68 research outputs found

    Znaczenie postaw wobec kulturowych ról płci, rodzinnego wzorca pracy matek oraz podziału obowiązków domowych i rodzicielskich dla zatrudnienia matek małych dzieci w Polsce

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    The paper presents estimation results of a logistic regression developed in order to explore such predictors of employment of mothers with children up to 14 years old in Poland as maternal attitudes towards cultural gender roles, a parental family of a working mother and sharing household and childcare duties between parents. The analysis was based on the data from the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS-PL1). It was found that the family pattern of a working mother significantly increased the chances of employment of her daughter having her own offspring. Egalitarian attitudes towards gender roles have not proved to be a significant predictor of maternal employment. However, the stronger mother’s approval of the statement that “a small child suffers when his/her mother works” was, the lower the likelihood was of her employment. A larger number of children turned out to be a stimulus for maternal employment when the division of responsibilities between partners and the extent of informal childcare use were controlled for in the model

    Folic acid - importance for human health and its role in COVID-19 therapy

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    Folic acid (folacin, B9) is a vitamin that performs many very important functions in the human body, and its inadequate level - deficiency as well as excess, may contribute to an increased risk of developing many disease processes. The aim of this study was to analyze the available scientific literature on folic acid and its impact on human health. A systematic review of the studies, published until November 2022, was made on the basis of searching bibliographic databases such as: PubMed, Elsevier and Google Scholar. The following keywords and combinations were used: folic acid, folate, folic acid supplementation, folate deficiency. Folic acid, thanks to its high biological activity, has a direct and indirect effect on the metabolism of the human body cells. It plays a very important role, among others in the prevention of neural tube defects and megaloblastic anemia, the proper functioning of the nervous system, as well as reducing the risk of developing certain cancers. Currently, the important role of folic acid in maintaining the proper functioning of the immune system is also emphasized, which is of particular importance both in the prevention and in the situation of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection. The effects of deficiency and excess of vitamin B9 may turn out to be dangerous to health and even life. There is a need for nutritional and health education of the society regarding the importance of folic acid for human health, due to the presence of large deficiencies in the population, which is particularly important for some social groups, such as, for example, women of procreation age, pregnant or breastfeeding, people with a nutrient malabsorption, and people who smoke or abuse alcohol

    Poczucie koherencji a stan posiadanej wiedzy o chorobie u osób z rozpoznaniem cukrzycy typu 2

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    INTRODUCTION. The chronicity of disease, the lack of self-control favours the formation of complications. The educated patient provides for optimum state of health. The coherence feeling is a factor influencing on accepting the disease, commitment in treatment and self-control. Aim: The qualification of coherence feeling level and its influence on state of possessed knowledge about illness. MATERIAL AND METHODS. 80 patients with recognition of diabetes type 2 were given an examination, getting treatment in the Diabetics Centre of Province Joint Hospital as well as in the Diabetics Information bureau of the Specialist Hospital „Matopat” in Toruń. The following investigative tools were used: the own construction inquiry, which permitted verifying the patients’ knowledge about the diabetes type 2 before and after education as well as the Questionnaire of Life Orientation SOC-29 to describe the level of coherence feeling. RESULTS. Examined people got an average result in general SOC. Essential differences were not showed among examined people in the range of global SOC and its components. Patients’ education caused raising of knowledge level of diabetes type 2. Investigations confirmed that persons with higher global SOC and with higher feeling of comprehensibleness assimilated the knowledge about illness more easily. CONCLUSIONS. The qualification of coherence feeling level and its correlations with the state of possessed knowledge about, can serve as a factor influencing on effective fight with disease, the improvement of life quality and the preservation the optimum state of health at persons with recognition of diabetes type 2. (Diabet. Prakt. 2011; 12, 2: 71–77)WSTĘP. Przewlekłość choroby, brak samokontroli sprzyjają powstawaniu powikłań. Wyedukowany pacjent utrzymuje optymalny stan zdrowia. Czynnikiem wpływającym na zaakceptowanie choroby, walkę z nią oraz zaangażowanie w leczenie i samokontrolę jest poczucie koherencji. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie poziomu poczucia koherencji i jego wpływu na stan posiadanej wiedzy o schorzeniu. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Przebadano 80 pacjentów z rozpoznaniem cukrzycy typu 2, leczących się w Centrum Diabetologii Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Zespolonego oraz w Poradni Diabetologicznej Szpitala Specjalistycznego Matopat w Toruniu. Kwestionariusz Orientacji Życiowej SOC-29 służący do określenia poziomu poczucia koherencji oraz ankieta własnej konstrukcji pozwoliły na zweryfikowanie wiedzy pacjentów o cukrzycy typu 2 przed edukacją i po jej zakończeniu. WYNIKI. Badani uzyskali przeciętny wynik w ogólnym SOC. Nie wykazano istotnych różnic pomiędzy badanymi w zakresie globalnego SOC i jego składowych. Edukacja pacjentów spowodowała podniesienie poziomu wiedzy o cukrzycy typu 2. Badania potwierdziły, że osoby z wyższym globalnym SOC i wyższym poczuciem zrozumiałości łatwiej przyswajały wiedzę o schorzeniu. WNIOSKI. Określenie poziomu poczucia koherencji i jego korelacji ze stanem posiadanej wiedzy może posłużyć jako czynnik wpływający na skuteczną walkę z chorobą, poprawę jakości życia oraz zachowanie optymalnego stanu zdrowia u osób z rozpoznaniem cukrzycy typu 2. (Diabet. Prakt. 2011; 12, 2: 71–77

