveals the formation of a capacitance between the graphene and the substrate. Thus, we give for the first time direct evidence that the excess negative charge in epitaxial monolayer graphene could be self-compensated by the SiCSiC substrate without initial doping. This induced a previously unseen redistribution of the charge-carrier density at the substrate-graphene interface. There a quantum capacitor appears, without resorting to any intentional external doping, as is fundamentally required for epitaxial graphene. Although we have determined the electric field existing inside the capacitor and revealed the presence of a minigap (4.3meV\approx 4.3meV) for epitaxial graphene on 4H4H-SiCSiC face terminated carbon, it remains small in comparison to that obtained for graphene on face terminated SiSi. The fundamental electronic properties found here in graphene on SiCSiC substrates may be important for developing the next generation of quantum technologies and electronic/plasmonic devices.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, available online as uncorrected proof, Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2016

    Quasi-Two-Dimensional Luminescent Silicon Nanosheets

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    Although predicted to be stable under ambient conditions, the experimental synthesis of silicene-the two-dimensional silicon analogue of graphene-has been a great challenge. Here, we report the preparation of scalable quantities of crystalline nanosheets of two-dimensional silicon by simple topochemical exfoliation of layered Zintl phases. The simple process leads to the formation of stacked layers of 2D Si nanosheets which are arbitrarily surface terminated with oxygen, hydrogen, hydroxide, and other ligands. The nanosheets exhibit strong room-temperature photoluminescence, and their overall spectroscopic characteristics closely resemble other forms of silicon nanocrystals. Remarkably, the pelletized nanosheets exhibit significantly high Hall mobility even in the absence of any doping or surface treatment, which is better than the reported values of doped Si nanosystems. Such ensembles of two-dimensional nanosheets of silicon bear the signature of exotic electronic properties and represent important building blocks in two-dimensional electronics along with potential applications in solar cells, next-generation thermoelectric materials, and sensors

    A genomic data archive from the Network for Pancreatic Organ donors with Diabetes

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    Abstract The Network for Pancreatic Organ donors with Diabetes (nPOD) is the largest biorepository of human pancreata and associated immune organs from donors with type 1 diabetes (T1D), maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD), type 2 diabetes (T2D), gestational diabetes, islet autoantibody positivity (AAb+), and without diabetes. nPOD recovers, processes, analyzes, and distributes high-quality biospecimens, collected using optimized standard operating procedures, and associated de-identified data/metadata to researchers around the world. Herein describes the release of high-parameter genotyping data from this collection. 372 donors were genotyped using a custom precision medicine single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray. Data were technically validated using published algorithms to evaluate donor relatedness, ancestry, imputed HLA, and T1D genetic risk score. Additionally, 207 donors were assessed for rare known and novel coding region variants via whole exome sequencing (WES). These data are publicly-available to enable genotype-specific sample requests and the study of novel genotype:phenotype associations, aiding in the mission of nPOD to enhance understanding of diabetes pathogenesis to promote the development of novel therapies