252 research outputs found


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    Kecamatan Mandah, Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir merupakan daerah yang mempunyai sumber daya alam cukup melimpah namun memiliki masalah pada kerusakan lingkungan dan degradasi sumber daya alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji atau melihat kondisi aset penghidupan masyarakat nelayan dan menentukan status dari aset penghidupan nelayan tersebut. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder berdasarkan teknik wawancara dan pengamatan secara langsung. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan penghidupan berkelanjutan dengan indikator sumber daya manusia, keuangan, alam dan sosial. Kesejahteraan nelayan secara menyeluruh dilihat dari perhitungan status aset penghidupan berdasarkan pendekatan kehidupan berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa indeks penghidupan nelayan pada kategori sedang 50,6; aset keuangan pada kategori sedang 18,3; aset alam dengan kategori kurang baik 3,96; aset sosial pada kategori sedang 16; aset sumber daya manusia kategori baik 12,35 dan fisik 28 dengan kategori sedang. Dengan demikian penghidupan yang ada di Desa Igal cukup baik untuk menopang kesejahteraan nelayan dilihat dari aset-aset yang masih menjanjikan. Tittle: Livelihood Assets Status of Igal Village Communities, Mandah Sub Regency, Indragiri Hilir RegencyMandah Sub-regency of Indragiri Hilir has abundant natural resources in spite of its environmental damage and natural resource degradation. This study aims to examine the condition of livelihood assets of fishing communities and determine the status of livelihood assets of these fishers. The study used primary and secondary data from interview and direct observation. Data were analyzed with sustainable livelihoods approach with several indicators of human, financial, natural and social resources. The fishers’ welfare thoroughly measured from the calculation of the status of livelihood assets based on sustainable livelihood approach. The results of the study indicate that the fisher’s livelihood index are in medium category of 50,6, financial asset are in medium category of 18,3, natural assets are in bad category of 3,96, social assets are in medium category of 16, human resource assets are in good category of 12,35 and physical 28 is in medium category.Therefore, the livelihood in Igal Village are fairly well to support the fisher’s welfare from the promising assets

    LeadershipRolesandFunctionsofTheFarmer Batang Bunai InVillage Pisang Berebus District of Gunung ToarRegency KuantanSingingiRiauProvince

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    This studywas conducted inDecember 2012inthe village Pisang Berebusdistricts ofGunung Toar RegencyKuantanSingingiRiauProvince. The method usedin this studyisasurveymethod. Respondentconductedthe census. Respondentsin thestudywerefarmers,Oreochromis andPangasius sp, amounting to 15people.The purposeof this study were1) Knowingthe roleof leadershipinfarmers'groupfishfarming inthe villagePisang Berebus, 2) Knowingthe function ofleadershipgroupsoffish in the village Pisang Berebus.The resultsoftheseresearchesshow thatthe roleandfunction ofleadership offarmer groupsBatang Bunai in the village Pisang Berebus using thefrequenciesinquestionareexpressedqualitatively ieVeryGood,Good,less Good, No Good, Very NotGood.Furthermathematicalcalculationshowed that theleadershiproleof fishfarmer groups in the villagePisang Berebus areinthe category of "Good"thoughtful, responsible, andfairwith a totalof399scores, andthe function ofleadershipis inthe category of "Good"canguide themembersofthe groupina business carried onwith a totalscore1204. Decreased production offishinthevillage ofPisangBerebuswere not causedby a decrease inLeadershipRolesand Functions ofthegroupbutbecause of the highproduction costsof fishfarming

    Farmers Motivation in Goldfish Hatchery Business (Cyprinus Carpio) in Tanjung Betung Jorong Rambahan Nagari South Rao Pasaman District of West Sumatra Province

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    This research was conducted on 4 to 10 June 2013 in the Cape Betung Jorong Rambahan Nagari South Rao Pasaman District of West Sumatra Province. This study armed to: Describe the characteristics of fish seed growers, measure bussines motivation level of fish seed and Analyze relationship between several characteristics of seed growers with business motivation of fish seed growers. The method used in this study was a survey method, a total of 12 respondents.Farmers characteristics include: age, education, income, number of dependents and bussiness experience. The level of overall motivation of fish was in medium category with a score of 1.246 means bussiness the motivation to do the business of fish farmers was still dependent on the circumstances and existing capabilities. To analyze the relationship between the characteristics and farmers motivation used the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Results of this study declare relationship with the motivation that is related to age and not being significant, the relationship between motivation and dependents have weak and not significant relationship, the relationship between motivation and education have a very weak (nonsignificant), the experience of trying to have a weak link and not and income have a significant relationship was not significant and the motivation

    Fisherman's Wife Perception to Manage TIME for Providing Incomes Activity at Melai Village West Rangsang District Kepulauan Meranti Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in July 2014 on Melai village West Rangsang District Kepulauan Meranti Riau Province. The location was deliberately determined ( purposive ). The method used in this study is survey method, the type of data, obtained directly from the first responden, the secondary data of additional data such as geographic location, demographic total population, total population besed on gender. The purpose of this research was to determine the fisherman's wife perception to manage time for providing incomes activity.The fisherman's wife characteristic in Melai Village consist of 7 persons (43.75% ) at 32 – 37 years old, thas have graduated primary school. Fisherman's wife in Melai Village dominated as a farmer about 10 persons (62.50 %) . Fisherman's wife perception to manage tie for providng income activity that lacated in agree rate was 6 person with the score about 1306- 1680. While spending time for activities that not able to generate revenue at agree category and spending daily time at disagree category
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