    Drought stress and re-watering affect the abundance of TIP aquaporin transcripts in barley

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    Tonoplast Intrinsic Proteins (TIP) are plant aquaporins that are primarily localized in the tonoplast and play a role in the bidirectional flux of water and other substrates across a membrane. In barley, eleven members of the HvTIP gene subfamily have been identified. Here, we describe the transcription profile of the HvTIP genes in the leaves of barley seedlings being grown under optimal moisture conditions, drought stress and a re-watering phase. The applied drought stress caused a 55% decrease in the relative water content (RWC) in seedlings, while re-watering increased the RWC to 90% of the control. Our analysis showed that all HvTIP genes, except HvTIP3;2, HvTIP4;3 and HvTIP5.1, were expressed in leaves of ten-day-old barley seedlings under optimal water conditions with the transcripts of HvTIP2;3, HvTIP1;2 and HvTIP1;1 being the most abundant. We showed, for the first time in barley, a significant variation in the transcriptional activity between the analysed genes under drought stress. After drought treatment, five HvTIP genes, which are engaged in water transport, were down-regulated to varying degrees, while two, HvTIP3;1 and HvTIP4;1, were up-regulated. The HvTIP3;1 isoform, which is postulated as transporting hydrogen peroxide, expressed the highest increase of activity (ca. 5000x) under drought stress, thus indicating its importance in the response to this stress. Re-hydration caused the return of the expression of many genes to the level that was observed under optimal moisture conditions or, at least, a change in this direction Additionally, we examined the promotor regions of HvTIP and detected the presence of the cis-regulatory elements that are connected with the hormone and stress responses in all of the genes. Overall, our results suggest that 7 of 11 studied HvTIP (HvTIP1;1, HvTIP1;2, HvTIP2;1, HvTIP2;2, HvTIP2;3, HvTIP3;1, HvTIP4;1) have an important function during the adaptation of barley to drought stress conditions. We discuss the identified drought-responsive HvTIP in terms of their function in the adaptation of barley to this stress

    External audit of providers of the Cervical Cancer Prevention Programme in Poland in 2016/2017

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    Introduction. The Cervical Cancer (CC) Prevention Programme includes 3 phases: basic (Pap smear collection), diagnostic (Pap smear evaluation) and in-depth (colposcopy/biopsy in case of abnormal smear test findings). The Programme service providers are subject to an external audit and this publication’s objective is to analyse its results from 2016 and the first half of 2017. Materials and methods. The audit of the Programme performance in the period 01.01.2016–30.06.2017 was carried out by external auditors by way of personal visits to the offices of the service providers and by way of direct data retrieval. The audit covered 12% (198) of the basic phase, 100% (66) of the diagnostic phase and 100% (62) of the in-depth phase facilities. The Polish National Health Fund (NHF) did not make available the routinely collected data for the purpose of audit. Audit data collected in the developed protocols were analysed. Results. The number of Pap smears (2,028,988) and the number of colposcopies (13,636) outside the Programme was, respectively, more than two and three times higher than in the Programme (cytology — 801,640, colposcopy — 3929). The performance of the procedures (Programme vs outside the Programme) was highly variable depending on the provider. The percentage of Pap smears unsuitable for evaluation did not differ significantly between gynaecologists and midwives. All audited cytological laboratories carried out rescreening of samples. Biopsy was not performed in 11% (2016) and 15% (2017) of colposcopy laboratories. Inaccuracies were found in 19% (61) of the audit protocols. Discussion. Significantly higher number of procedures performed outside the Programme results from lower renu­meration of procedures within the Programme. Variable provider's preferences in the mode of procedures execution indicates that with the use of appropriate organisational solutions it would be possible to reduce opportunistic screening, which is of unknown quality. The quality of Pap smear sample collection in the case of gynaecologists and midwives is the same, but the number of primary care provider (PCP) facilities where midwives collect smears is very limited. The inaccuracies noted in the audit protocols indicate that the lack of access to data collected by the National Health Fund decreased the quality of the audit carried out and the reliability of the data obtained. Conclusions. Restoring full access to data collected by the NHF is crucial for the Programme audit quality. Measures should be implemented to reduce opportunistic screening and shift the stream of tests to the Programme (both at the basic and at the in-depth phase), and to increase the availability of tests in PCP facilities through training for midwives.

