45 research outputs found
Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the rising sun (Far East Asia): phylogeny, systematics, and distribution
Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) is a diverse family with around 700 species being widespread in the Northern Hemisphere and Africa. These animals fulfill key ecological functions and provide important services to humans. Unfortunately, populations have declined dramatically over the last century, rendering Unionidae one of the world’s most imperiled taxonomic groups. In Far East Asia (comprising Japan, Korea, and Eastern Russia), conservation actions have been hindered by a lack of basic information on the number, identity, distribution and phylogenetic relationships of species. Available knowledge is restricted to studies on national and sub-national levels. The present study aims to resolve the diversity, biogeography and evolutionary relationships of the Far East Asian Unionidae in a globally comprehensive phylogenetic and systematic context.We reassessed the systematics of all Unionidae species in the region, including newly collected specimens from across Japan, South Korea, and Russia, based on molecular (including molecular species delineation and a COI + 28S phylogeny) and comparative morphological analyses. Biogeographical patterns were then assessed based on available species distribution data from the authors and previous reference works.We revealed that Unionidae species richness in Far East Asia is 30% higher than previously assumed, counting 43 species (41 native + 2 alien) within two Unionidae subfamilies, the Unioninae (32 + 1) and Gonideinae (9 + 1). Four of these species are new to science, i.e. Beringiana gosannensis sp. nov., Beringiana fukuharai sp. nov., Buldowskia kamiyai sp. nov., and Koreosolenaia sitgyensis gen. & sp. nov. We also propose a replacement name for Nodularia sinulata, i.e. Nodularia breviconcha nom. nov. and describe a new tribe (Middendorffinaiini tribe nov.) within the Unioninae subfamily. Biogeographical patterns indicate that this fauna is related to that from China south to Vietnam until the Mekong River basin. The Japanese islands of Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido, and the Korean Peninsula were identified as areas of particularly high conservation value, owing to high rates of endemism, diversity and habitat loss. The genetically unique species within the genera Amuranodonta, Obovalis, Koreosolenaia gen. nov., and Middendorffinaia are of high conservation concern
Association between alkaline phosphatase and hypertension in a rural Japanese population: The Nagasaki Islands study
Background: Although serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels have been associated with hypertension, and ALP is known as an enzyme affected by alcohol consumption, no study has been published on the associations between ALP and the risk of hypertension in relation to drinking status.Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 2,681 participants (837 men and 1,846 women) aged 30 to 89 years undergoing a general health check-up to investigate the associations between ALP and hypertension in relation to drinking status.Results: Of the 2,681 participants, 1,549 (514 men and 1,035 women) were diagnosed with hypertension. A sex difference was observed for the relationship between ALP and hypertension. While no significant association was observed for men, the association was significantly positive for women. The multivariable adjusted odds ratio and 95% coincidence interval (CI) of hypertension per increment of 1-log ALP were 0.95 (95% CI: 0.56 to 1.59) for men and 1.57 (95% CI: 1.07 to 2.33) for women. When this analysis was restricted to nondrinkers, a significantly elevated risk of hypertension was observed for men and remained significant for women; that is, 3.32 (95% CI: 1.38 to 8.02) for men and 1.68 (95% CI: 1.11 to 2.55) for women.Conclusion: ALP is associated with hypertension for both male and female nondrinkers, but not for drinkers. For analyses of associations between ALP and blood pressure, alcohol consumption should thus be considered a potential confounder
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Research and Design of a Routing Protocol in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
无线传感器网络,作为全球未来十大技术之一,集成了传感器技术、嵌入式计算技术、分布式信息处理和自组织网技术,可实时感知、采集、处理、传输网络分布区域内的各种信息数据,在军事国防、生物医疗、环境监测、抢险救灾、防恐反恐、危险区域远程控制等领域具有十分广阔的应用前景。 本文研究分析了无线传感器网络的已有路由协议,并针对大规模的无线传感器网络设计了一种树状路由协议,它根据节点地址信息来形成路由,从而简化了复杂繁冗的路由表查找和维护,节省了不必要的开销,提高了路由效率,实现了快速有效的数据传输。 为支持此路由协议本文提出了一种自适应动态地址分配算——ADAR(AdaptiveDynamicAddre...As one of the ten high technologies in the future, wireless sensor network, which is the integration of micro-sensors, embedded computing, modern network and Ad Hoc technologies, can apperceive, collect, process and transmit various information data within the region. It can be used in military defense, biomedical, environmental monitoring, disaster relief, counter-terrorism, remote control of haz...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_通信与信息系统学号:2332007115216
Prognostic aspects of hepatocellular carcinoma
Onderzoek naar vooruitzichten van leverkanker Hepatocellulair carcinoom (HCC), een kwaadaardige tumor die uitgaat van de levercellen, wordt vaak pas in een laat stadium vastgesteld. Hironori Kusano onderzocht in zijn promotieonderzoek twee factoren die de vooruitzichten van patiënten beïnvloeden, micro-vasculaire invasie (de aanwezigheid van tumorcellen in de kleine bloedvaten) en interferon-therapie. Kusano stelt voorop dat HCC, wereldwijd de zesde meest voorkomende kankersoort met een hoog sterftecijfer, in Nederland relatief weinig voorkomt. HCC komt meestal voor in combinatie met levercirrose, het proces waarin ontstoken levercellen afsterven en vervangen worden door littekenweefsel. Het feit dat HCC in een zieke lever voorkomt beperkt het aantal behandelingsmogelijkheden. Het behandelbeleid van patiënten met HCC is daarom niet alleen gebaseerd op de grootte en het aantal tumoren, maar ook op hoe de lever er aan toe is. De promovendus ontdekte dat microvasculaire invasie in HCC geassocieerd is met toename van het gehalte van enkele groeifactoren in de directe omgeving van de tumor die de vorming van abnormale bloedvaten kunnen stimuleren. In zulke bloedvaten kunnen de tumorcellen beter doordringen. Er zijn tegenwoordig nog geen betrouwbare methoden om microvasculaire invasie preoperatief vast te stellen. Bij veel HCC-patiënten wordt de tumor te laat ontdekt om nog een levertransplantatie uit te kunnen voeren. In het tweede deel van zijn onderzoek onderzocht Kusano daarom de effectiviteit van twee medicijnen in een experimenteel model die samen en afzonderlijk werden toegediend. Omdat de effectiviteit van de verschillende combinaties verschilde, concludeert hij dat er moleculair onderzoek nodig is om te bepalen welke subtype HCC voortaan het beste met welk medicijn behandeld kan worden