125 research outputs found

    Porcine Endogenous Retroviruses Inhibit Human Immune Cell Function: Risk for Xenotransplantation?

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    AbstractTransgenic pigs are currently the most favored potential source of organs for xenotransplantation. Like all mammalian species they all harbor endogenous retroviruses in their genome. These porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) are produced from several primary cells and cell lines and are able to infect human cells. Here we demonstrate that different pig strains and different animals of one strain differ in their ability to produce PERVs from normal blood cells. We report that purified PERV particles show a protein pattern typical for type C retroviruses and are antigenically related to mammalian leukemia viruses. Like most retroviruses, purified PERVs and peptides derived from the highly conserved immunosuppressive domain of their transmembrane envelope protein inhibit human immune cell functions. This indicates that high titer replication of PERVs in the transplant recipient could therefore lead to an immunodeficiency disease

    Regulation of human endogenous retrovirus-K expression in melanomas by CpG methylation

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    The overall prognosis of patients with advanced melanoma is poor due to the lack of effective treatment. A key factor for successful therapy is an early detection of disease. Therefore, reliably detection methods and meaningful tumor markers are required. Expression of the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV)-K(HML-2) was found elevated in melanomas and it was shown that HERV-K supports the in vitro transition of melanoma cells from adherent to a more malignant, nonadherent phenotype. Furthermore, the detection of HERV-K-specific antibodies in melanoma patients was found to correlate with reduced survival. However, the reason for HERV-K expression in melanomas still remains unclear and its use as a tumor marker needs further investigation. Therefore, the tumor-specific transcriptional regulation of HERV-K expression in melanoma was studied in detail. Human melanoma cell lines were investigated for HERV-K expression using real-time PCR. Five cell lines showed very high levels of HERV-K mRNA as a result of increased promoter activity. This promoter activity was directly silenced by DNA methylation in reporter gene experiments. Higher levels of long terminal repeat (LTR) methylation in cells not expressing HERV-K compared with cells expressing HERV-K were found using methylation-sensitive PCR and bisulfite sequencing. Treatment of cell lines with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine resulted in increased levels of HERV-K expression in cells previously not expressing HERV-K and it was shown that this increase is not the result of transcription factor activation. These results demonstrate that increased HERV-K expression in melanomas may be due to increased promoter activity and demethylation of the 5′LTR

    Characterization of Human Endogenous Retrovirus Type K Virus-like Particles Generated from Recombinant Baculoviruses

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    AbstractThe family of human endogenous retrovirus type K (HERV-K) comprises members with long open reading frames (ORF) for retroviral proteins. The existence of a biologically active provirus with replicative capacities has not yet been demonstrated. To confirm the assumption that HERV-K codes for the previously observed retrovirus-like particles (human teratocarcinoma-derived virus, HTDV) in human teratocarcinoma cells, we have constructed recombinant full-length HERV-K cDNA-based baculoviruses withgag, pro, pol,andenvORFs. Two viral constructs were used for infections of insect cells, one bearing 67 bp of the 5′ untranslated region upstream of the 5′ splice donor (SD) site and of the retroviral genes, the second omitting the SD sequence. For both recombinant viruses, indirect immunofluorescence and laser scan analyses revealed expression of HERV-K Gag protein. Electron microscopy studies demonstrated efficient production of virus-like particles (VLPs) at the cytoplasmic cell membranes. These VLPs are morphologically identical with the HTDV phenotype. In immunoelectron microscopy of ultrathin frozen sections, anti-HERV-K Gag antibodies specifically reacted with HERV-K VLPs. In Western blots, in addition to the 76-kDa precursor protein, the putative major core protein with an apparent molecular mass of 32 kDa exhibited predominant immunoreactivity with anti-Gag antiserum. In contrast, neither HERV-K Env nor cORF proteins could be detected due to inefficient mRNA splicing. Purified particles from insect cell culture supernatants tested in an ultrasensitive reverse transcriptase assay revealed weak polymerase activity. The data demonstrate that HERV-K codes for retroviral particles of the HTDV phenotype

