6 research outputs found

    Microthyriaceae sp., an endophytic fungus

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    In screening for natural products with antiparasitic activity, an endophytic fungus, strain F2611, isolated from above-ground tissue of the tropical grass Paspalum conjugatum (Poaceae) in Panama, was chosen for bioactive principle elucidation. Cultivation on malt extract agar (MEA) followed by bioassayguided chromatographic fractionation of the extract led to the isolation of the new polyketide integrasone B (1) and two known mycotoxins, sterigmatocystin (2) and secosterigmatocystin (3). Sterigmatocystin (2) was found to be the main antiparasitic compound in the fermentation extract of this fungus, possessing potent and selective antiparasitic activity against Trypanosoma cruzi, the cause of Chagas disease, with an IC50 value of 0 13 lmol l 1. Compounds 2 and 3 showed high cytotoxicity against Vero cells (IC50 of 0 06 and 0 97 lmol l 1, respectively). The new natural product integrasone B (1), which was co-purified from the active fractions, constitutes the second report of a natural product possessing an epoxyquinone with a lactone ring and exhibited no significant biological activity. Strain F2611 represents a previously undescribed taxon within the Microthyriaceae (Dothideomycetes, AscomycotaIn screening for natural products with antiparasitic activity, an endophytic fungus, strain F2611, isolated from above-ground tissue of the tropical grass Paspalum conjugatum (Poaceae) in Panama, was chosen for bioactive principle elucidation. Cultivation on malt extract agar (MEA) followed by bioassayguided chromatographic fractionation of the extract led to the isolation of the new polyketide integrasone B (1) and two known mycotoxins, sterigmatocystin (2) and secosterigmatocystin (3). Sterigmatocystin (2) was found to be the main antiparasitic compound in the fermentation extract of this fungus, possessing potent and selective antiparasitic activity against Trypanosoma cruzi, the cause of Chagas disease, with an IC50 value of 0 13 lmol l 1. Compounds 2 and 3 showed high cytotoxicity against Vero cells (IC50 of 0 06 and 0 97 lmol l 1, respectively). The new natural product integrasone B (1), which was co-purified from the active fractions, constitutes the second report of a natural product possessing an epoxyquinone with a lactone ring and exhibited no significant biological activity. Strain F2611 represents a previously undescribed taxon within the Microthyriaceae (Dothideomycetes, AscomycotaLaboratory of Tropical Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Exact Sciences and Technology, University of Panama, Panama City, Republic of Panama Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama City, Republic of Panama Centro de Biodiversidade, Gen omica Integrativa e Funcional (BioFIG), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ci^encias, Edif ıcio ICAT/TecLabs, Campus da FCUL, Campo Grande, Lisboa, Portugal Institute for Advanced Scientific Investigation and High Technology Services, National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation, City of Knowledge, Panama City, Republic of Panama School of Plant Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, US

    Aclimatação de mudas de acariquara à alta irradiância Acclimation of manwood seedlings to full sunlight

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as mudanças fisiológicas que ocorrem em acariquara (Minquartia guianensis) durante o processo de aclimatação à alta irradiância, bem como a estratégia de aclimatação dessa espécie. Plantas mantidas em baixa irradiância foram transferidas para alta irradiância por 290 dias. Durante esse período, foi medida a relação entre fluorescência variável e máxima (Fv/Fm), em folhas desenvolvidas à sombra e, após a senescência prematura por foto-oxidação, em folhas aclimatadas ao sol. Ao final do experimento, foram determinadas as características fotossintéticas e anatômicas da folha. A exposição à alta irradiância causou, logo após a transferência, forte fotoinibição e foto-oxidação parcial da folhagem, mas não provocou a morte da planta. Folhas produzidas no ambiente ensolarado apresentaram valores de Fv/Fm similares aos do controle. A fotossíntese saturada por luz e a fotossíntese saturada por CO2 foram 90 e 50% maiores em plantas aclimatadas à alta irradiância. A velocidade máxima de carboxilação da rubisco e a taxa máxima de regeneração da ribulose bisfosfato seguiram a mesma tendência. Folhas produzidas ao sol apresentaram maior densidade estomática e maior espessura foliar. A produção de folhas novas é a principal estratégia de aclimatação da acariquara à alta irradiância.<br>The aim of this work was to determine the physiological changes that occur in manwood (Minquartia guianensis) during the acclimation process to high irradiance, and also to determine the acclimation strategy of this species. Plants kept in low light were transferred to high irradiance for 290 days. During this period the ratio between variable fluorescence and maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) was measured in leaves developed in the shade, and after premature senescence due to photooxidation, in sun-acclimated leaves. At the end of the experimental period the anatomic and photosynthetic characteristics of leaves were determined. Exposure to high irradiance caused, just after transferring, strong photoinhibition and partial photooxidation, but did not cause plant death. Leaves produced in sunny environment showed Fv/Fm similar to that of control plants. Light-saturated photosynthesis and CO2 saturated-photosynthesis were 90 and 50% higher in plants acclimated to high irradiance. The maximum carboxylation velocity of rubisco and the maximum rate of ribulose bisphosphate regeneration followed the same trend. Leaves produced under sunlight had higher stomatal density and increased leaf thickness. The production of new leaves is the main acclimation strategy to high irradiance in manwood