30 research outputs found

    Kajian Karakteristik dan Keterkaitan Spasial Perdagangan Mobil Oto Bursa Tvri Jogja Desa Sinduadi Kecamatan Mlati Kabupaten Sleman YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Mengetahui karakteristik penjual dan pembeli otobursa mobil TVRI Jogja. (2) Mengetahui interaksi spasial otobursa mobil TVRI Jogja. (3) Mengetahui implikasi kebijakan otobursa mobil TVRI Jogja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan teknik quota sampling. Teknik analisis yaitu analisis tabulasi silang, analisis spasial dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan mayoritas penjual termasuk kedalam golongan angkatan kerja. Mayoritas pembeli belum menikah memilih hatchback dan sedan sedangkan mayoritas pembeli sudah menikah memilih MPV. Mayoritas pembeli memilih mobil kelas harga antara Rp.101-150 juta. Perdagangan oto bursa mobil TVRI Jogja menciptakan interaksi spasial karena penjual dan pembeli berasal dari berbagai daerah seperti DIY, Jawa Tengah, Banten, Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, dan Jakarta. Kegiatan perdagangan mobil di oto bursa TVRI Jogja perlu dipertahankan karena oto bursa TVRI Jogja memberi multiplier effect bagi sektor perdagangan, menyerap tenaga kerja serta memberikan sumbangan terhadap perekonomian di DIY

    Pengaruh Tingkat Urbanisasi terhadap Tingkat Kemacetan Transportasi di Kota Jayapura

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    Urbanisasi di Kota Jayapura ditunjukkan dengan bertumbuhnya jumlah penduduk, perekonomian masyarakat dan meningkatnya guna lahan, sehingga kebutuhan transportasi juga meningkat. Tujuan yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah medentifikasi pengaruh tingkat urbanisasi terhadap tingkat kemacetan transportasi di Kota Jayapura. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan melalui analisis kuantitatif. Hasil Kajian menunjukan perkembangan guna lahan yang bertambah rata-rata sebesar 2,12% dari tahun 2008 hingga tahun 2013. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya mobilitas penduduk sehingga, terjadi penigkatan volume kendaraan sehingga, tingkat pelayanan jalan rata-rata 1,06 atau >1 maka LOS = F yang berarti memiliki karakteristik arus terhambat, kecepatan rendah, volume diatas kapasitas, serta sering terjadi kemacetan. Ada hubungan positif antara urbanisasi dengan kemacetan ditinjau dari perkembangan guna lahan yang menyebabkan mobilitas penduduk. Namun, ada pula hubungan negatif

    Analysis of the Role of Technical Implementing Unit of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Forestry Decentraliztion Implementation

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    The role of Technical Implementing Unit (TIU) is one of prominent issues of decentralization. A study was carried out to identify decentralization issues in South Sulawesi and East Java Provinces as well as to measure stakeholder attitudes towards the existence of TIU. The results showed that the existance of BKSDA, BTN, BPA, BPKH, and Balai Diklat LHK are recognized importantly. Meanwhile, BPHP and BPDASHL are considered to be less important in the region because their functions and authorities can be delegated to the provincial and regent/city governments. Similiar recognition applied to BPTH and Balai Litbang LHK. The emerging issue of decentralization in East Java is the placement of local officials which is inconsistent with their competence, lacking of funding from APBD for forestry developmentt, high demand from public to be enganged in the management of the forest, and overlapping authority. Meanwhile in South Sulawesi the capacity of local forestry agencies are impaired, authority is misused, and consolidation of the region is delayed, ego among vertical instituions ego and poor coordination. Based on the indicator of good forest governance, it is measured that the attitude of stakeholders and organizational capacity in East Java and South Sulawesi is neutral and good respectively

    Policy Synchronization In Mining Licenses In Forest Areas

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    The management of licensing system, especially mining permits, is complex because of the inter-sectoral legal linkages. Legislation has been regulated in such a way that certained procedures must be passed by permit applicants to obtain izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan (IPPKH) and izin USAha pertambangan (IUP). But there is always a gap between regulations and their implementation which makes the licensing system more complex. The aims of the research are (a) to identify mining licensing policies in forest area, (b) to synchronize mining licensing system, and (c) to improve mining licensing system. This study used a content analysis method with a retrospective process evaluation approach. The results showed that IPPKH policy involves 36 types of regulations consisting of 11 Acts, 13 Government Regulations, nine Presidential Regulations, and three Environment and Forestry Ministerial Regulations. The IPPKH process is considered less effective because the applicants must get IUP from the Ministry of ESDM and IPPKH from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry which is managed under One Stop Integrating Permits system, which only handles the administrative issues as mandated by President Regulation No 97/2014. The synchronization of IPPKH policy is necessary to accommodate legislation issued by other technical ministries

    The Evaluation of the Establishement of Integrated Licensing Office for Giving Wood Primary Industry Permit