    Identification of the protease cleavage sites in a reconstituted Gag polyprotein of an HERV-K(HML-2) element

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human genome harbors several largely preserved HERV-K(HML-2) elements. Although this retroviral family comes closest of all known HERVs to producing replication competent virions, mutations acquired during their chromosomal residence have rendered them incapable of expressing infectious particles. This also holds true for the HERV-K113 element that has conserved open reading frames (ORFs) for all its proteins in addition to a functional LTR promoter. Uncertainty concerning the localization and impact of post-insertional mutations has greatly hampered the functional characterization of these ancient retroviruses and their proteins. However, analogous to other betaretroviruses, it is known that HERV-K(HML-2) virions undergo a maturation process during or shortly after release from the host cell. During this process, the subdomains of the Gag polyproteins are released by proteolytic cleavage, although the nature of the mature HERV-K(HML-2) Gag proteins and the exact position of the cleavage sites have until now remained unknown.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By aligning the amino acid sequences encoded by the <it>gag-pro-pol </it>ORFs of HERV-K113 with the corresponding segments from 10 other well-preserved human specific elements we identified non-synonymous post-insertional mutations that have occurred in this region of the provirus. Reversion of these mutations and a partial codon optimization facilitated the large-scale production of maturation-competent HERV-K113 virus-like particles (VLPs). The Gag subdomains of purified mature VLPs were separated by reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography and initially characterized using specific antibodies. Cleavage sites were identified by mass spectrometry and N-terminal sequencing and confirmed by mutagenesis. Our results indicate that the <it>gag </it>gene product Pr74<sup>Gag </sup>of HERV-K(HML-2) is processed to yield p15-MA (matrix), SP1 (spacer peptide of 14 amino acids), p15, p27-CA (capsid), p10-NC (nucleocapsid) and two C-terminally encoded glutamine- and proline-rich peptides, QP1 and QP2, spanning 23 and 19 amino acids, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Expression of reconstituted sequences of original HERV elements is an important tool for studying fundamental aspects of the biology of these ancient viruses. The analysis of HERV-K(HML-2) Gag processing and the nature of the mature Gag proteins presented here will facilitate further studies of the discrete functions of these proteins and of their potential impact on the human host.</p

    Lack of evidence for xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus(XMRV) in German prostate cancer patients

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    Background: A novel gammaretrovirus named xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) has been recently identified and found to have a prevalence of 40% in prostate tumor samples from American patients carrying a homozygous R462Q mutation in the RNaseL gene. This mutation impairs the function of the innate antiviral type I interferon pathway and is a known susceptibility factor for prostate cancer. Here, we attempt to measure the prevalence of XMRV in prostate cancer cases in Germany and determine whether an analogous association with the R462Q polymorphism exists. Results: 589 prostate tumor samples were genotyped by real-time PCR with regard to the RNaseL mutation. DNA and RNA samples from these patients were screened for the presence of XMRV-specific gag sequences using a highly sensitive nested PCR and RT-PCR approach. Furthermore, 146 sera samples from prostate tumor patients were tested for XMRV Gag and Env antibodies using a newly developed ELISA assay. In agreement with earlier data, 12.9% (76 samples) were shown to be of the QQ genotype. However, XMRV specific sequences were detected at neither the DNA nor the RNA level. Consistent with this result, none of the sera analyzed from prostate cancer patients contained XMRV-specific antibodies. Conclusion: Our results indicate a much lower prevalence (or even complete absence) of XMRV in prostate tumor patients in Germany. One possible reason for this could be a geographically restricted incidence of XMRV infections

    No Evidence for XMRV in German CFS and MS Patients with Fatigue Despite the Ability of the Virus to Infect Human Blood Cells In Vitro