    Barley primary microRNA expression pattern is affected by soil water availability

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    MicroRNAs are short molecules of 21–24 nt in length. They are present in all eukaryotic organisms and regulate gene expression by guiding posttranscriptional silencing of mRNAs. In plants, they are key players in signal transduction, growth and development, and in response to abiotic and biotic stresses. Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is an economically important monocotyledonous crop plant. Drought is the world’s main cause of loss in cereal production. We have constructed a highthroughput Real-Time RT-qPCR platform for parallel determination of 159 barley primary microRNAs’ levels. The platform was tested for two drought-and-rehydrationtreated barley genotypes (Rolap and Sebastian). We have determined changes in the expression of primary microRNAs responding to mild drought, severe drought, and rehydration. Based on the results obtained, we conclude that alteration in the primary microRNA expression is relative to the stress’s intensity. Mild drought and rehydration mostly decrease the pri-miRNA levels in both of the tested genotypes. Severe drought mainly induces the primary microRNA expression. The main difference between the genotypes tested was a much-stronger induction of pri-miRNAs in Rolap encountering severe drought. The primary microRNAs respond dynamically to mild drought, severe drought, and rehydration treatments. We propose that some of the individual primiRNAs could be used as drought stress or rehydration markers. The usage of the platform in biotechnology is also postulated

    Microbial community changes along the Ecology Glacier ablation zone (King George Island, Antarctica)

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    In recent years glacial surfaces have received much attention as microbial habitats of diverse photoautotrophic and heterotrophic cells. Supraglacial ecosystems are annually covered and uncovered by snow. The aim of this study was to investigate the microbial community response to changing environmental conditions in a transect following the receding snow line on the surface of Ecology Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica). Parameters of surface ice and cryoconite holes included chemical composition of ice and sediment, Bacteria diversity by denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), microbial functional diversity (Biolog Ecoplates), and microbial counts (epifluorescence microscopy, colony forming units - CFU). Data demonstrated profound differences between surface ice and cryoconite holes. Changing environmental factors along the transect influenced composition and abundance of the microbiocenosis in both habitat types. Several parameters correlated positively with distance from the glacier edge, including the cell morphotype Shannon Index, chlorophyll a, nitrogen and seston concentrations. Suspended solids content positively correlated with microbial 2 abundance and diversity. Nitrogen and phosphorus were limiting factors of microbial growth as amounts of organic nitrogen and phosphorus positively correlated with the cell numbers, fission rates and photoautotroph contribution. Our findings indicate that microbial community shows a response in terms of abundance and diversity to exposure of the glacial surface as snow-cover melts. To our knowledge this is the first study to recognize a microbial development pattern on a glacier surface in connection with the receding snow line. This may help better understand variability within supraglacial habitats, correct sampling procedures and inform biocenotic development models

    Wyrównanie cukrzycy u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 w świetle wytycznych Polskiego Towarzystwa Diabetologicznego

