55 research outputs found

    Uji Stabilitas Hasil Umbi 7 Genotip Kentang Di Dataran Tinggi Pulau Jawa

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    Untuk mengetahui stabilitas 7 genotip kentang pada berbagai kondisi lingkungan di Pulau Jawa, telah dilakukan uji multilokasi. Lokasi pengujan adalah 2 kali di Pangalengan dan Garut, masing-masing sekali di Lembang, Cipanas, Ciwidey, Magelang, Banjarnegara, dan Pasuruan. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan acak kelompok dengan 4 ulangan setiap petak percobaan ditanami 30 tanaman. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa satu-satunya genotip yang stabil adalah I-1085 dengan nilai koefisien regresi b=1 dan simpangan regresi δij=0. Genotip Atlantik menghendaki lingkungan yang menguntungkan ditandai dengan nilai b>1, sebaliknya genotip Panda dapat beradaptasi pada lingkungan yang kurang menguntungkan dengan nilai b<1. Potensi hasil tinggi ditampilkan oleh genotip 380584.3 (33,5 t/ha) dan genotip FBA-4 (28,1 t/ha) dengan b=1 namun δij=0.Yield stability evaluation of 7 potato genotypes in highland of Jawa Island. The aim of the research was to observe tuber yield stability of 7 potato genotypes at different environment of Jawa Island. Multilocation trials were located at Pangalengan and Garut for 2 seasons, Lembang, Cipanas, Ciwidey, Magelang, Banjarnegara, and Pasuruan (1 season) respectively. Experimental was arranged in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications, consisted of 30 plants per plot. The results of the experiment indicated that genotypes of I-1085 were stable to all location, showed by b=1and δij =0. Whereas, Atlantic was adapted to favorable environments showed by b>1. Panda was adapted to unfavorable environment showed by b<1. The highest tuber yield were obtained from genotypes 380584.3 (33.5 t/ha) and FBA-4 (28.1 t/ha), with b=1 but δij=0

    Uji Adaptasi Klon Kentang Hasil Persilangan Varietas Atlantik Sebagai Bahan Baku Keripik Kentang Di Dataran Tinggi Pangalengan

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    Industri besar yang mengolah keripik kentang masih sangat jarang karena terbatasnya bahan baku. Keterbatasan bahan baku tidak hanya terjadi pada industri besar dan menengah, namun industri kecil pun kesulitan untuk mendapatkan bahan baku yang sesuai dengan keinginan pengolah. Tujuan penelitian ialah mendapatkan klon kentang yang sesuai untuk bahan baku keripik dan berdaya hasil tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kampung Cibunian, Desa Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung dengan ketinggian tempat 1300 m dpl., dari Bulan September sampai dengan Desember 2011. Penelitian ditata dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan 20 perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Jumlah tanaman per plot 20 tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa genotip CV 9 menampilkan hasil tertinggi (31,9 t/ha) diikuti CV 2, (29,2 t/ha), CV 6 (25 t/ha), dan CV 14 (24,4 t/ha) nyata lebih tinggi daripada varietas pembanding Atlantik (9,8 t/ha). Untuk olahan keripik terbaik ialah genotip CV 4, CV 14, CV 12, CV 9, dan CV 13 menampilkan hasil gorengan sebanding dengan varietas Atlantik. Genotip CV 9 dan CV 14 selain berpotensi hasil tinggi, juga cocok digunakan sebagai bahan baku olahan keripik. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan diperoleh klon baru yang menjadi komponen industri pengolahan kentang, baik skala besar maupun skala rumah tangga

    Evaluasi Resistensi 26 Genotip Kentang Terhadap Penyakit Busuk Daun Di Cibodas, Lembang

