3 research outputs found

    A Sample Investıgatıon Of Acoustıc Comfort Parameter Analysıs Of Open-Plan Offıces

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    Son zamanlarda kullanımı yaygınlaşan açık planlı ofislerin verimli olabilmesi için, uygun akustik koşulların sağlanması gerekmektedir. Açık planlı ofislerde yüksek konsantrasyon gerektiren işler yapılıyorsa, uygun olmayan akustik; çoğu zaman dikkat dağınıklığına, dolayısıyla işgücü verimliliğinin düşüklüğüne neden olmaktadır. Bu düşünceden hareketle çalışmada; Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Öğrenci İşleri Daire Başkanlığı'na ait açık planlı bir ofis; örneklem olarak seçilerek, mekânın akustik koşulları reverberasyon süresi parametresine göre ve TS EN ISO 3382-3 standardı parametrelerine göre incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda söz konusu ofisin, yerinde ölçümü ve Odeon 10.02 simülasyon programı aracılığı ile simülasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda; elde edilen ölçüm ve simülasyon sonuçları karşılaştırılarak, analizi yapılan ofisin akustik koşullarının değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır.In order to ensure the high productivity in open-plan offices which have become popular recently, proper acoustic conditions should be provided. If high concentrations of work is carried out in open-plan offices, improper acoustic conditions frequently cause loss of concentration and low labour productivity accordingly. In this study, one of the open-plan offices of Middle East Technical University Registrar's Office was selected as a sample and was investigated in terms of its acoustic properties, according to the reverberation time parametre and the standardisation document TS EN ISO 3382-3 parameters. In this sense, the selected office was analysed with real-size measurement on site and the office was simulated with Odeon 10.02 program. At the end of the study, by comparing obtained measured and simulated results, the acoustic conditions of analysed office were investigated

    An investigation into the acoustic conditions of an open plan office located in Ankara

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    In order to maintain the high productivity in open offices, which are commonly preferred work environments of modern time, acoustic conditions should be optimized. Especially if work carried out within the premises demands full attention of the employees in open offices, ill-conditioned acoustic conditions can result in loss of concentration and hence degradation in the labour productivity. In this study, one of the open plan offices of Middle East Technical University Registrar's Office was investigated in terms of its acoustic properties, according to the standardisation document TS EN ISO 3382-3 parameters and reverberation time parametre. In order to determine the parameters, office was analysed with real-size measurement on site and the office was simulated with Odeon 10.02 program. Measured results were compared with the simulated results and assessed