23 research outputs found

    The evaluation of teeth loosening of the upper jaw in adaptive period of orthodontic treatment by braces

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    Introduction: Tooth loosening is divided into physiological and pathological one, but there is tooth loosening that occurs during orthodontic treatment (OT) and depends on the tissues of parodontium and strength of orthodontic apparatus. The aim of the research is to evaluate teeth loosening of the upper j aw during adaptive period in patients with permanent bite who were treated by braces. Materials and methods: Periostometry (device «Periotest») of teeth to 30 patients who are from 14 to 27 years old with the pathology of the first type based Angle's classification. The evaluation of teeth loosening was done before OT, in 1 month, in 3 months and in 6 months. Results: The average index of teeth loosening before OT in patients included 3,08±1,29, so it corresponded to norm indices. In 1 month after braces fixation indices of tooth loosening were increased. Middle index of teeth loosening on the third month of OT was 5 , 8 4 ± 0 , 7 7 relative units, that in 1,9 times more than periostometric indices before OT. Conclusions: Changes of teeth loosening during OT by braces during the first month after fixation. It should be noted that during the first month of OT data of periostometry determine the enlargement of teeth loosening of all teeth in 1,38, in 3 months there is decrease of teeth loosening for all types of teeth. On the 6'h month of OT indices of teeth loosening continue decreasing but with lesser intensity and not achieve such level which was to the beginning of OT

    Functional condition of masseters muscles of patients with class II subdivision

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    Introduction: Main functional characteristics of masticator muscles in patients with class II malocclusions is activity dominance of m. temporalis in comparison with m. Masseter. We have not found datum about functional status of the masticators in patients with class II subdivision. The aim: The purpose of our study was to investigate the functional characteristics of m. Masseter, m. temporalis in adult patients with class II subdivision malocclusion. Materials and methods: There have been carried out the surface electromyographic study of m. masseter, m. temporalis in 17 adult patients with class II subdivision. It was realized quantitative analysis of 271 electromyogram, it was determined the average bioelectric activity index activity, symmetry and torsion index. Results: It was observed predominance of the bioelectrical activity of m. temporales on m. masseter for all persons with class II subdivision. Bioelectrical activity for m. masseter was bigger on side of distal ratio and for m. tennporales on side of neutral ratio. In class II subdivision right, the mandible was deviated to the left side and in class II subdivision left is deviated to the right side. Thus, rotational moment generated during compression of the jaws, causes deviation of the lower jaw to the side, with a neutral molar ratio. During voluntary chewing bioelectrical activity of m. masseter and m. temporalis was higher in the right side. Conclusion: In accordance with the functional condition of the masticatory muscles of class

    The features of masticatory muscles in patients with class II subdivision

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    В статье изложены результаты электромиографического исследования жевательных мышц у лиц с асимметричным ІІ классом по E.H. Angle. На основании амплитудных пока-зателей биопотенциалов m. masseter и m. temporales опре-делены индексы Ac, SIM, Tor. Обнаружено, что функциональной характеристикой асим-метричного ІІ класса является преобладание нерациональ-ного темпорального типа жевания и смещение нижней че-люсти в сторону с нейтральным соотношением моляров при стандартных электромиографических пробах; У статті викладені результати електроміографічного до-слідження жувальних м'язів у осіб з асиметричним ІІ кла-сом по E.H. Angle. На підставі амплітудних показників біо-потенціалів m. masseter і m. temporales визначені індекси Ac, SIM, Tor. Виявлено, що функціональною характеристикою асимет-ричного ІІ класу є переважання нераціонального темпора-льного типу жування і зсув нижньої щелепи в сторону з нейтральним співвідношенням молярів при стандартних електроміографічних пробах. Ключові слова: асиметричний ІІ клас за E.H. Angle, елект-роміографія жувальних м'язів; Class II subdivision malocclusion is studied extremely insuffi-cient. There is evidence that class II subdivision is connected with bone asymmetry of upper and lower jaw and skull base. Data of functional status of masticatory muscles in patients with class II subdivision was not found. The aim of the study was to investigate the functional character-istics of the masticatory muscles in adults with class II subdivi-sion. Electromyography study of m. masseter and m. temporales was held in 17 adults with class II subdivision: group A (9 patients) – with subdivision right; group B (8 patients) – with subdivision left. Such functional tests were used: maximum volitional lock-jaw in central occlusion (1), free chewing (2) given chewing on the right side of (3) given chewing on the left side of (4). Indices Ac, SIM, Tor were defined. Results. In tests (1,3,4) for all patients m. temporales dominated over m. masseter, which was confirmed by the negative value of the index Ac. Rotary moment produced during compression of the jaws, free and given chewing deposed mandible to the side with neutral molar relationship. Conclusions: the functional characteristics of class II subdivi-sion are the preponderance of temporal chewing type and dis-placement of mandible to the side with a neutral molar relation-ship

