534 research outputs found

    Essays on Corporate Financial Reporting

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    This dissertation examines changes in managers’ financial reporting around two major corporate financing events, accelerated share repurchases (ASRs) and seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). The first essay provides evidence on managerial motives for initiating ASRs, a recent and important innovation in repurchase methods, by examining managers’ financial reporting behavior around ASRs and post-ASR performance. ASR firms report positive discretionary accruals in the quarter of the repurchase announcement and that the upward earnings management increases with the percentage of equity repurchased, initiation of the repurchase earlier in the quarter, and CEO’s bonus compensation as a fraction of total compensation. There is however a negative association between the ASR announcement returns and pre-repurchase positive discretionary accruals, suggesting that investors perceive the positive discretionary accruals as the result of managerial opportunism (i.e., boosting EPS) rather than managerial optimism (i.e., signaling undervaluation). Further, ASR announcements are not followed by an increase in operating performance. There is also no evidence of positive long-run abnormal stock performance during the post-ASR period. The results suggest that managers use ASRs along with positive discretionary accruals to manage reported EPS rather than to signal their favorable private information about firms’ prospects. The second essay examines the relation between firms’ financial constraints and their financial reporting during periods when they attempt to raise equity capital. Specifically, I investigate whether financially constrained firms tend to manage their earnings more aggressively around SEOs as compared to financially unconstrained firms. By using different measures of financial constraints, I document that constrained issuers, which cannot credibly signal the absence of aggressive earnings management, report higher income-increasing accruals than unconstrained issuers. I also find that investors correctly conjecture this greater earnings inflation and adjust issuers’ stock prices accordingly at the time of the offering. The evidence suggests that the aggressive earnings management by constrained issuers is not simply the result of managerial opportunism but rather a rational response to anticipated market behavior at offering announcements

    Computational bifurcation analysis to find dynamic transitions of the corticotroph model

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    The corticotroph model is a 7th order nonlinear differential equation system derived for representing the action potential dynamics of corticotrophs; one of the endocrine cells that are responsible for stress regulation. Here we use numerical continuation methods to perform bifurcation analysis since controlling bifurcations in the hormonal dynamics may bring some new insights in the treatment of stress-related disorders. We study the bifurcation structure of the system as a function of the BK-channel dynamic parameters and all maximal conductances. We identify the regions of bistability and bifurcations that shape the transitions between resting, bursting, and spiking behaviors, and which lead to the appearance of bursting which is directly connected to stress regulation. Furthermore, we find that there are two routes to bursting, one is the experimentally observed BK-channel dynamics and the other is Ca2+ channel conductance only. Finally, we discuss how some of the described bifurcations affect the dynamic behavior and can be tested experimentally.No sponso

    Modeling and analyzing Ca2+ channel dynamics during cardiac action potential

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    International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modeling (2019 : Istanbul, Turkey)We have studied the cardiac action potential model which consists of 26 nonlinear first-order differential equations in a detailed manner computationally. Later, it has been discussed what is the role of the Ca2+ ion channel to the cardiac action potential by applying a mathematical measure called contribution analysis. Computational simulations are done to analyze the roles of Ca2+ gating variables and detailed analysis showed the changing dynamics of Ca2+ channel during a cardiac action potential.No sponso

