148 research outputs found

    Quantifying Productivity of Individual Software Programmers: Practical Approach

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    Software measurement is a crucial part of a good software engineering. Software developers quantify the software to see if the use cases are complete, if the analysis model is consistent with requirements and if the code is ready to be tested. Software project managers assess the software process and the software product to determine if it is going to be finished on time and within budget. Customers evaluate the final product if it meets their needs. Overall, the main purpose of software engineering is to make software systems controllable and foreseeable, activities with a solid method rather than intuitional, complicated or unprincipled. Software measurement studies are about quantifying the software engineering entities and attributes, both of which aim to support software development efforts and quality improvement. In this paper, we quantify a set of relationships using the current size, defect and object-oriented software metrics practically and pragmatically. Our paper proposes a method to measure the productivity of individual software programmers. Furthermore, this method provides a common opinion for understanding, controlling and improving the software engineering practices


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    Introduction: Although the harmful effects of smoking on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems have been established for a long time, the effect on physiological and physical parameters in modern female dancers is not well documented. Objective: To determine differences in selected pulmonary functions, biochemical parameters, and body composition in female smoker and non-smoker modern dancers who are university or graduate students. Methods: A total of twenty-two female modern dancers (mean age of 24.6 +/- 4.3 years), who were non-smokers (n = 11) and smokers (n = 11), voluntarily participated in the study. The smokers had been smoking 1 to 20 cigarettes per day for an average period of seven years. The pulmonary function test Mir Spirobank Spirometer, (Italy) was applied; selected biochemical parameters were tested, and various anthropometric measurements (height, weight and seven skinfold thickness) were performed. The results of body composition were evaluated using Jackson-Pollock equations. Intergroup comparisons were performed using the Mann-Whitney U test. Result: No significant differences were found between smoker and non-smoker dancers in terms of body composition (body fat, % body fat, lean body fat) and selected biochemical parameters (p > 0.05). However, non-smokers had prediction values of forced expiratory volume during the first second (FEV1) and peak expiratory flow (PEF) significantly better (p < 0.05). The effect of smoking on the performance of female modern dancers should be examined in a longitudinal study, with a higher number of participants. Conclusion: It was observed that smoking reduces lung pulmonary capacity at a certain rate, although the biochemical parameters and body composition of the female smoker and non-smoker dancers were similar

    The measuring of the software maintainability subcharacteristics by utilizing ISO-based models

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    Doktora Teziİnternetin yaygın olarak kullanılmasını takiben, bilişim sistemlerine ve onun en önemli bileşeni olan yazılıma yönelik ilginin arttığı ve iş yapma biçiminin önemli ölçüde değiştirdiği görülmektedir. Bu değişikliğin etkilediği önemli alanlardan birisi de, yazılımın yoğun olarak kullanıldığı tedarik zinciri ve lojistik yönetimidir. Bu alandaki ilginin temel nedeniyse, tedarik zinciri ve lojistik yönetimi çözümlerinin küresel pazarda rekabet avantajı sağlamadaki etkileri gibi görülmektedir. Bütün bu ilgiye, yazılım ve lojistik alanındaki yoğun akademik çalışmalara ve uygulamalara rağmen, lojistik sektörüne hizmet veren yazılımları geliştirmenin ve geliştirilen yazılımları hizmette tutmanın zorluğu artmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, her geçen gün karmaşıklığı artan ve daha heterojen hale gelen iş hayatında, başarılı bir yazılım mühendisliği uygulaması gerçekleştirebilmek için yazılımın ölçülmesi gereklidir. Ölçmeye yönelik çalışmalar, gerek yazılım geliştirme ve gerekse de yazılım kalite ve süreç çalışmaları açısından vazgeçilmezdir ve aynı zamanda kaliteli bir yazılım ürünü için de kritik başarı unsurudur. Yazılım mühendisliği açısından yazılımı ölçmeye yönelik uygulamalara bakıldığında, yazılım geliştirmeye yönelik süreçlerin ölçülmesine yönelik yoğun bir ilgi olduğu görülmektedir. Ancak benzer ilginin yazılım ürününün ölçülmesinde de ortaya konması gerekmektedir. Tez bu alandaki boşluğu doldurmayı amaçlamaktadır.Software measurement studies are complemented by software engineering concepts, both of which aim to encourage the increase in software development efforts and quality improvement. There has been great interest in the measurement of software development processes in the last two decades; however, dealing with the measurement of software products also has equal importance. Hence, this thesis aims to contribute to this area which requires new developments and improvements. The research study that is presented in this thesis measures the Logistics Center?s software products and consequently sets forth an enhanced product quality concept for Logistics Center based on similar systems using ISO-based models. The methods and results in this study are aimed to be a sample model for the generation of similar systems in the future. This thesis focuses on solutions to overcome the ambiguities and problems that the organizations face during the implementation period of the ISO-based software measurement standards. Also, this study contributes to: software product measurement methodology, software maintenance literature, and practical software applications