    Morphological and radiological features of unilateral class II malocclusion

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    Изучена асимметрия зубных рядов, нижней челюсти (НЧ), а также особенности соотношения челюстей у взрослых пациентов с односторонним II классом зубочелюстных аномалий (ЗЧА) по Э. Энглю. Выявлено, что односторонний II класс ЗЧА не является зубоальвеолярной аномалией, а связан с асимметричным смещением НЧ относительно верхней в сторону с дистальным соотношением моляров;The aim of the study was to evaluate the asymmetry of dentition, mandible and bite features in adult patients with unilateral class II malocclusion. The study revealed that class II malocclusion is associated rather with an asymmetrical shift of the mandible to the side with distal molars relation than with absolute dentoalveolar anomaly

    Morphological features of class II subdivision by E.H. Angle

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    Проведена индексная оценка симметричности зубных рядов у пациентов с односторонними аномалиями прикуса II класса по Е.Н. Angle различной этиологии. Обнаружено статистически достоверное изменение соотношения боковых сегментов зубных дуг, что может быть одним из этиологических факторов возникновения таких аномалий; Was conducted an index score of dentition symmetry in patients with class II subdivision by E.H. Angle different etiologies Was found statistically significant change in the ratio of lateral segments of the dental arches, which may be one of the etiological factors of class II subdivision

    The problem of orthodontic treatment of patients with hearing difficulty (literature review)

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    Results of review of native and foreign publications based on the problem of dental and orthodontic aid to patients with hearing difficulty are presented in this article. Hearing loss affects the ability of a person to communicate with other people. Depriving of opportunities for communication can have a significant impact on everyday life, causing feelings of loneliness, isolation and despair. Spread of dentofacial abnormalities in people with hearing difficulties is very high. Problem of dental aid to patients with hearing difficulties especially with orthodontic one is very topical

    Evaluation of e-learning of "Orthodontics" specialty in HSEIU “Ukrainian Мedical Stomatological Academy” at the postgraduate stage

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    Науково-технічний прогрес і широка доступність Інтернет ресурсу та комп’ютерного забезпечення значно розширюють можливість застосування цифрових технологій в навчальному процесі. Для забезпечення високих стандартів післядипломної підготовки на кафедрі післядипломної освіти лікарів-ортодонтів ВДНЗУ «Українська медична стоматологічна академія» широко застосовуються інформаційні, мультимедійні технології та сучасні комп’ютерні діагностичні та тестові програми, що створюють сприятливі умови для оптимізації навчального процесу, формування клінічного мислення, засвоєння практичних навичок і реалізації ідеї самовдосконалення курсантів; Technological progress and the widespread availability of Internet resources and computer software greatly extend the applicability of digital technology in the educational process. To ensure the high standards of postgraduate training at the department of postgraduate studding of orthodontists HSEIU “Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy” widely used information, multimedia technology and modern computer diagnostic and test programs that create favorable conditions to optimize the learning process, formation of clinical thinking, learning practical skills and self-realization of the idea of students