    Televizyonun toplum üzerindeki etkilerinin sosyolojik incelemesi

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    Antakya'nın I Numaralı Şer'iyye Sicili konulu yüksek lisans çalışmamın amacı, şer'iyye sicilindeki belgelerin yeni Türk Alfabesine çevirisini yaparak ilim dünyasının istifadesine sunmak ve XVIII. yüzyıl başlarında Antakya'nın genel durumunu ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmaya konu olan Şer'iyye Sicil Defteri, Hicri 1120-1122, Miladi 1708-1711 yıllarına ait olup 253 belgeden oluşmaktadır. Defterde başta Hüccet, İ'lam, Buyuruldu, Ferman, Berat, Mürasele, Temessük, Vakfiye, Tezkire, Keşfhame, Arz-ı hal, Veraset î'lamı, İnha, Yafte, Tereke, Zehair1 ve Müfredat Defteri gibi çok. çeşitli belgeler bulunmaktadır. Ait olduğu dönemlerinin ve bölgelerinin dini, askeri, iktisadi ve idari özelliklerini yansıtan şer'iyye sicilleri her zaman tarih için birinci el kaynak olmuştur. Bu bakımdan I Numaralı Sicil Defteri Lale Devri'nden önceki Antakya'nın sosyal ve iktisadi hayatı hakkında önemli ip uçları ve fikir vermektedir. Antakya'nın XVIII. yüzyılın başlarında nüfus yapışım, kültürel dokusunu, halkın geçim kaynağını, ekonomik gelir durumunu, sosyal yaşantıdaki bazı çarpıklıkları sicildeki kayıtlardan öğrenmek mümkündür. Köy ve mahalle isimleri incelendiği zaman bunların çoğunun günümüzde de aym isimleri taşıyan iskan birimleri olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca meslek gruplarını, günlük hayatta kullanılan eşyaları, bölgede görev yapan devlet görevlilerini ve vergi türlerini de sicil kayıtlarından öğrenebiliriz. Çalışmamızı buna göre dört ana ölümde değerlendirdik.Birinci bölümde şer'iyye sicilleri ve sicillerin değerini belirterek, Antakya'nın I Numaralı Şer'iyye Sicil Defteri 'nin tasnifini yaptık. İkinci bölümde Antakyanın tarihi ve coğrafi yapısına temas ettik. Üçüncü bölümde sicil kayıtlarını esas tutarak bölgede görev yapan görevlileri, mahalle ve yer adlarını ve halktan alınan vergi türlerini belirterek. Dördüncü bölümde ise I Numaralı Şer'iyye Sicili'nin yeni Türk alfabesine çevirisini yaptık. Çalışmamızı ortaya koyarken çeşitli sözlüklerden ve te' lif eserlerden istifade ettik. VTIII Numaralı Şer'iyye Sicil Defteri'nin verilerini göz önünde tutarak XVTII. yüzyıl başlarındaki Osmanlı Devleti'nin ve Antakya'nın iktisadi, idari, sosyal ve dini hayatı hakkında bilgi edinebiliriz.The purporse of my MA study which is about the First Şer'iyye Sicili of Antakya is to present the academics with the documents by rewriting in the new Turkish Alphabet, and give information about the general situation of Antakya at the beginning of the 18' th century. The Şer'iyye sicil defteri which is the theme of my study belongs to the years between 1708-1711 (1120-1122 pertainiy to hegira) and composed of 253 documents. There are various kinds of documents such as: Hüccet, ÎTam, Buyuruldu, Ferman, Berat, Mürasele, Temessük, Vakfiye, Tezkire, Keşfname, Arz-ı hal, Veraset I' lamı, İnha, Yafte, Tereke, Zehair and Müfredat Defteri. The şer'iyye sicil defters have always been the first hand sources that enlighten us about the religious, military, economic and administrative features of the periods they belong to. In this respect The First Şeriyye Sicil Defteri gives us some very important clues and ideas about the social and economical life of Antakya before the Lale era. It is possible to learn from the documents about the population, cultere, and something more about the conflict in the social life When the names of the villages and towns examined it is found out that they still have the same names. In addition to these, We can also learn about jobs goods used in daily life, officials worked in the area and taxes. This study is composed of four Parts. In the first part the classification of the First Şer'iyye Sicil Defteri of Antakya is done. In the second part the historical and geographical features of Antakya are mentioned. In the third part the names of the residental areas, officials in the area, and types of taxes are mentionedin the fourth part The First Şer'iyye Sicil Defteri is rewritten in the new Turkish Alphabet. All the informations are taken from various dictionaries and written products. We can learn about the administrative, economic, social and religious life of Antakya end Ottoman Empire at th© beginning of th© 18*th Century