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    BACKGROUND: Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV), a novel human retrovirus originally identified in prostate cancer tissues, has recently been associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), a disabling disease of unknown etiology affecting millions of people worldwide. However, several subsequent studies failed to detect the virus in patients suffering from these illnesses or in healthy subjects. Here we report the results of efforts to detect antibody responses and viral sequences in samples from a cohort of German CFS and relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) patients with fatigue symptoms. METHODOLOGY: Blood samples were taken from a cohort of 39 patients fulfilling the Fukuda/CDC criteria (CFS), from 112 patients with an established MS diagnosis and from 40 healthy donors. Fatigue severity in MS patients was assessed using the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS). Validated Gag- and Env-ELISA assays were used to screen sera for XMRV antibodies. PHA-activated PBMC were cultured for seven days in the presence of IL-2 and DNA isolated from these cultures as well as from co-cultures of PBMC and highly permissive LNCaP cells was analyzed by nested PCR for the presence of the XMRV gag gene. In addition, PBMC cultures were exposed to 22Rv1-derived XMRV to assess infectivity and virus production. CONCLUSION: None of the screened sera from CFS and MS patients or healthy blood donors tested positive for XMRV specific antibodies and all PBMC (and PBMC plus LNCaP) cultures remained negative for XMRV sequences by nested PCR. These results argue against an association between XMRV infection and CFS and MS in Germany. However, we could confirm that PBMC cultures from healthy donors and from CFS patients can be experimentally infected by XMRV, resulting in the release of low levels of transmittable virus

    The EBV Immunoevasins vIL-10 and BNLF2a Protect Newly Infected B Cells from Immune Recognition and Elimination

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    Lifelong persistence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in infected hosts is mainly owed to the virus' pronounced abilities to evade immune responses of its human host. Active immune evasion mechanisms reduce the immunogenicity of infected cells and are known to be of major importance during lytic infection. The EBV genes BCRF1 and BNLF2a encode the viral homologue of IL-10 (vIL-10) and an inhibitor of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), respectively. Both are known immunoevasins in EBV's lytic phase. Here we describe that BCRF1 and BNLF2a are functionally expressed instantly upon infection of primary B cells. Using EBV mutants deficient in BCRF1 and BNLF2a, we show that both factors contribute to evading EBV-specific immune responses during the earliest phase of infection. vIL-10 impairs NK cell mediated killing of infected B cells, interferes with CD4+ T-cell activity, and modulates cytokine responses, while BNLF2a reduces antigen presentation and recognition of newly infected cells by EBV-specific CD8+ T cells. Together, both factors significantly diminish the immunogenicity of EBV-infected cells during the initial, pre-latent phase of infection and may improve the establishment of a latent EBV infection in vivo

    Induction of neutralizing antibodies specific for the envelope proteins of the koala retrovirus by immunization with recombinant proteins or with DNA

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    Background: The koala retrovirus (KoRV) is the result of a transspecies transmission of a gammaretrovirus with fatal consequences for the new host. Like many retroviruses, KoRV induces lymphoma, leukemia and an immunodeficiency that is associated with opportunistic infections in the virus-infected animals. We recently reported the induction of neutralizing antibodies by immunization with the recombinant ectodomain of the transmembrane envelope protein p15E of KoRV. Since the neutralization titers of the p15E-specific sera were only moderate, we investigated the use of the surface envelope protein gp70 to induce neutralizing antibodies. Findings: We immunized rats and goats with the recombinant gp70 protein of the KoRV, an unglycosylated protein of 52kD (rgp70/p52) or with the corresponding DNA. In parallel we immunized with recombinant rp15E or with a combination of rp15E and rgp70/p52. In all cases binding and neutralizing antibodies were induced. The gp70-specific sera had titers of neutralizing antibodies that were 15-fold higher than the p15E-specific sera. Combining rp15E and rgp70/p52 did not significantly increase neutralizing titers compared to rgp70/p52 alone. High titers of neutralizing antibodies specific for gp70 were also induced by immunization with DNA. Since KoRV and PERV are closely related, we investigated cross-neutralization of the antisera. The antisera against p15E and gp70 of PERV and KoRV inhibited infection by both viruses. Conclusion: The envelope proteins of the KoRV may therefore form the basis of an effective preventive vaccine to protect uninfected koalas from infection and possibly an immunotherapeutic treatment for those already infected