    Optical density of mandible in orthodontic patients

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    Introduction: The given article is concerned with peculiarities of the change in the bone mineral density of the jaw bones in the dynamics of bone structure growth in the locomotor apparatus of orthodontic patients. The aim of the paper is to carry out a comparative analysis of the mineral density of the bone tissue of the lower jaw (mandible) and the mineral density of the second cervical vertebra (C2) in patients with malocclusion. Materials and methods: 37 computer tomograms of orthodontic patients were studied, which were divided into three age groups according to the periods of the formation of the dentoalveolar system. Measurement of bone density of (second cervical vertebra) C2 was performed in the sagittal projection along the middle of the height of the vertebra. In the mandible, measurements were made on axial sections in the vestibular and oral direction in the region of the alveolar process between the central incisors, between the canine and the first premolar at the mid-root level, in the region of the first molars below the bifurcation level, in the retromolar region and the region of the articular process. Results: The greatest similarity in densitometric parameters of bone density is established between the second cervical vertebrae and the density of the joint head. The most dense site on the lower jaw is the alveolar process between the central incisors, which increases with age from 1274.71 ± 34.7 in group I to 1400.6 ± 7 5 , 5 6 in the III group, these indicators are almost 2-2.5 times higher than the density of C2. Conclusions: Mandible presents irregular density of bone based on optic denstitometry in different areas. Maximal indices of bone density are established in the area of alveolar processes where the jaw is exposed to maximal occlusal loading

    Symmetry of elements of temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

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    Introduction: Dysfunction of temporomandibular joint is present in 70-75% of orthodontic patients. Evaluation of TMJ and detailed characteristics of its elements with additional methods of examination in children and adults is necessary for clinical definition of proposed disturbances of the structure and functions of the joint. The aim of the investigation is to study morphological symmetry ofTMJ in patients with dentofacial abnormalities and with dentofacial abnormalities complicated by secondary edentulism. Materials and Methods: 57 patients were involved in the examination. Based on gender principle patients'distribution was almost equal: there were 30 women and 27 men. Cone-beam computerized tomography (CBCT) Galileos (SIRONA DENTAL, Germany) was used to all patients. Results: It was done analysis of parameters (height and length) of right and left heads (condyles) of temporomandibular joint in both groups. Asymmetry of parameters of heads' length in saggital area in patients of the second group was defined. It was proved statistically (left 10,38±0,76, right 8,16±0,78). Conclusions: Increase of asymmetry of length of heads of TMJ in saggital area with age was determined. It can be explained by complication of dentofacial abnormalities and the presence of secondary edentulism. Depending on bite type length of condyle, especially at prognathism (in saggital) area peculiar clinical problems with TMJ can be present due to asymmetry of condyles. The size ofjoint gaps ofTMJ due to the presence of dentofacial abnormalities with age demonstrates compensatory ability and saves its

    Optical density of upper jaw in patients with malocclusion

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    Introduction: The growth and formation of facial skeleton is in interrelation with growth of cervical spine. Computer tomography plays an important role to examine and investigate the density of bony tissue resulting from total increase of osteopenic diseases and diseases of periodontal tissue. The aim of the paper is to compare indices of mineral density of bony tissue of the upper jaw and mineral density of the second cervical vertebra in patients with malocclusion. Materials and Methods: 37 orthodontic patients were involved in the investigation. They were divided into three age groups depending on the period of formation of dentofacial system. Density measurement of bone of the second cervical vertebra was done and also density measurement of upper jaw in the area of alveolar process between central incisors, canines and the first premolar on the level of the middle of roots, in the area of the first molars under the level of bifurcation and in cusp was performed. Results: Optical density of bone of the second cervical vertebra with age increases from 501±61,06 to 587,6±48,81. The densest area on the upper jaw is alveolar process between central incisors, which increases with age from 1045,14±59,81 to 1318±69,28. The least indices of optical density were determined in area of the cusp of the upper jaw: the first group presented 174,21±38,94, and the third one included 338,87±26,91. Conclusions: Densitometry of bony tissue with computer tomography is diagnostically informative and available method for investigation and it can be used for diagnostics of bony tissue condition and for evaluation of orthodontic treatment