37 research outputs found

    Spin-orbital polarons in electron doped copper oxides

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    Present work demonstrates the formation of spin-orbital polarons in electron doped copper oxides, that arise due to doping-induced polarisation of the oxygen orbitals in the CuO2_2 planes. The concept of such polarons is fundamentally different from previous interpretations. The novel aspect of spin-orbit polarons is best described by electrons becoming self-trapped in one-dimensional channels created by polarisation of the oxygen orbitals. The one-dimensional channels form elongated filaments with two possible orientations, along the diagonals of the elementary CuO2_2 square plaquette. As the density of doped electrons increases multiple filaments are formed. These may condense into a single percollating filamentary phase. Alternatively, the filaments may cross perpendicularly to create an interconnected conducting quasi-one-dimensional web. At low electron doping the antiferromagnetic (AFM) state and the polaron web coexist. As the doping is increased the web of filaments modifies and transforms the AFM correlations leading to a series of quantum phase transitions - which affect the normal and superconducting state properties.Comment: Please cite this article as: A. Kusmartseva, H. Yu, K. Jin, F.V. Kusmartsev, Spin-orbital polarons in electron doped copper oxides, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2017), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm. 2017.11.02

    How can Trump win?

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    In this paper, the McCulloch-Pitts model built on an artificial neuron is first introduced briefly, followed by a modified model – the coupled network model to describe social opinion network in period of the presidential election. To illustrate the new model, its formalism and analytical results on fixed points will be stated step by step. Then, we investigate the dependence on the ratio of the initial conditions so that we could find out more on relationship between current information and preference on final results. Finally, U.S. election campaign in 2016 will be examined comprehensively including support rates, possible preference, time series analysis, and period analysis. Besides mathematical research, we also take real-life activities into consideration. For example, Trump used Twitter to help his view spreading and take advantage of the underlying uncertainty to some extent

    From Mott state to superconductivity in-1T-TaS

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    The search for the coexistence between superconductivity and other collective electronic states in many instances promoted the discovery of novel states of matter. The manner in which the different types of electronic order combine remains an ongoing puzzle. 1T-TaS is a layered material, and the only transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) known to develop the Mott phase. Here, we show the appearance of a series of low-temperature electronic states in 1T-TaS with pressure: the Mott phase melts into a textured charge-density wave (CDW); superconductivity develops within the CDW state, and survives to very high pressures, insensitive to subsequent disappearance of the CDW state and, surprisingly, also the strong changes in the normal state. This is also the first reported case of superconductivity in a pristine 1T-TMD compound. We demonstrate that superconductivity first develops within the state marked by a commensurability-driven, Coulombically frustrated, electronic phase separation

    Large magnetoresistances and non-Ohmic conductivity in EuWO[1+x]N[2-x]

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    The magnetic field and voltage dependent electronic transport properties of EuWO[1+x]N[2-x] ceramics are reported. Large negative magnetoresistances are observed at low temperatures, up to 70% in the least doped (x=0.09) material. Non-Ohmic conduction emerges below the 12 K Curie transition. This is attributed to a microstructure of ferromagnetic conducting and antiferromagnetic insulating regions resulting from small spatial fluctuations in the chemical doping

    Morphological imperfections of epitaxial graphene: from a hindrance to the generation of new photo-responses in the visible domain

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    We report the discovery of remarkable photo-physical phenomena with characteristics unique to epitaxial graphene grown on 6H-SiC (000-1). Surprisingly, the graphene electrical resistance increases under light illumination in contrast to conventional materials where it normally decreases. The resistance shows logarithmic temperature dependences which may be attributed to an Altshuler-Aronov effect. We show that the photoresistance depends on the frequency of the irradiating light, with three lasers (red, green, and violet) used to demonstrate the phenomenon. The counterintuitive rise of the positive photoresistance may be attributed to a creation of trapped charges upon irradiation. We argue that the origin of the photoresistance is related to the texture formed by graphene flakes. The photovoltage also exists and increases with light intensity. However, its value saturates quickly with irradiation and does not change in time. The saturation of the photovoltage may be associated with the formation of a quasi-equilibrium state of the excited electrons and holes associated with a charge redistribution between the graphene and SiC substrate. The obtained physical picture is in agreement with the photoresistance measurements: X-Ray photoelectron spectrometry "XPS", atomic force microscopy "AFM", Raman spectroscopy and the magnetic dependence of photo resistance decay measurements. We also observed non-decaying photoresistance and linear magnetoresistance in magnetic fields up to 1 T. We argue that this is due to topological phases, spontaneously induced by persistent current formation within graphene flake edges by magnetic fields