    Mediators of glucagon-like peptide 2-induced blood flow: Responses in different vascular sites

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    The aims of the present study were: to characterize the mechanisms of hemodynamic alterations induced by GLP-2, and, to compare the responses elicited in the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) to other vascular beds. Anesthetized rats were infused at the doses of 0.9, 2.3, 4.6 and 9.3 nmol/kg into the jugular vein for 60 min. Blood flow in the various arteries was measured by the ultrasonic transit time technique. Some animals were pretreated with indomethacin (5 mg/kg, ip), L-NAME (9, 18, 36 and 72 mu mol/kg, iv), atropine sulfate (1-2 mg/kg, iv), CCK-1 and CCK-2 receptor antagonists (L-364,718 and L-365,260, 1 mg/kg, iv), exendin (9-39) amide (35 nmol/kg, iv) and lidocaine (74 mu mol/kg, iv) prior to the infusion of GLP-2 (4.6 nmol/kg). In another group, capsaicin was applied either systematically (125 mg/kg, sc) or vagally (1 mg/rat). GLP-2 administration at all doses significantly increased the SMA blood flow throughout the experiments. GLP-2 (4.6 nmol/kg) infusion significantly increased blood flow of inferior mesenteric artery and carotid artery but not in any other vessel measured. Only the pretreatments With L-NAME and lidocaine were ineffective in preventing the GLP-2-induced responses. These results implicate that GLP-2-induced blood flow alterations are most significant in the SMA and are not mediated by prostaglandins, muscarinic, GLP-1 or CCK receptors. Our results also suggest that the stimulatory effect of GLP-2 on SMA blood flow is NO-dependent and mediated via intrinsic, non-cholinergic enteric neurons. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.

    İnce barsağın iskemi- reperfüzyon hasarında nötrofillerin rolü

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    İnce barsağın iskemi- reperfüzyon hasarında nötrofillerin rolü

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    Effects of different aerobic exercise frequencies on streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced type 2 diabetic rats: Continuous versus short bouts and weekend warrior exercises

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    Background: Exercise training is known to have multiple beneficial effects on type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The aim of this study was to explore the effects of aerobic exercise frequency on diabetic parameters, the histopathological structure of skeletal muscle, diabetic myopathy, and mitochondrial enzyme activity in an experimental model of T2DM. Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 35) were rendered diabetic by injection of nicotinamide (110 mg/kg) and streptozotocin (65 mg/kg). Rats with blood glucose concentrations between 7 and 17 mmol/L were used. Diabetic rats were randomly allocated to one of the following groups: (i) control sedentary; (ii) diabetic sedentary; (iii) diabetic with continuous exercise (30 min/day, 5 days/week); (iv) diabetic with short bouts of exercise (3 x 10 min/day, 5 days/week); and (v) diabetic rats as weekend warriors (35 + 40 min/day, 2 days/week). After 6 weeks swimming exercise (total duration 150 min/week), biochemical tests were performed to measure insulin, glucose, cytokines, serum and muscle myeloperoxidase (MPO), and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. Histologic analysis (histomorphometric and mitochondrial enzyme analysis) was also performed. Results: Compared with diabetic sedentary rats, significant improvements were observed in all exercise groups in terms of glucose levels, weight loss, tissue MPO and MDA levels, muscular connective tissue, muscle atrophy, mitochondrial enzyme, and all histomorphometric analyses. Conclusions: The results of the study emphasize the effects of training on inflammation, increased oxidative stress, myopathy, and mitochondrial damage in a rat model of T2DM, and demonstrate that there is no major difference between exercise modalities provided that the total duration of exercise remains the same