208 research outputs found

    Radiation effects on silicon solar cells Final report, Dec. 1, 1961 - Dec. 31, 1962

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    Displacement defects in silicon solar cells by high energy electron irradiation using electron spin resonance, galvanometric, excess carrier lifetime, and infrared absorption measurement

    Heat Shock Protein-90 Inhibitors Enhance Antigen Expression on Melanomas and Increase T Cell Recognition of Tumor Cells

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    In an effort to enhance antigen-specific T cell recognition of cancer cells, we have examined numerous modulators of antigen-expression. In this report we demonstrate that twelve different Hsp90 inhibitors (iHsp90) share the ability to increase the expression of differentiation antigens and MHC Class I antigens. These iHsp90 are active in several molecular and cellular assays on a series of tumor cell lines, including eleven human melanomas, a murine B16 melanoma, and two human glioma-derived cell lines. Intra-cytoplasmic antibody staining showed that all of the tested iHsp90 increased expression of the melanocyte differentiation antigens Melan-A/MART-1, gp100, and TRP-2, as well as MHC Class I. The gliomas showed enhanced gp100 and MHC staining. Quantitative analysis of mRNA levels showed a parallel increase in message transcription, and a reporter assay shows induction of promoter activity for Melan-A/MART-1 gene. In addition, iHsp90 increased recognition of tumor cells by T cells specific for Melan-A/MART-1. In contrast to direct Hsp90 client proteins, the increased levels of full-length differentiation antigens that result from iHsp90 treatment are most likely the result of transcriptional activation of their encoding genes. In combination, these results suggest that iHsp90 improve recognition of tumor cells by T cells specific for a melanoma-associated antigen as a result of increasing the expressed intracellular antigen pool available for processing and presentation by MHC Class I, along with increased levels of MHC Class I itself. As these Hsp90 inhibitors do not interfere with T cell function, they could have potential for use in immunotherapy of cancer

    Pyelonephritis in slaughter pigs and sows: Morphological characterization and aspects of pathogenesis and aetiology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pyelonephritis is a serious disease in pig production that needs to be further studied. The purpose of this study was to describe the morphology, investigate the pathogenesis, and evaluate the aetiological role of <it>Escherichia coli </it>in pyelonephritis in slaughtered pigs by concurrent bacteriological, gross and histopathological examinations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From Danish abattoirs, kidneys and corresponding lymph nodes from 22 slaughtered finishing pigs and 26 slaughtered sows with pyelonephritis were collected and evaluated by bacteriology and pathology. Based on gross lesions, each kidney (lesion) was grouped as acute, chronic, chronic active, or normal and their histological inflammatory stage was determined as normal (0), acute (1), sub-acute (2), chronic active (3), or chronic (4). Immunohistochemical identification of neutrophils, macrophages, T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, plasma cells, <it>E. coli </it>and Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP) in renal sections was performed. The number of <it>E. coli </it>and the proportion of immunohistochemically visualized leukocytes out of the total number of infiltrating leukocytes were scored semi-quantitatively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Lesions in finishing pigs and sows were similar. Macroscopically, multiple unevenly distributed foci of inflammation mostly affecting the renal poles were observed. Histologically, tubulointerstitial infiltration with neutrophils and mononuclear cells and tubular destruction was the main findings. The significant highest scores of L1 antigen<sup>+ </sup>neutrophils were in inflammatory stage 1 while the significant highest scores of CD79αcy<sup>+ </sup>B-lymphocytes, IgG<sup>+ </sup>and IgA<sup>+ </sup>plasma cells were in stage 3 or 4. Neutrophils were the dominant leukocytes in stage 1 while CD3ε<sup>+ </sup>T-lymphocytes dominated in stage 2, 3 and 4. Interstitially THP was seen in 82% and 98% of kidneys with pyelonephritis from finishing pigs and sows, respectively. <it>E. coli </it>was demonstrated in monoculture and/or identified by immunohistochemistry in relation to inflammation in four kidneys from finishing pigs and in 34 kidneys from sows.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>E. coli </it>played a significant role in the aetiology of pyelonephritis. Neutrophils were involved in the first line of defence. CD3ε<sup>+ </sup>T-lymphocytes were involved in both the acute and chronic inflammatory response while a humoral immune response was most pronounced in later inflammatory stages. The observed renal lesions correspond with an ascending bacterial infection with presence of intra-renal reflux.</p

    Masked mRNA is stored with aggregated nuclear speckles and its asymmetric redistribution requires a homolog of mago nashi

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many rapidly developing systems rely on the regulated translation of stored transcripts for the formation of new proteins essential for morphogenesis. The microspores of the water fern <it>Marsilea vestita </it>dehydrate as they mature. During this process both mRNA and proteins required for subsequent development are stored within the microspores as they become fully desiccated and enter into senescence. At this point microspores become transcriptionally silent and remain so upon rehydration and for the remainder of spermatogenesis. Transcriptional silencing coupled with the translation of preformed RNA makes the microspore of <it>M. vestita </it>a useful system in which to study post-transcriptional regulation of RNA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have characterized the distribution of mRNA as well as several conserved markers of subnuclear bodies within the nuclei of desiccating spores. During this period, nuclear speckles containing RNA were seen to aggregate forming a single large coalescence. We found that aggregated speckles contain several masked mRNA species known to be essential for spermatogenesis. During spermatogenesis masked mRNA and associated speckle proteins were shown to fragment and asymmetrically localize to spermatogenous but not sterile cells. This asymmetric localization was disrupted by RNAi knockdown of the <it>Marsilea </it>homolog of the Exon Junction Complex core component Mago nashi.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A subset of masked mRNA is stored in association with nuclear speckles during the dormant phase of microspore development in <it>M. vestita</it>. The asymmetric distribution of specific mRNAs to spermatogenous but not sterile cells mirrors their translational activities and appears to require the EJC or EJC components. This suggests a novel role for nuclear speckles in the post-transcriptional regulation of transcripts.</p

    Estimation of the relationship between the polymorphisms of selected genes: ACE, AGTR1, TGFβ1 and GNB3 with the occurrence of primary vesicoureteral reflux

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