356 research outputs found

    Airflow mixing augmentation device for hot-air heating systems in modular boilers

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    The article demonstrates the results of the theoretical research devoted to the study of air flow interaction in hot-air heating systems of automatic modular boilers involving the use of fan heaters. The work quotes the results of mathematic simulation of various density air flows that are vertical to each other

    Airflow mixing augmentation device for hot-air heating systems in modular boilers

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    The article demonstrates the results of the theoretical research devoted to the study of air flow interaction in hot-air heating systems of automatic modular boilers involving the use of fan heaters. The work quotes the results of mathematic simulation of various density air flows that are vertical to each other

    Ревізор та перевіряючий у змагальному кримінальному судочинстві України

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    Куриленко Д. В. Ревізор та перевіряючий у змагальному кримінальному судочинстві України [Електронний ресурс] / Д. В. Куриленко // Форум права. – 2015. – № 1. – С. 168–172 . – Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/j-pdf/FP_index.htm_2015_1_29.pdf.Куриленко Д. В. "Ревізор та перевіряючий У змагальному кримінальному судочинстві України." Форум права 1 (2015): 168–172.Показано, що ревізор і перевіряючий як суб’єкти кримінального процесу в кримінальному процесуальному кодексі не зазначені. Для дотримання принципу змагальності кримінального процесу запропоновано ввести норми, які передбачають права, обов’язки й відповідальність перевіряючих осіб, а також права осіб, яких перевіряють.The article shows that auditor and the inspector as subjects of criminal proceedings in the Code of Criminal Procedure are not specified. To comply with the principle of adversarial criminal proceedings are prompted to enter the rules that provide for the rights, duties responsibilities of the inspectors, as well as the rights of those checks.Показано, что ревизор и проверяющий как субъекты уголовного процесса в уголовном процессуальном кодексе не указаны. Для соблюдения принципа состязательности уголовного процесса предложено ввести нормы, которые предусматривают права, обязанности, ответственность проверяющих лиц, а также права лиц, которых проверяют

    Завдання та функції педагога та психолога у кримінальному провадженні

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    Kurilenko, D.V. (2015), “Tasks and functions of a teacher and psychologist in criminal proceedings” [“Zavdannia ta funktsii pedahoha ta psykholoha u kryminalnomu provadzhenni”], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 1, pp. 64-71.Куриленко, Д. В. Завдання та функції педагога та психолога у кримінальному провадженні // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 1 (68). - С. 64-71.Розглянуто завдання та функції педагога та психолога у кримінальному провадженні з участю малолітніх та неповнолітніх. Обґрунтовано вибір психолога – фахівця з дитячої, підліткової або юнацької психології.The need to involve a teacher or psychologist to investigative and judicial actions involving minors or juveniles is outlined in the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine. However, the law does not mention the tasks, when the teacher or psychologist is involved in the criminal justice; there are no special requirements that they must meet; their rights and obligations are not regulated. The author belongs to those scholars, who believe it mandatory to involve a teacher (psychologist) to proceedings with the participation of a minor and junior regardless of his procedural status and age. The author believes that it is necessary to distinguish between ultimate goal and intermediate objectives for determining the function of a teacher, psychologist. The ultimate goal of involving professionals coincides with the purpose of legal proceedings and is achieved by solving the intermediate objectives. We distinguish two groups of tasks: 1) procedural that are to facilitate the full and truthful testimony; assistance in establishing the circumstances to be proved in criminal proceedings; assist in securing evidence, including control over testimony accuracy in the interrogation protocol; 2) tactics that are associated with the study of personality and individual characteristics of a teenager (before interrogation), assistance in establishing psychological contact with an interrogatee, selecting the most appropriate methods of psychological influence (during interrogation); fixation and evaluation of the testimony received from the interrogatee (after interrogation). According to the author’s point of view, to accompany a minor or a juvenile in criminal proceedings there should be not a teacher, but a specialist having the education in the field of individual’s psychology. Depending on the age of a minor or a juvenile it is necessary to involve a psychologist – a specialist in the field of child, adolescent or youth psychology.Рассмотрены задачи и функции педагога и психолога в уголовном производстве с участием малолетних и несовершеннолетних. Обоснован выбор психолога – специалиста по детской, подростковой или юношеской психологии

    Droplet Spreading Process Impact on Ignition Characteristics of Condensed Materials

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    Mathematical simulation of condensed material solid-phase ignition in the context of the in-situ heating by the melted or heated to high temperature metal droplet was carried out. The authors developed the mathematical model that describes the heat transfer process in the "droplet – condensed material" system by the system of heat transfer equations with boundary and initial conditions. The problem is solved by the finite difference method. Four modes of condensed material ignition that are distinguished by the temperature range of every mode were identified for standard conditions of the in-situ heat effect

    Increase of energy efficiency in proportional adjusting of flow rate in the boiler circuit

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    The article presents the results of theoretical studies in the field of the boiler circuit operating modes for the boiler rooms operating by the independent heat supply scheme. The 3D model of a boiler circuit for a boiler room with 3 MW rated output was developed, based on which there was made an estimation of the boiler pump performance indicators. There is proposed a method for reducing energy costs for the operation of the pumping equipment of the boiler circuit

    Analytical evaluation of energy efficiency potential enhancement of heat-generating units by flow variation in the boiler circuit

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    Three-dimensional models of the most common boiler schemes are developed and the hydraulic characteristic of each scheme is built. The calculation results of the main technical and economic indicators of the schemes are done. They are energy, metal consumption, capital costs and operating costs. According to the results of the analysis, there is a technical solution to reduce the energy consumption of the boiler circuit pumping equipment. The complex evaluation of the options in the context of the boiler manufacturer and operation is made, the investment attractiveness is calculated

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