13 research outputs found

    Noninvasive monitoring of deterioration in skeletal muscle function with forearm cast immobilization and the prevention of deterioration

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    BACKGROUND: In this research inactivity was simulated by immobilizing the forearm region in a plaster cast. Changes in skeletal muscle oxidative function were measured using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), and the preventative effect of the training protocol on deterioration of skeletal muscle and the clinical utility of NIRS were examined. METHODS: Fourteen healthy adult men underwent immobilization of the forearm of the non-dominant arm by plaster cast for 21 days. Eight healthy adult subjects were designated as the immobilization group (IMM) and six were designated as the immobilization + training group (IMM+TRN). Grip strength, forearm circumference and dynamic handgrip exercise endurance were measured before and after the 21-day immobilization period. Using NIRS, changes in oxidative function of skeletal muscles were also evaluated. Muscle oxygen consumption recovery was recorded after the completion of 60 seconds of 40% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) dynamic handgrip exercise 1 repetition per 4 seconds and the recovery time constant (TcVO(2)mus) was calculated. RESULTS: TcVO(2)mus for the IMM was 59.7 ± 5.5 seconds (average ± standard error) before immobilization and lengthened significantly to 70.4 ± 5.4 seconds after immobilization (p < 0.05). For the IMM+TRN, TcVO(2)mus was 78.3 ± 6.2 seconds before immobilization and training and shortened significantly to 63.1 ± 5.6 seconds after immobilization and training (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The training program used in this experiment was effective in preventing declines in muscle oxidative function and endurance due to immobilization. The experimental results suggest that non-invasive monitoring of skeletal muscle function by NIRS would be possible in a clinical setting

    シンキ ケツユウビョウ A カンジャ ニ タイ スル ダイ 8 インシ セイザイ オ モチイ タ キンキュウ タイオウ : 2 ニュウジ レイ ホウコク

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    確定診断前に凝固第VIII因子(F VIII)製剤の緊急投与を要した重症型血友病A の2 乳児例を報告する.症例1 は10 か月男児.反復する嘔吐を主訴に入院した.左上肢に腫張を伴う筋肉内出血と硬膜外血腫を認めた.症例2 は10 か月男児.止血困難な口唇裂傷後の出血を主訴に来院し,重度の貧血を認めた.2 例ともプロトロンビン時間(PT)正常,活性化プロトロンビン時間(APTT)の著明な延長より,血友病を強く疑った.いずれも重篤な出血を認めたため,凝固因子活性値による確定診断を待たず,緊急でF VIII製剤の投与を試みた.投与後2 例ともAPTT は改善し,出血症状も改善した.後日2 例ともにF VIII活性が1%未満と判明し,重症型血友病A と確定診断された.The cause of hemophilia A and B involves loss of factor VIII( FVIII) and factor IX( FIX), respectively. The hereditary form of this hemorrhagic disease is X-linked recessive. It is well established that the critical region for hemophilia A is localized on Xq28 and for hemophilia B on Xq27.1- 27.2. The initial symptom is bleeding in the mucous membranes often accompanied by intramuscular and intraarticular hemorrhage. The hemorrhages in the joints cause joint contracture as a sequela. The diagnosis of hemophilia is based on a normal bleeding and prothrombin time(PT)and prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). We report here two infants of the severe typical from of hemophilia A who were treated with sufficient needed dosage of recombinant factor VIII before a final diagnosis was made. Case 1 was a 10-month-old boy. He was hospitalized for recurrent vomiting. He had intramuscular bleeding with swelling of the left shoulder and upper extremity. A head CT showed multiple epidural hematomas. Case 2 was a 10-month-old boy. He was sent to our hospital because of a lip laceration that did not stop bleeding, and he had severe anemia. We made the diagnosis of hemophilia A based on both their normal laboratory finding of PT and on the finding of extended APTT. Before confirming the decision diagnosis of hemophilia, we intravenously injected recombinant FVIII immediately, because of the severe hemorrhagic symptoms. After the therapy, both the APTT and hemorrhagic symptoms improved. These two cases were later confirmed as a severe infantile form of hemophilia A with less than 1 % factor VIII activity

    Fluctuations in C-Reactive Protein in a Hepatoblastoma Patient with Thrombocytosis

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    We observed the changes in serum levels of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in a patient with hepatoblastoma exhibiting thrombocytosis. The concomitant changes of IL-6 and CRP concentrations after the initiation of chemotherapy, in the absence of infection, suggested that the IL-6, which is synthesized in hepatoblastoma cells and induces thrombocytosis, also stimulated CRP production in the present case. IL-6 is thought to play an important role in thrombocytosis in hepatoblastoma

    Association of medial meniscal extrusion with medial tibial osteophyte distance detected by T2 mapping MRI in patients with early-stage knee osteoarthritis

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    Abstract Background Medial meniscal extrusion (MME) is associated with progression of medial knee osteoarthritis (OA), but no or little information is available for relationships between MME and osteophytes, which are found in cartilage and bone parts. Because of the limitation in detectability of the cartilage part of osteophytes by radiography or conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the rate of development and size of osteophytes appear to have been underestimated. Because T2 mapping MRI may enable us to evaluate the cartilage part of osteophytes, we aimed to examine the association between MME and OA-related changes, including osteophytes, by using conventional and T2 mapping MRI. Methods Patients with early-stage knee OA (n = 50) were examined. MRI-detected OA-related changes, in addition to MME, were evaluated according to the Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score. T2 values of the medial meniscus and osteophytes were measured on T2 mapping images. Osteophytes surgically removed from patients with end-stage knee OA were histologically analyzed and compared with findings derived by radiography and MRI. Results Medial side osteophytes were detected by T2 mapping MRI in 98% of patients with early-stage knee OA, although the detection rate was 48% by conventional MRI and 40% by radiography. Among the OA-related changes, medial tibial osteophyte distance was most closely associated with MME, as determined by multiple logistic regression analysis, in the patients with early-stage knee OA (β = 0.711, p < 0.001). T2 values of the medial meniscus were directly correlated with MME in patients with early-stage knee OA, who showed ≥ 3 mm of MME (r = 0.58, p = 0.003). The accuracy of osteophyte evaluation by T2 mapping MRI was confirmed by histological analysis of the osteophytes removed from patients with end-stage knee OA. Conclusions Our study demonstrates that medial tibial osteophyte evaluated by T2 mapping MRI is frequently observed in the patients with early-stage knee OA, showing close association with MME, and that MME is positively correlated with the meniscal degeneration