6 research outputs found


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    Setelah dilakukan penelitian di unit air heater menggunakan material pipa baja karbon rendah atau pipa gas blacksteel di pabrik gula pagotan untuk mengetahui penyebab dan laju korosi menggunakan 3 pengujian. Pertama ultrasonic thickness untuk mengetahui ketebalan pipa A, B, dan C lalu menghitung laju korosi dan analisa sisa umur pakai, kedua Mikroskop Stereo dilakukan dengan memfoto bentuk permukaan pipa A, B, dan C untuk mengetahui bentuk korosi permukaan pipa, dan ketiga X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) untuk mengetahui senyawa pipa yang terkorosi dengan mengkorelasikan unsur kimia pipa dan gas asap dengan hasil pengujian XRD. Hasil pengujian ketebalan pipa adalah terjadi penambahan ketebalan di Pipa B sebesar 0,12 mm di titik P2, 0,1 di titik P3 dan 0,07 mm di titik P4 serta terjadi degradasi material di pipa C yang paling buruk di titik P3 sebesar 1,72 mm berdasarkan hasil pengujian Thickness. Kemudian hasil pengujian mikroskop stereo adalah pada pipa A atau baru sudah muncul korosi, kemudian di pipa B sudah terjadi korosi merata di permukaan pipa, dan pada pipa C permukaan pipa berongga dan terkelupas menunjukkan korosi sudah merata dan parah. Selanjutnya pada pengujian XRD menunjukkan senyawa FeO(OH3) atau Besi (III) sesuai Unsur kimia pipa dan Unsur kimia Gas Asap

    Investigasi Mekanisme Korosi Pada Pipa Pemanas Udara Di Pabrik Gula Pagotan Madiun

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    This study aims to determine the inner surface morphology of pipes and to identify pipe corrosion products using stereo microsocope and X-ray diffraction (XRD) observations. In this study, the sample used was a piece of Blacksteel gas pipe that had been used for 107 days and 570 days with dimensions of 3 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter. The sample was taken from the Air heater Unit of the Pagotan Madiun sugar factory, East Java, Indonesia. Morphology the inside of the tube was observed with a CARL ZEISS Stemi DV4 stereo microscope (32x magnification). Furthermore, the rust material powder on the sample pipe was taken to determine the corrosion product using the XRD X'Pert PRO instrument. The results of observation by using a stereo microscope on the inner surface of air heater pipe that had been used for 107 days and 570 days indicated that the pipe surface experienced corrosion and peeling. From the results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) observations, FeOOH layer were formed from Fe2+ and OH- ions produced from O2 and H2O molecules in the smoke gas from burning bagasse. At the bottom of FeOOH layer, Fe3O4 was formed from the subsequent reaction between FeOOH and Fe2+ ions.Keywords: pipe, air heater, corrosion, smoke gas.Abstrak Hasil pengamatan menggunakan mikroskop stereo pada bagian permukaan dalam pipa pemanas udara yang telah digunakan selama 107 hari dan 570 hari menunjukkan bahwa permukaan pipa mengalami korosi dan pengelupasan. Dari hasil pengamatan X-ray diffraction (XRD)  diperoleh senyawa FeOOH yang terbentuk dari ion Fe2+ dan OH- yang dihasilkan dari molekul O2 dan H2O pada gas asap hasil pembakaran ampas tebu. Di bagian bawah lapisan FeOOH terbentuk Fe3O4 dari reaksi lanjutan antara FeOOH dengan ion Fe2+

    Temperature of Eggshell, Weight Loss, and Air Sac on Hatched Local Duck Eggs During Incubation

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    The study was conducted to analyze the characteristic of eggs (temperature of eggshell, weight loss, and air sac alteration) at various hatching period of local duck hatched (H) and unhatched (UH) at the final observation, and to find out the effective time for estimating the life of embryo during the end of incubation. A total of 146 eggs were incubated and observed between 1 and 25 days of incubation (DOI). The results of weight loss and air sac change showed a significant difference (P<0,05) between H and UH eggs on 7 to 25 DOI, while the temperature of eggshell was only different on 25 DOI. The average characteristic of H group (temperature of eggshell, weight loss, and air sac alteration) on 25 DOI was recorded 38,46oC, 11,84%, and 51,03%, respectively. It can be concluded that 3 characteristics of eggs influence hatchability of local duck. Weight loss and air sac alteration parameters can be applyed to estimate the hatched eggs between 7 and 25 DOI, but the temperature of eggshell can be administrated after 25 DOI


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    Observation and interview with headmasters, teachers and administrative employees results showed that one of main problems faced by SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura and SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Kartasura is the do not have a representative school website. Based on this observation, after making discussion with headmasters, the community services team proposed an implementation of school website and train one of chosen teacher to manage implemented website. The outcomes of the community service activities are involving a school website for SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura and SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Kartasura and scientific publication draft. The contribution of each school is including providing information which will be uploaded to the website, providing fee for domain and hosting cost, and providing facilities for administrator training. The duration of this commuity services is three months. The results of the community services is both SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kartasura dan SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Kartasura are now have representative website for their promotion and administative activities