25 research outputs found
Origin of barite deposits in dolomite-limestone units, Gazipasa, Eastern of Antalya: geology, geochemistry, statistics, sulfur isotope composition
Purpose. Gazipasa region is one of the most important barite mineralization of Turkey. To investigate the main origin
properties of Gazipasa barite deposits, conditions of their genesis and occurrence.
Methods. To investigate the basic geological, geochemical, mineralogical, statistical, sulfur isotopic properties of Gazipasa barite deposits, conditions of their genesis and occurrence.
Findings. Paragenesis of barites deposits can be presented as barite, galena sphalerite, pyrite, limonite, quartz and calcite. Also, there are lots of barite-galena ores around Gazipasa. In the wall rocks of vein, while barium occurence is low, limonite and galenite density is high. According to isotope analysis results, 34S ranks between 20.3 and 22.4. As indicated in the Rare Earth Еlements (REE) diagram, calculated values show that barites reflect sedimentary environment conditions. Barite formation in these reserves contains approximately 86-99% BaSO4 and it was determined to be mostly found in dolomites and limestones as lode, vein and veinlet.
Originality. According to geological and mineralogical studies, barite formation in dolomite-limestone units occurred in sin-sedimentary stage conditions.
Practical implications. Barites in the region are used because of their high tenor and closeness to the harbor.Мета. Вивчення основних геологічних, геохімічних, мінералогічних, статистичних, і сірчано-ізотопних властивостей баритових родовищ Газіпаша (Туреччина) з точки зору їх походження та умов формування.
Методика. Польові дослідження проводилися в районах баритових покладів Газіпаша. Зразки між BT1-BT17 були відібрані з шахти “Boyalik Mine”, а BT18-BT30 – зі штольні “Buyuk Ocak”. Використовували рентгенівські дифрактограми, а для аналізу дифракції рентгенівських променів – програмне забезпечення Bruker PDF-4 і Search-Match. Дані порошкової рентгенографії зразків були уточнені за допомогою програми Ритвельда Topaz 4.2 (Bruker AXS). Автономні результати в 34S ізотопному аналізі отримані за допомогою 20% стандартного аналізу. Зразки для сірки поміщали в олов’яні капсули шляхом масштабування, ізотопний склад сірки вимірювали із використанням мас-спектрометра зі стабільним ізотопним співвідношенням MAT 253, прикріпленого до елементного аналізатору Costech ECS 4010.
Результати. Виявлено, що парагенезіс баритових родовищ представлений у вигляді бариту, галенового сфалериту, піриту, лімоніту, кварцу й кальциту. Причому в районі Газіпаша залягає також багато барито-галенових руд. Встановлено, що у бічних породах покладу спостерігається низький вміст барію, в той час як щільність лімоніту й галеніту вельми висока. Ізотопний аналіз показав, що вміст ізотопу сірки 34S коливається між 20.3 і 22.4. Аналіз діаграми рідкоземельних мінералів показує, що барити відображають екологічні умови їх відкладення. Частка баритів у цих родовищах становить близько 86-99% у вигляді BaSO4, які в основному знаходяться в доломітах і вапняках у вигляді рудних тіл, жил і прожилків.
Наукова новизна. Доведено геологічними і мінералогічними дослідженнями, що утворення баритів у доломіто-вапнякових покладах відносяться до осадових порід.
Практична значимість. Проведені геохімічні та мінералогічні дослідження підтверджують високий вміст руди у баритовому родовищі Газіпаша. Завдяки цьому, а також близькості розташування до морського порту, руди є конкурентними і широко використовуються в різних галузях економіки на внутрішньому та зовнішньому ринках.Цель. Изучение основных геологических, геохимических, минералогических, статистических и серно-изотопных свойств баритовых месторождений Газипаши (Турция) с точки зрения их происхождения и условий формирования.
Методика. Полевые исследования проводились в районах баритовых залежей Газипаши. Образцы BT1-BT17 были отобраны из шахты “Boyalik Mine”, а BT18-BT30 – из штольни “Buyuk Ocak”. Использовали рентгеновские дифрактограммы, а для анализа дифракции рентгеновских лучей – программное обеспечение Bruker PDF-4 и Search-Match. Данные порошковой рентгенографии образцов были уточнены с помощью программы Ритвельда Topaz 4.2 (Bruker AXS). Автономные результаты в 34S изотопном анализе получены с помощью 20% стандартного анализа. Образцы для серы помещали в оловянные капсулы путем масштабирования, изотопный состав серы измеряли с использованием масс-спектрометра со стабильным изотопным соотношением MAT 253, прикрепленного к элементному анализатору Costech ECS 4010.