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    Establishing Integrated Licensing Office (ILO) aims to improve services by means of fast, easy, cheap, transparent and accountable. However, complains persist from the permit applicants, the licensing arrangements are still too bureaucratic, time consuming, and costly. The objectives of the study are: (a) To identify policies and regulations related with IUIPHH, (b) To review the substance of IUIPHH and its relevance, and (c) To improve IUIPHH process as regulated by ILO. The method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The result of the study revealed that there were 14 regulations involved in IUIPHH process and they are inter-section and inter-connection to each other. The policy of ILO establishment in the management of IUIPHH is not effective in its implementation. Because, it still requires a lot of documents to be submitted. For example, to process AMDAL and other technical documents it needs 105 working days for its completion. Meanwhile, Presidential Decree No 97/2014 states that it needs seven working days only. Thus, revising Presidential Decree No. 97/2014 can be considered to improve IUIPHH process. Reducing the imbalance between human resources and limited supporting facilities is another alternative suggested

    Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu dan Perbandingannya dengan Sertifikasi Sukarela pada Level Industri

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    Indonesia memiliki sistem verifikasi legalitas kayu (SVLK) yang bertujuan untuk menjamin pembalakan dan perdagangan kayu legal. Pada bulan Januari 2013, beberapa jenis produk kayu yang diekspor harus memenuhi syarat-syarat SVLK. Dalam rangka penyempurnaan SVLK, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peraturan-peraturan dan pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan SVLK, dan membandingkan profil dan biaya SVLK dengan sertifikasi sukarela pada level industri. Metode pengumpulan data adalah wawancara dengan pihak terkait (insitusi pemerintah, LSM dan auditor), focus group discussion dan rapat. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa SVLK perlu disempurnakan terkait dengan sinkronisasi aturan, koordinasi, sosialisasi, dukungan dana dan pembinaan bagi industri kecil serta kriteria penilaian bagi industri yang memiliki sumber bahan baku yang beragam. Biaya standar sertifikasi SVLK yang direvisi telah relatif sama dengan biaya sertifikasi sukarela namun dikhawatirkan adanya pungutan liar pada pelaksanaannya di lapangan

    Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Rencana Pengembangan Kawasan Industri Sentolo di Kabupaten Kulon Progo

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    Rencana pengembangan Kawasan Industri Sentolo merupakan salah satu isu strategis yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Namun, selain peran besar dari pemerintah, keterlibatan masyarakat tentu sangat dibutuhkan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk a) mengetahui sejauh mana realisasi pembangunan Kawasan Industri Sentolo, b) mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap rencana pengembangan Kawasan Industri Sentolo, dan c) mengetahui peran rencana pengembangan kawasan industri terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatf dan kuantitatif. Pengambilan data secara in-depth interview terhadap 2 (dua) keyperson dan menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 95 responden. Data diolah menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan kawasan industri pada tahap pengadaan lahan oleh Perusahaan pengelola kawasan industri. Persepsi masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa adanya dukungan dari masyarakat, namun masyarakat masih belum siap menghadapi kawasan industri dalam pengelolaan lingkungan dan pengalaman serta pendidikan masyarakat di bidang industri. Kawasan industri menurut masyarakat akan memberikan peran positif dan akan meningkatkan status sosial masyarakat

    Pengukuran Risiko Proyek pada Perusahaan Teknologi Informasi di Indonesia

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    The success rate of information technology (IT) projects is still low. Based on one survey done in 1990s, only about 10% of software development project could be finished according to its planned budget and schedule. Another study in 1995 found that only 16.2% IT project succeed, and at the same time more than 31% IT projects were cancelled before finished. It has been found a lot of IT projects had been implemented with swelling budget. Although it is still debatable, one of the reasons of IT project implementation failure is because risk management in some IT projects is not implemented by the IT providers. The objectives of this research are to get knowledge and assess risks in implementing IT projects. This research also gives recommendations in mitigating IT project risks. In two projects that were used as sample of this research, it has been found some risks that could be happened in IT projects. That risks were then assessed based on the probability and its impact, and finally produced the recommendation for risk mitigation. All risks are described in the Risk Priority, moreover risk probability and impact is described in the probability-impact matrix from all of 4 levels. This research could improve the awareness of IT providers in Indonesia about the important of implementing IT risk management so that more IT projects in Indonesia could be run successfully

    Microhabitat Assessment of Mangrove Pit Viper Cryptelytrops Purpureomaculatus in Restricted Mangrove Area, Dumai, Riau Province, Sumatera

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    Bandar Bakau is a mangrove conservation area with approximately 20 ha that preserves many kinds of fauna, including Mangrove Pit Viper Cryptelytrops purpureomaculatus. However, this species and its habitat are still poorly studied in Indonesia, particularly Sumatera island, despite it has a wide distribution in Southeast Asian countries. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the microhabitat of Mangrove Pit Viper C. purpureomaculatus that found at a restricted mangrove area in Dumai, Riau Province. Visual Encounter Survey (VES) and deep interview methods were used in this study. The survey found six individuals of C. purpureomaculatus that mostly basking on the Avicennia marina and artificial building. Although Bandar Bakau is a tourism object, but no snakebite cases were found