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    Evaluasi Resistensi 26 genotip kentang terhadap penyakit busuk daun telah dilaksanakan di Cibodas Lembang,Kabupaten Bandung(1.400 m dpl), mulai bulan Sep tem ber 2000 sampai dengan Pebruari 2001. Rancangan percobaanyang digunakan adalah petak terpisah dengan petak utama adalah perlakuan proteksi dan nonproteksi sedangkansebagai anak petak adalah 26 genotip kentang. Percobaan diulang dua kali. Setiap petak perlakuan terdiri dari 10tanaman. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan genotip yang resisten terhadap serangan penyakit busuk daun.Dihasilkan delapan genotip yaitu R5, R9, LBr-2, LBr-40, LBr-46, R1R2, R3R4, dan cruza -148 dengan nilai AUDPCuntuk masing-masing genotip berkisar antara 9 - 219, sedangkan nilai AUDPC untuk genotip pembanding gra nolaadalah 1786. Potensi hasil tertinggi pada plot disemprot fungisida dihasilkan oleh genotip LBr-46 (45,8 t/ha), LBr-40(35,4 t/ha), yungay (30,8 t/ha), R8 (29,9 t/ha) desiree (29,7 t/ha), dan spunta (23,4 t/ ha) nyata lebih tinggi daripadagra nola (23,0 t/ha). Sementara pada plot tanpa disemprot fungisida hasil tertinggi dicapai oleh genotip LBr-40 (27,7t/ha), LBr-2 (22,8 t/ha), LBr-46 (22,0 t/ha), dan gra nola hanya (0,6 t/ha). Fungisida masih diperlukan sekalipun untukgenotip yang resisten karena dapat memberikan penambahan hasil yang sangat berarti seperti pada klon LBr-40 danLBr-46.Re sis tance eval u a tion of 26 po tato ge no types to late blight at Cibodas, Lembang.Eval u a tion of re sis tance of 26 po tato ge no types against late blight was con ducted at Cibodas, Lembang, Bandung1400 m el e va tion from Sep tem ber 2000 un til Feb ru ary 2001. The ex per i men tal de sign used was split plot with tworep li ca tions. Spray ing and non spray ing with fun gi cides were the main plot. Whereas, the 26 ge no types were the sub -plot. Each treat ment plot con sisted of a 10 plants. The ob jec tive of the re search is to ob serve the re sis tance and highyield ing ge no types. The re sults in di cated that 7 ge no types were re sis tance to late blight they were R5, R9, LBr-2,LBr-40, LBr-46, R1R2R3R4 and cruza -148. The AUDPC scores for those ge no types ranged form 9 to 219. Whereas,va ri ety Gra nola was had AUDPC score of 1786. The high est yield ing ge no types from pro tected plot were showed byLBr-46 (45.8 t/ha), LBr-40 (35.4 t/ha ), yungay (30.8 t/ha), R8 (29.9 t/ha) desiree (29.7 t/ha), and spunta (23.4 t/ ha)was sig nif i cantly higher than gra nola (23.0 t/ha). Whereas, the high est yield ing from un pro tected plot were showed byLBr-40 (27.7), Lbr- 2 (23.9 t/ha), and LBr-46 (22.0 t/ha) . Whereas, Gra nola was yielded 0.6 t/ha only. Ap pli ca tionfungisides in small quan tity for re sis tance ge no types such as LBr-40 and LBr-46 is still needed to obtaint higheryield ing

    Evaluasi Beberapa Klon Kentang Asal Stek Batang Untuk Uji Ketahanan Terhadap Phytophthora Infestans

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    . The experiment was conducted at Cibodas Lembang, Bandung district 1,400 m asl from No- vember 2000 until March 2001. The experimental design used was split plot with two replications. Spray and nonspray were the main plot and 21 potato clones were the subplot. Each treatment plot consisted of 10 plants . The objective of the research was to observe the resistant and high yielding clones. The results indicated that 12 clones were resistance to late blight they were ingabire, Lbr-2, Lbr-40, Lbr-18, cruza -148, idiaf 92, I-1085, MF-I, MF-II, biota, denva, and clone 20. The area under diseases progress curve (AUDPC) scores for those clones ranged from 49 to 581, whereas, the AUDPC score of granola variety was 1873. The highest yielding clones were obtained from ingabire followed by clones, Lbr-18, I-1085, idiaf-92, LBr-40, MF-II , biota, clone 20, and cruza-148 were higher than variety control (granola)

    Paradigma Al-Qur'an: Model Analisis Tafsir Maqasidi Dalam Pemikiran Kuntowijoyo

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    This article assumes that Kuntowijoyo's thought can be grouped into the maqasidi thought movement, because of his treatment of the objectivication of the verses of the Qur'an in search for God's intention based on the scientific measurement. His difference from the thinkers of maqasidi in general lies on the use of epistemology. Maqasidi thinkers uses in general usul al-fiqh as their epistemological tool of analysis, whereas Kuntowijoyo deploys social sciences' epistemology. This library research finds that the characteristics of Kuntowijoyo's interpretation of the Qur'an can be included into the spirit of maqasidi scientific interpretation with a tendency of con- structing scientific knowledge based on the Qur'an. His characteristics of tafsir maqasidi can be grouped as manhaj din (religious methodology) atau in his word, (Quranic paradigm.