Результаты. Выявлено, что парагенезис баритовых месторождений представлен в виде барита, галенового сфалерита, пирита, лимонита, кварца и кальцита, причем в районе Газипаши залегает также много барито-галеновых руд. Установлено, что в боковых породах залежи наблюдается низкое содержание бария, в то время как плотность лимонита и галенита весьма высокая. Изотопный анализ показал, что содержание изотопа серы 34S колеблется между 20.3 и 22.4. Анализ диаграммы редкоземельных минералов показывает, что бариты отражают экологические условия их отложения. Доля баритов в этих месторождениях составляет около
86-99% в виде BaSO4, которые в основном находятся в доломитах и известняках в виде рудных тел, жил и прожилок.
Научная новизна. Доказано геологическими и минералогическими исследованиями, что образования баритов в доломито-известняковых залежах относятся к осадочным породам.
Практическая значимость. Проведенные геохимические и минералогические исследования подтверждают высокое содержание руды, в баритовом месторождении Газипаши. Благодаря этому и близости к морскому порту, руды являются конкурентными и широко используются в различных отраслях экономики на внутреннем и внешнем рынках.The study is supported with the FYL-2016-1832 Project by Akdeniz University Scientific Research Projects
Četverogodišnja studija učinkovitosti i sigurnosti entekavira u bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom B pozitivnih na HBeAg bez prethodne nukleoz(t)idne terapije
Entecavir is a guanosine analogue with activity against hepatitis B virus. The aim of this 4-year trial was to evaluate entecavir treatment in nucleos(t)ide-naive HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients. Forty-nine patients received entecavir and nine of them withdrew from the trial at the end of week 96. The initial mean value of alanine aminotransferase was 79.4}41.5 IU /L, and at the end of the 4-year study period, 90% of patients had alanine aminotransferase values within the normal range. At week 96, 91.7% of patients had HBV DNA <300 copies; at month 48, 90% of patients had HBV DNA <50 IU /mL. HBeAg loss was recorded in 7.1% of patients at week 96 and in 12.5% at month 48. The rate of HBeAg seroconversion was 4.8% at week 96 and 7.5% at month 48. The rate of HBsAg seroconversion was 2.1% at week 96 and 2.5% at month 48. Entecavir as a potent and safe agent leading to continuous viral suppression proved to be safe and well tolerated therapy.Entekavir je analog gvanozina koji djeluje protiv virusa hepatitisa B. Cilj ove četverogodišnje studije bio je procijeniti liječenje entekavirom kod bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom B pozitivnih na HBeAg bez prethodne nukleoz(t)idne terapije. Ukupno je 49 bolesnika primalo entekavir, a devetoro ih se povuklo s terapije na kraju 96. tjedna. Početna srednja vrijednost alanin aminotransferaze bila 79,4}41,5 IU /L, dok je nakon 4 godine vrijednost alanin aminotransferaze bila u normalnim granicama kod 90% bolesnika. U 96. tjednu je <300 kopija HBV DNA zabilježeno u 91,7% bolesnika, a u 48. mjesecu je 48,90% bolesnika imalo <50 IJ/mL HBV DNA. Gubitak HBeAg zabilježen je u 7,1% bolesnika u 96. tjednu te u 12,5% bolesnika u 48. mjesecu. Stopa serokonverzije HBeAg iznosila je 4,8% u 96. tjednu i 7,5% u 48. mjesecu. Stopa serokonverzije HBsAg bila je 2,1% u 96. tjednu i 2,5% u 48. mjesecu. Sigurnost terapije bila je dobra. Bolesnici su dobro podnosili entekavir, snažan i siguran lijek koji dovodi do ustaljenog suzbijanja virusa
Četverogodišnja studija učinkovitosti i sigurnosti entekavira u bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom B pozitivnih na HBeAg bez prethodne nukleoz(t)idne terapije
Entecavir is a guanosine analogue with activity against hepatitis B virus. The aim of this 4-year trial was to evaluate entecavir treatment in nucleos(t)ide-naive HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients. Forty-nine patients received entecavir and nine of them withdrew from the trial at the end of week 96. The initial mean value of alanine aminotransferase was 79.4}41.5 IU /L, and at the end of the 4-year study period, 90% of patients had alanine aminotransferase values within the normal range. At week 96, 91.7% of patients had HBV DNA <300 copies; at month 48, 90% of patients had HBV DNA <50 IU /mL. HBeAg loss was recorded in 7.1% of patients at week 96 and in 12.5% at month 48. The rate of HBeAg seroconversion was 4.8% at week 96 and 7.5% at month 48. The rate of HBsAg seroconversion was 2.1% at week 96 and 2.5% at month 48. Entecavir as a potent and safe agent leading to continuous viral suppression proved to be safe and well tolerated therapy.Entekavir je analog gvanozina koji djeluje protiv virusa hepatitisa B. Cilj ove četverogodišnje studije bio je procijeniti liječenje entekavirom kod bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom B pozitivnih na HBeAg bez prethodne nukleoz(t)idne terapije. Ukupno je 49 bolesnika primalo entekavir, a devetoro ih se povuklo s terapije na kraju 96. tjedna. Početna srednja vrijednost alanin aminotransferaze bila 79,4}41,5 IU /L, dok je nakon 4 godine vrijednost alanin aminotransferaze bila u normalnim granicama kod 90% bolesnika. U 96. tjednu je <300 kopija HBV DNA zabilježeno u 91,7% bolesnika, a u 48. mjesecu je 48,90% bolesnika imalo <50 IJ/mL HBV DNA. Gubitak HBeAg zabilježen je u 7,1% bolesnika u 96. tjednu te u 12,5% bolesnika u 48. mjesecu. Stopa serokonverzije HBeAg iznosila je 4,8% u 96. tjednu i 7,5% u 48. mjesecu. Stopa serokonverzije HBsAg bila je 2,1% u 96. tjednu i 2,5% u 48. mjesecu. Sigurnost terapije bila je dobra. Bolesnici su dobro podnosili entekavir, snažan i siguran lijek koji dovodi do ustaljenog suzbijanja virusa
