11 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Pengumuman Earning terhadap Abnormal Return dan Tingkat Likuiditas Saham: Analisis Empiris pada Nonsynchronous Trading

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    The objective of this study is to examine the effect of the earnings information on market reaction in the Jakarta Stock Exchange. The sample consists of 34 stocks of firms from 2003 - 2004. The hypothesis was tested by market model (Brown and Warner, 1985) and correcting the beta bias made use of Fowler and Rorke Method (1983) with four lags and four leads. The signifi¬cance of the difference of market reactions was tested by Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. The result of this research shows that earning announcements is positively responded statistically but not significantly by the market around the date of earning announcement. The dif¬ference between stock liquidity before and after the earning announcement is insignificant except trading volume

    Dampak ACFTA Terhadap Perdagangan Sektor Industri Dan Pertanian Indonesia (Studi Komparatif Indonesia-China Dan Indonesia-Vietnam)

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of ACFTA on the competitiveness of the agricultural and industrial sectors of Indonesia compared to China and Vietnam by using the RCA index and ISPs with the before-after approach. The data used are secondary data from UN Comtrade 1999-2003 (the period before ACFTA) and 2004-2011 (the period after ACFTA). The results of RCA index analysis indicate that the Indonesian industrial sector before and after the ACFTA has weak competitiveness in the China. In Vietnam, Indonesia has low competitiveness before ACFTA. However, after ACFTA, Indonesian industrial sector have strong competitiveness during 4 years (2006-2009). Before ACFTA, Indonesia tended to be an industrial exporter where the number of sub-sectors with positive ISP ranging between 57-73 percent. However, after ACFTA Indonesia became a net importer of industrial with ISP negative value below zero through one. Indonesia was an agricultural exporter with more positive ISP values of more than 50 percent before and after ACFTA. Based on the results, it is recommended that there should be such policies as reduction in trading cost, infrastructure improvement, bureaucratic reform to ease the licensing process, and development of manufacturing industries to gain added value. The policies are expected to boost economic activities in the industrial and agricultural sectors to increase competitiveness

    Uji Interkomparasi Metode Aan Dan Xrf Untuk Analisis Sampel Sedimen Iaea Inter Comparison Test of Naa and Xrf Method for Iaea Sediment Sample Analysis

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    Laboratorium Pusat Teknologi Nuklir Bahan dan Radiometri mengikuti kegiatan interkomparasi IAEA tahun 2011. Sampel uji yaitu sedimen dengan kode IAEA 457. Metode uji meliputi Analisis Aktivasi Neutron (AAN) dan X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Dilakukan perbandingan metode AAN dan XRF untuk mengevaluasi kinerja masing-masing metode dan mengetahui kesesuaian kedua metode tersebut dalam analisis unsur pada sampel interkomparasi IAEA. Evaluasi kinerja masing-masing metode dilakukan dengan uji akurasi dan perhitungan z-score sedangkan kesesuaian metode diuji dengan uji t-berpasangan. Hasil analisis sampel menggunakan AAN diidentifikasi enam unsur Al, Fe, Cr, Co, Mn dan Zn sedangkan XRF diidentifikasi delapan unsur Al, Fe, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Pb dan Zn. Hasil uji akurasi pada AAN, unsur Al dan Fe kurang memuaskan sedangkan pada XRF unsur Co memiliki hasil yang kurang baik. Hasil perhitungan z-score, hampir semua unsur memberikan hasil yang memuaskan kecuali Al menggunakan metode AAN. Uji t-berpasangan yang dilakukan pada hasil analisis sedimen menggunakan AAN dan XRF memberikan hasil t-hitung < t-tabel, artinya tidak ada perbedaan hasil analisis antara kedua metode. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa metode AAN dan XRF dapat saling melengkapi untuk analisis unsur pada sampel IAEA 457. Secara umum, kedua hasil analisis unsur menunjukkan kesesuaian yang baik sehingga memperkuat validitas hasil analisis sampel interkomparasi IAEA

    Enhancing Students' Combinatorial Thinking for Graceful Coloring Problem: A STEM-Based, Research-Informed Approach in ATM Placement

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    Combinatorial generalization thinking, a component of higher-order thinking skills, encompasses perception (pattern identification), expressions (pattern illustration), symbolic expressions (pattern formulation), and manipulation (combinatorial results application). Implementing a research-based learning (RBL) model with a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) approach can effectively transform students' learning processes, promoting experiential learning through the integration of STEM elements. This study employs a mixed-method research design, combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies, to evaluate the impact of this RBL-STEM model on students' ability to solve graceful coloring problems, hence developing their combinatorial thinking skills. Two distinct classes, one experimental and one control, were analyzed for statistical homogeneity, normality, and independent t-test comparisons. Results indicated a significant post-test t-score difference between the two groups. Consequently, we conclude that the RBL model with a STEM approach significantly enhances students' combinatorial generalization thinking skills in solving graceful coloring problems. As this research provides empirical evidence of the effectiveness of a STEM-based RBL model, educators, and curriculum developers are encouraged to incorporate this approach into their instructional strategies for enhancing combinatorial thinking skills. Future research should consider various contexts and diverse student populations to further validate and generalize these findings

    Pendampingan Siswa dalam Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan untuk Mencegah Penularan Covid 19 di MI Matho'liul Falah Banyuwangi

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    Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus Sars-CoV-2 yang dapat menginfeksi manusia dan ditemukan di Wuhan-China dengan kasus kematian yang besar pada akhir tahun 2019. Kelompok yang memiliki resiko rentan terkena virus corona 19 salah satunya adalah pada anak. Sekolah menjadi salah satu yang beresiko sebagai tempat penyebaran virus corona 19. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi dengan melakukan pendampingan pada siswa dalam menerapkan prokes untuk cegah penyebaran covid 19 dan minimalisir terjadinya klaster baru di sekolah. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ialah edukasi tentang penyakit Covid19 dan protokol kesehatan dan memberikan pendampingan terkait penerapan protokol kesehatan pada siswa dalam mencegah Covid-19. Hasil yang didapat adalah informasi tentang kesehatan serta pengetahuan protokol kesehatan dan cara mencegah penularan covid 19 pada lingkungan sekolah dilihat dengan peningkatan pengetahuan siswa tentang protokol kesehatan dan mampu mempraktekkannya. Kesimpulan dari hasil kegiatan ini adanya pengetahuan siswa yang mengalami peningkatan dalam pencegahan penyebaran covid 19 serta penerapan protokol kesehatan pada siswa di sekolah