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    Introduction. Treatment of diabetes should be complex and individualized to prevent chronic complications. The aim of the study was to evaluation metabolic control in type 2 diabetic patients, according to Polish Diabetes Association recommendation (2013) and to identify the factors affecting the achievement of treatment goals in patients with type 2 diabetes.Material and methods. The study group consisted of 249 consecutively presenting type 2 diabetic patients (151 female, 98 male) treated in Wojewódzki Ośrodek Diabetologii i Chorób Metabolicznych in Łódź. Metabolic control, including HbA1c and lipids profile, BMI and blood pressure was evaluated.Results. The mean HbA1c concentration was 7.34 ± 1.25% and in 50% of patients HbA1c was ≤ 7.0%.Total cholesterol concentration < 175 mg/dl, LDL cholesterol < 100 mg/dl, and HDL > 40 mg/dl for man and HDL > 50 mg/dl for women were state respectively in 41%, 38% and 65% patients. Normal blood pressure (< 140/90 mm Hg) was observed in 53% patients; 25% patients were overweight and 68% were obese. In studied group three and four criteria were fulfilled by 10% patients, while 22% reached any of them. Women met an average of 1.38 ± 0.93 criteria, whilemen met the criteria for 1.01 ± 0.88 (p < 0.05). HbA1c concentration correlated with diabetes duration and insulin therapy (p < 0.05).Conclusion. Metabolic control in study population isnot sufficient. Long-term diabetes, insulin therapy and male sex are risk factors for diabetes treatment failure.Wstęp. Leczenie cukrzycy powinno być kompleksowe i zindywidualizowane, by zapobiec przewlekłym powikłaniom. Celem przeprowadzonego badania była ocena kompleksowego wyrównania cukrzycy w świetle zaleceń PTD oraz zidentyfikowanie czynników wpływających na osiąganie celów leczenia u chorych z cukrzycą typu 2.Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono w Wojewódzkim Ośrodku Diabetologii i Chorób Metabolicznych w Łodzi. Badaniem objęto grupę 249 (151 kobiet, 98 mężczyzn) kolejno zgłaszających się osób z cukrzycą typu 2. Wyrównanie metaboliczne w zakresie: gospodarki węglowodanowej, lipidowej, wskaźnika masyciała (BMI) i ciśnienia tętniczego oceniano zgodnie z zaleceniami PTD z 2013 roku.Wyniki. Średnia wartość hemoglobiny glikowanej (HbA1c) wynosiła 7,34%. Wartość HbA1c ≤ ,0% uzyskano u 50%, natomiast HbA1c ≤ 6,5% u 27% pacjentów. Zalecane stężenie cholesterolu całkowitego < 175 mg/dl, cholesterolu frakcji LDL < 100 mg/dl, a frakcji HDL > 40 mg/dl dla mężczyzn i HDL > 50 mg/dl dla kobiet uzyskało odpowiednio 41%, 38% i 65% pacjentów. Kryteria prawidłowego wyrównania ciśnienia tętniczego spełniało 53% chorych. Nadwaga występowała u 25% pacjentów, otyłość u 68%. W badanej grupie 3 i 4 zalecane cele leczenia spełniło zaledwie 10%, natomiast żadnego kryterium nie spełniło aż 22% pacjentów. Kobiety spełniły średnio 1,38 ± 0,93 kryterium, podczas gdy mężczyźni 1,01 ± 0,88 (p < 0,05). Odsetek HbA1c koreluje z czasem trwania leczenia cukrzycy i stosowaniem insulinoterapii (p < 0,05).Wnioski. Kontrola metaboliczna cukrzycy w badanej populacji jest niezadowalająca. Długotrwała cukrzyca, leczenie insuliną oraz płeć męska są czynnikami ryzyka niepowodzenia terapii cukrzycy

    Recommendations for neurological, obstetrical and gynaecological care in women with multiple sclerosis: a statement by a working group convened by the Section of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology of the Polish Neurological Society

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    Introduction. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common non-traumatic neurological cause of disability in young adults, affecting women 1-3 times more often than men. Several specific challenges arise from the fact that young women diagnosed with MS often have to make decisions related to treatment and family planning at the same time. These issues are connected with fertility, the impact of pregnancy on disease course, the choice of pregnancy timing, and the optimal mode of disease-modifying therapy in the context of a planned pregnancy, contraception, urological complaints, and sexual dysfunction.State of the art. While MS does not in itself adversely affect fertility, pregnancy or childbirth, pregnancy needs to be carefully planned. This requires the interdisciplinary co-operation of a neurologist, gynaecologist and psychologist. Data on the impact of disease-modifying drugs on foetal development are very limited, and none of these drugs is 100% safe during pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, MS relapse rate decreases. Unfortunately, it increases within the first 3-6 months after delivery. Adequate disease control should be achieved before pregnancy, as relapse rate in the period of two years preceding pregnancy is one of the strongest predictive factors for post-partum relapses.Clinical implications. The following is a statement by a working group of experts in neurology, gynaecology, obstetrics and urology, convened by the Section of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology of the Polish Neurological Society, addressing the issues that are specific to the female MS population. The aim of this statement is to provide guidance in pregnancy planning and disease management, both during pregnancy and post-partum.Future directions. This statement reflects expert opinion and is not intended to be read as guidelines. It rather provides up-to-date information on how to optimise care of female MS patients of childbearing age