32 research outputs found

    Microdomains of GPI-anchored proteins in living cells revealed by crosslinking

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    There is some discussion as to whether glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol(GPI)-anchored proteins occur in microdomains in the cell membrane. These putative microdomains have been implicated in processes such as sorting in polarized cells and signal transduction. Complexes enriched in GPI-anchored proteins, cholesterol and glycosphingolipids have been isolated from cell membranes by using non-ionic detergents: these complexes were thought to represent a clustered arrangement of GPI-anchored proteins. However, results obtained when clustering of GPI-anchored proteins induced by antibodies or by detergents was prevented support the idea of a dispersed surface distribution of GPI-anchored proteins at steady state. Here we use chemical crosslinking to show that membrane microdomains of a GPI-anchored protein exist at the surface in living cells. This clustering is specific for the GPI-anchored form, as two transmembrane forms bearing the same ectodomain do not form oligomers. Depletion of membrane cholesterol causes the clustering of GPI-anchored proteins to break up, whereas treatment of cells with detergent substantially increases the size of the complexes. We find that in living cells these GPI-anchored proteins reside in microdomains consisting of at least 15 molecules, which are much smaller than those seen after detergent extraction

    Getting rid of caveolins: phenotypes of caveolin-deficient animals

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    The elucidation of the role of caveolae has been the topic of many investigations which were greatly enhanced after the discovery of caveolin, the protein marker of these flask-shaped plasma membrane invaginations. The generation of mice deficient in the various caveolin genes (cav-1, cav-2 and cav-3) has provided physiological models to unravel the role of caveolins or caveolae at the whole organism level. Remarkably, despite the essential role of caveolins in caveolae biogenesis, all knockout mice are viable and fertile. However, lack of caveolae or caveolins leads to a wide range of phenotypes including muscle, pulmonary or lipid disorders, suggesting their implication in many cellular processes. The aim of this review is to give a broad overview of the phenotypes described for the caveolin-deficient mice and to link them to the numerous functions so far assigned to caveolins/caveolae

    GTP interacts with the γ-subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor eIF-2

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    AbstractEukaryotic initiation factor eIF-2 is an oligomeric protein consisting of three different subunits. During initiation of protein synthesis eIF-2 interacts with GTP, Met-tRNAf and 40 S ribosomal subunit. By affinity labeling with a photo-reactive GTP analogue it was shown that in the binary complex [eIF-2 · GTP] GTP is in contact with the γ-subunit of eIF-2

    Exogenous administration of gangliosides displaces GPI-anchored proteins from lipid microdomains in living cells

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    Exogenous application of gangliosides to cells affects many cellular functions. We asked whether these effects could be attributed to the influence of gangliosides on the properties of sphingolipid-cholesterol microdomains on the plasma membrane, also termed rafts. The latter are envisaged as lateral assemblies of sphingolipids (including gangliosides), cholesterol, and a specific set of proteins. Rafts have been implicated in processes such as membrane trafficking, signal transduction, and cell adhesion. Recently, using a chemical cross-linking approach with Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells permanently expressing a GPI-anchored form of growth hormone decay accelerating factor (GH-DAF) as a model system, we could show that GPI-anchored proteins are clustered in rafts in living cells. Moreover, this clustering was dependent on the level of cholesterol in the cell. Here we show that incubation of MDCK cells with gangliosides abolished subsequent chemical cross-linking of GH-DAF. Furthermore, insertion of gangliosides into the plasma membrane of MDCK GH-DAF cells renders GH-DAF soluble when subjected to extraction with Triton X-114 at 4 degrees C. Our data suggest that exogenous application of gangliosides displaces GPI-anchored proteins from sphingolipid-cholesterol microdomains in living cells

    Caveolin-1 deficiency alters plasma lipid and lipoprotein profiles in mice.

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    Caveolae are specialized membrane microdomains formed as the result of local accumulation of cholesterol, glycosphingolipids, and the structural protein caveolin-1 (Cav-1). To further elucidate the role of Cav-1 in lipid homeostasis in-vivo, we analyzed fasting and post-prandial plasma from Cav-1 deficient mice on low or on high fat diet. In total plasma analysis, an increase in ceramide and hexosylceramide was observed. In cholesteryl ester (CE), we found an increased saturated+monounsaturated/polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio in fasting plasma of low fat fed Cav-1(-/-) mice with increased proportions of CE16:1, CE18:1, CE20:3, and decreased proportions of CE18:2 and CE22:6. Under high fat diet HDL-CE, free cholesterol and pre-beta-HDL were increased accompanied by a shift from slow to fast migrating alpha-HDL and expansion of apoE containing HDL. Our results demonstrate a significant role of Cav-1 in HDL-cholesterol metabolism and may reflect a variety of Cav-1 functions including modulation of ACAT activity and SR-BI function

    Membrane microdomains and caveolae

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    And still they are moving ... dynamic properties of caveolae

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