    Menimbang Kodrat Perempuan antara Nilai Budaya dan Kategori Analisis

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    This paper discusses the term ‘kodrat perempuan' as a cultural value as well as a category of analysis. As a cultural value, kodrat perempuan reflects ideal measurement and standard of woman's role. Meanwhile, as a category of analysis, it used to explain social realities where domestication and discrimination and their implications towards woman's role can be elucidated. The source of discourse including religious discursive source plays an important role in constructing the meanings of kodrat either as a cultural value or as a category of analysis

    Produksi Dan Mutu Umbi Klon Kentang Dan Kesesuaiannya Sebagai Bahan Baku Kentang Gor Eng Dan Keripik Kentang

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus sampai dengan No vem ber 2002 di Pangalengan dengan ketinggiantempat 1.300 m dpl. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui produksi dan mutu serta mendapatkan klon yangcocok sebagai bahan baku keripik dan kentang gor eng. Klon dan varietas yang diuji sebanyak 16, terdiri dari 13 klonyang berasal dari CIP dan tiga varietas pembanding. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok dengan tigaulangan, masing-masing unit penelitian terdiri dari 20 tanaman. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa klonmerbabu-17 diikuti klon 380584.3, AGB 69.1, dan MF-II menampilkan hasil tinggi masing-masing 57,9; 44,4; 41;8;dan 41,1 t/ha yang nyata lebih tinggi dari varietas pembanding atlantik (28,5 t/ha) dan panda (25,2 t/ha). Untukproporsi umbi konsumsi tertinggi adalah klon I-1085 (87%), CFQ 69.1 (84%), dan TS-2 (83%) yang nyata lebih tinggidaripada varietas atlantik (60%) dan panda (64%). Spe cific grav ity tertinggi adalah klon TS-2 (1.095), FBA-4 (1.084),378501.3 (1.084), I-1085 (1.084), panda (1.082), atlantik (1.080), dan MF-II (1.072). Klon terbaik untuk industrikeripik adalah TS-2 dan MF-II sementara untuk kentang gor eng adalah TS-2 dan I-1085. Dampak dari penelitian inimemberikan informasi mengenai klon prosesing harapan untuk diusulkan dilepas sebagai varietas baru.Kata kunci : Klon kentang; Umbi bibit; Produksi; Mutu umbi; Kentang olahanAB STRACT. Kusmana and R.S. Basuki, 2004. Yield and qual ity of po tato clones tu bers and meets as raw ma -te rial for chips and french fries. The ex per i ment was con ducted at Pangalengan at el e va tion of 1,300 m asl. Ob jec -tives of the re search were to ob tain promissing clones for raw ma te rial of chips and french fries. Plant ing was done onAu gust and har vest was on No vem ber 2002. The ex per i men tal de sign was ran dom ized com plete block de sign withthree rep li ca tions. Num bers of plant per plot were 20 hills. Num ber of clones tested were 16 in cluded 3 con trol va ri -et ies. The re sults proved that the high yield ing clones were ob tained from clones merbabu-17 (57.9) fol lowed by380584.3 (44.4), AGB 69.1 (41.8) and MF-II (41.1) t/ha and sig nif i cantly dif fer ent from con trol va ri et ies of at lan tic(28.5) and panda (25.2) t/ha. The high est mar ket able yield were ob tained from clones I-1085 (87%), CFQ 69.1 (84%),and TS-2 (83%) sig nif i cantly dif fer ent to at lan tic (60%) and panda (64%). The high of spe cific grav ity were ob tainedfrom clones TS-2 (1.095), FBA-4 (1.084), 378501.3 (1.084), I-1085 (1.084), panda (1.082), at lan tic (1.080), andMF-II (1.072) . The best clones for chip were TS-2 and MF-II. Whereas, the best clones for french fries were TS-2 andI-1085. The im pact of the reserch was pro vide in for ma tion about ad vanced proscessing clones to sub mit for re leas ingthe va ri et ies

    The Integration of Knowledge and Uin Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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    In this chance, the integration is discussed in the context of UIN Syarif Hidayatullahin some important points, those are, what UIN has and wants as well as where UINwill take its development of institution with this integration of knowledge. The understanding of knowledge integration is framed in the meaning of dialogue interaction in which knowledge, science, and religion are proportionally and openly positioned for coexistence and interaction. When the book of Scientific Integration was written, UIN\u27s vision and mission were directed to develop Research University. Meanwhile, the next direction of development up to now continues the previous wisdom by promoting its wish to the level over it; that is, leading to World Class University. In fact, the developmental core of the two aspirations is the same; that is, to increase the research tradition at UIN Jakarta. New identity formulation through scientific integration formulation and new aspiration formulation actually constitutes the institutional endeavors to fill ruh (spirit) over the process of transformation and new institutional existence; that is university