Digital image processing (DIP) application on the evaluation of ironrich heavy mineral concentrates produced from river sand using a sequential mineral processing approach
In this study, the iron-rich heavy mineral concentrate production from river sand as a byproduct of an alternative resource by gravity, magnetic separation, and flotation methods were investigated in detail. For the physical separation of the sample and increasing the Fe2O3 content, a shaking table and a wet high-intensity magnetic separator were used, respectively. The gravity and magnetic separation experiments included rougher, cleaner, and scavenger circuits. In the flotation experiments, cationic flotation with ethylenediamine under acidic conditions, and anionic flotation with sodium oleate under alkaline conditions were performed. The iron and silica content of the products obtained were determined by digital image processing (DIP) methods and compared with the classical analytical procedures. Finally, a flow chart was proposed for the processing of the ore according to the optimum enrichment parameters were determined from the experiments. The results obtained in this study show that it is possible to produce an iron-rich heavy mineral concentrate with Fe2O3 grade and recovery rate of 79.13% and 57.81%, respectively, in addition to a potential feed for the production of quartz sand and feldspar concentrates
Coil embolization of iatrogenic coronary-pulmonary arterial fistula after heart transplantation
WOS: 000357329900014PubMed ID: 2613917
The detection of cardiac tamponade by hemodynamic transesophageal echocardiography after left ventriculer assist device implantation
WOS: 000355107300034PubMed ID: 2599372
Digital image processing (DIP) application on the evaluation of iron-rich heavy mineral concentrates produced from river sand using a sequential mineral processing approach
In this study, the iron-rich heavy mineral concentrate production from river sand as a by-product of an alternative resource by gravity, magnetic separation, and flotation methods were investigated in detail. For the physical separation of the sample and increasing the Fe2O3 content, a shaking table and a wet high-intensity magnetic separator were used, respectively. The gravity and magnetic separation experiments included rougher, cleaner, and scavenger circuits. In the flotation experiments, cationic flotation with ethylenediamine under acidic conditions, and anionic flotation with sodium oleate under alkaline conditions were performed. The iron and silica content of the products obtained were determined by digital image processing (DIP) methods and compared with the classical analytical procedures. Finally, a flow chart was proposed for the processing of the ore according to the optimum enrichment parameters were determined from the experiments. The results obtained in this study show that it is possible to produce an iron-rich heavy mineral concentrate with Fe2O3 grade and recovery rate of 79.13% and 57.81%, respectively, in addition to a potential feed for the production of quartz sand and feldspar concentrates
The pharmacists' ability to use pressurized metered-dose inhalers with a spacer device and factors affecting it
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the pharmacists' ability to use pMDIs with a spacer device and the factors that affect this ability. Method: Face to face interviews were conducted with the pharmacists. A nine item questionnaire was completed and the checklist for how to use pMDIs with a spacer device was filled out. Results: A total of 307 pharmacists voluntarily participated in this study. Fifty-six (18.2%) of the pharmacists stated that they did not know how to use pMDIs with a spacer device. These pharmacists were excluded and remaining 251 pharmacists included in the study. Only 100 (39.8%) pharmacists demonstrated all of the inhaler spacer device usage steps correctly. The step in which pharmacists made the most mistakes was "take 5-6 deep and slow breaths, hold for 10 s and slow breaths." Those pharmacists who were more likely to correctly use pMDIs with a spacer device were younger (p = 0.023), had dispensed more asthma medications per day (p < 0.001), had dispensed more asthma medications per day for patients younger than six years of age (p = 0.016), and sold inhaler spacer devices at their pharmacy (p = 0.042). Conclusion: Approximately one third of the pharmacists in the current study were able to correctly demonstrate all of the steps for proper usage of pMDIs with a spacer device, which indicates that pharmacists should be included in the training program and be provided continuous training on the use of pMDIs with a spacer device