    Ising model – an analysis, from opinions to neuronal states

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    Here we have developed a mathematical model of a random neuron network with two types of neurons: inhibitory and excitatory. Every neuron was modelled as a functional cell with three states, parallel to hyperpolarised, neutral and depolarised states in vivo. These either induce a signal or not into their postsynaptic partners. First a system including just one network was simulated numerically using the software developed in Python. Our simulations show that under physiological initial conditions, the neurons in the network all switch off, irrespective of the initial distribution of states. However, with increased inhibitory connections beyond 85%, spontaneous oscillations arise in the system. This raises the question whether there exist pathologies where the increased amount of inhibitory connections leads to uncontrolled neural activity. There has been preliminary evidence elsewhere that this may be the case in autism and down syndrome [1-4]. At the next stage we numerically studied two mutually coupled networks through mean field interactions. We find that via a small range of coupling constants between the networks, pulses of activity in one network are transferred to the other. However, for high enough coupling there appears a very sudden change in behaviour. This leads to both networks oscillating independent of the pulses applied. These uncontrolled oscillations may also be applied to neural pathologies, where unconnected neuronal systems in the brain may interact via their electromagnetic fields. Any mutations or diseases that increase how brain regions interact can induce this pathological activity resonance. Our simulations provided some interesting insight into neuronal behaviour, in particular factors that lead to emergent phenomena in dynamics of neural networks. This can be tied to pathologies, such as autism, Down's syndrome, the synchronisation seen in parkinson's and the desynchronisation seen in epilepsy. The model is very general and also can be applied to describe social network and social pathologies

    Pressure induced evolution of superconductivity and magnetic hourglass dispersion in Fe1.02Te0.7Se0.3

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    Iron based high temperature superconductors have several common features with superconducting cuprates, including the square lattice and the proximity to an antiferromagnetic phase. The magnetic excitation spectrumbelowTc of Fe1.02Te0.7Se0.3 shows an hourglass-shaped dispersion with a resonance around the commensurate point . In a previous inelastic neutron scattering study, we showed that the hourglass-shaped dispersion is most likely a prerequisite for superconductivity, while the consequences are the opening of a gap and a shift of spectral weight. In this paper we follow the evolution of the hourglass shaped dispersion under applied pressure up to 12 kbar. Our results show that that the pressure-induced 37% increase of Tc is concomitant with a change in the magnetic excitation spectrum, with an increase of the hourglass energy by 38%

    Incommensurate spin order in the metallic perovskite MnVO3

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    Incommensurate Mn spin order has been discovered in the perovskite MnVO3 containing localized 3d5 Mn2+ and itinerant 3d1 V4+ states. This phase has a distorted Pnma crystal structure (a = 5.2741(6) Å, b = 7.4100(11) Å, and c = 5.1184(8) Å at 300 K) and is metallic at temperatures of 2-300 K and at pressures of up to 67 kbar. Neutron scattering reveals a (0.29 0 0) magnetic vector below the 46 K spin ordering transition, and both helical and spin density wave orderings are consistent with the diffraction intensities. Electronic structure calculations show large exchange splittings of the Mn and V 3d bands, and (kx 0 0) crossings of the Fermi energy by spin up and down V 3d bands may give rise to Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida coupling of Mn moments, in addition to their superexchange interactions. © 2011 American Physical Society

    Anomalous in-plane magnetoresistance of electron-doped cuprate La2−xCexCuO4±δ

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    We report systematic in-plane magnetoresistance measurements on the electron-doped cuprate La2−xCexCuO4±δ thin films as a function of Ce doping and oxygen content in the magnetic field up to 14T. A crossover from negative to positive magnetoresistance occurs between the doping level x = 0.07 and 0.08. Above x = 0.08, the positive magnetoresistance effect appears, and is almost indiscernible at x = 0.15. By tuning the oxygen content, the as-grown samples show negative magnetoresistance effect, whereas the optimally annealed ones display positive magnetoresistance effect at the doping level x = 0.15. Intriguingly, a linear-field dependence of in-plane magnetoresistance is observed at the underdoping level x = 0.06, the optimal doping level x = 0.1 and slightly overdoping level x = 0.11. These anomalies of in-plane magnetoresistance may be related to the intrinsic inhomogeneity in the cuprates, which is discussed in the framework of network model

    Possible high-pressure orbital quantum criticality and an emergent resistive phase in PbRuO<sub>3</sub>

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    The orbital ordering transition in the metallic perovskite PbRuO3 is suppressed from 90 K at ambient pressure towards zero temperature at 50 kbar, where non-Fermi liquid resistivity with a temperature exponent n = 1.6 is observed. This evidences a possible quantum critical point brought about by orbital fluctuations, rather than spin fluctuations as observed in Sr3Ru2O7 and heavy fermion conductors. An anomalous increase of resistivity is observed at pressures above ∼100 kbar, and a transition to a more resistive, possibly semiconducting, phase is observed at 300 kbar and ambient temperature. © 2013 American Physical Society