    Modern discourse of woman’s ideal role in Indonesia Tafsir Al-Qur’an of Ibu and female agency

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    The discourse of Ibu in tafsir does not follow its discourse in the Qur’an which is just and equal, yet considers carefully on its existing practices in the history of humankind prior to the prophecy of Muhammad, and in the time of the Qur’anic revelation. Muslim scholars including Muslim women scholars from time to time especially in modern era re-produce, modify, and produce different narrations which often fall into the reduction of the Qur’an’s just and equal description of female agency. Using modern Indonesian context, this study discusses Muslim scholars’ narration of Ibu agency. The study deploys a descriptive-analytic method using Anthony Giddens’s perspective of agency, and the data is gathered through library review. Interviews are also used to substantiate the discussion. The study finds that they are beginning to make significant contribution to the discourse of woman in general and Ibu in particular

    Contemporary interpretation of Kodrat Prempuan : local discourse of muslim women's leadership in Indonesia

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    This study discusses the contemporary interpretation of local women’s leadership framed in the lens of constructed female nature, and of cultural citizenship. The study contests the view which asserts that constructed woman kodrat deeply impedes woman’s social engagement. It argues that kodrat does hinder women's participation but not totally. In other words, the perception of kodrat supports limitedly women's participation. It means women have space and opportunity to socially engage but within the limitation of the perception of kodrat. The scope of this limitation is fluid and can be changed over times and contexts depending on women’s situation and capacities themselves. The more conducive the context they live in and the more capacities they have, the more probable women are able to engage socially. So, basically it discusses women's strategies (experiences) in their effort to bypass the limitations. In this Reformasi era, where democratization and gender equity development are occupying greater space in the Indonesian landscape, opportunities for women’s social engagement are also greater. The challenges of cultural (locally derived) exclusiveness and religious radicalism may also hinder women’s space and opportunities for social activity. However, these challenges certainly will not close space and opportunity to do so, because the opposite powers – democratization and the gender equality movement- are supporting an increased engagement of women in society. The study focuses on the women leadership based on four cases of woman as Nyai, Ibu or Ummi, Posyandu Kader, woman head of village or urban village, of sub-district, and female member of local parliament (MP) in Tasikmalaya Regency and City. On in one hand, it deals with leadership experience of women in these four cases. On the other hand, it also examines the dynamics of their experience. It is interesting to see on how their struggle to have more public space within their marginality had gone so far, as well as on how they take advantages of the new situation, the Reformasi era for their own interests of their leadership. As a descriptive study, this thesis deploys Anthony Giddens’s perspective of agency in discussing its findings. The data are arranged into categories, sub-categories and terms, identifying internal and external factor that influence woman social engagement. Internally, it examines woman’s strategies in handling barriers they face, and shortcomings they have. Externally, it also discusses influences that create conditions for women's participation through the analysis of state policies and media’s coverage of women's issues, particularly in the four targeted themes. The study is based on the field work in Tasikmalaya Kota and Kabupaten which was conducted 8 months from the middle of august 2008 to middle of April 2009 and about the same period from April to November 2010. This study concludes that the perception of the constructed kodrat perempuan is an important factor that determines many women’s civic engagement in the site where the study took place, Tasikmalaya Regency and City. The significance of this study is that it concentrates on the perceptions of various agents -- including the State, religious and social agents, educators, politicians, health activists, etc., -- who all participate in the formulation of what they see as women’s ideal roles and by so doing construct the kodrat perempuan. This study confirms Robinson’s and Blackburn’s conclusion that kodrat perempuan has often been framed as a source of the restriction of women’s civic engagement (Robinson, 2009. p. 192; Blackburn, 2004. p. 223, 229). However, this study finds that women in Tasikmalaya deal with kodrat pragmatically and realistically use it as source of engagement. Rather than seeing kodrat only as a restriction, in Tasikmalaya, women actually managed to create certain degree of space, opportunity and links to engage in social activities. In other words, outside the existing restrictions, women empower themselves and they find solutions suited to them to enable them to get actively engaged in local leadership. Finally, the study also finds that in its wider discourse where the interrelation of the practices of the agents, the State, and the news take place, woman’s civic engagement, seeing from the expression of cultural citizenship, represents their effort to pave the way to become fully equal citizens
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