    The Role of Transformational Leader on Knowledge Sharing Practices: A Study about International Hotel Chains

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    Especially during the last decade, Knowledge Sharing (KS) have become one of the most debated research topics within the growing amount of research on Knowledge Management (KM). As in all other business, KS practices are very important for hotels at providing proper service performance and gaining competitive advantage through unique knowledge. However, the number of studies conducted related to KS in the tourism and hospitality enterprises are still limited. To fully understand how KS practices can be perform successfully, KS processes and the effects of leaders on KS practices need to be explore in depth. Thus, this study primarily focuses on KS practices at international hotel chains (IHC) in which KS practices are more important compared to other hotels due to their geographically dispersed structure. Moreover, this study aims to determine the effects of transformational leaders on KS practices. Above all, this study consist important findings which are identifying KS process at IHC and emphasizing the importance of TL for the success of KS. For the purpose of the study, two hundred and twenty seven junior administrative and mid-level managers of 29 IHC operating in Turkey were chosen as the sample of this study. And, the required data were collected by questionnaire. Data analysis determined that KS practices are highly performed in IHC and TL have some important-positive effects on KS practices. Keywords: Knowledge sharing, Transformational leader, International hotel chai

    Serum IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α Levels in Early Diagnosis and Management of Neonatal Sepsis

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    Aim. To determine serum IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α levels in neonatal sepsis at the time of diagnosis and after therapy, and to show the meaningful on the follow up. Methods. This prospective study was performed on newborns who were hospitalized for neonatal sepsis and who were classified as culture-proven sepsis (n=12), as culture-negative sepsis (n=21), and as healthy newborns (n=17). Results. At the time of diagnosis, serum IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α levels of culture-proven sepsis were significantly higher than those of the control groups (P<.05). At the time of diagnosis, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α levels of culture-proven sepsis and culture-negative sepsis were significantly higher than levels at the seventh day after antibiotic treatment. Conclusion. Serum IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α are mediators of inflammation and can be used at the diagnosis and at the evaluation of the therapeutic efficiency in neonatal sepsis


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    Tobacco establishing various ecotypes in different ecological zones is one of the crop plants having high genetic variability. In previous years, tobacco ecotypes were conserved by tobacco farming controlled governmentally. But now tobacco sector is privatized. As a result of privatization, companies in tobacco sector have adopted a few ecotypes based on tobacco farming. This phenomenon has increased the risk of extinction for the present genetic variability and now some cultivars are nearly extinct. In this study, conducted to prevent genetic resource erosion, different tobacco ecotypes were determined by visiting the tobacco fields in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region. Some morphological, technique and yield characters of the cultivars were compared by farming them in field via seed. 12 characters of the cultivars were tabulated. Seeds of cultivars, characters of which were determined were delivered to Seed Gene Bank of Turkey

    Prevalence of Green Tobacco Sickness in Tobacco Production Areas in the Black Sea Region

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    oai:ojs2.skyfox.co:article/5The purpose of this study was to examine the presence of green tobacco sickness in tobacco producers living in the Black Sea Region and their level of knowledge of green tobacco sickness. Simple random sampling was employed, and the results of the surveys that had been conducted face-to-face with tobacco producers were gathered and analyzed. As a result, green tobacco sickness was not encountered among tobacco producers living in the Black Sea Region, and it was understood that they did not have knowledge of the sickness. The main reasons why there is no evidence of the sickness are growing tobacco with low nicotine content and common usage of protective equipment during and after harvest. In order to overcome lack of information, occupational health and safety training should be provided. In addition, it is required to make agricultural mechanization widespread in tobacco growing. Thus, precautions shall have been taken against probable occurrence of the sickness. Making this study in other tobacco production regions of Turkey would be beneficial