1 research outputs found

    Stability of Domination in Graphs

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    The stability of dominating sets in Graphs is introduced and studied,in this paper. Here D is a dominating set of Graph G. In thispaper the vertices of D and vertices of V−DV - D are called donorsand acceptors respectively. For a vertex u in D, let ψD(u)\psi_{D}(u) denotethe number ∥N(u)∩(V−D)∥.Thedonorinstabilityorsimplyd−instability\|N(u) \cap (V - D)\|. The donor instability or simply d-instability d^{D}_{inst}(e) ofanedgeeconnectingtwodonorverticesvanduis  of an edge e connecting two donor vertices v andu is \|\psi_{D}(u)-\psi_{D}(v)\|.Thed−instabilityofD,. The d-instability of D, \psi_{d}(D) is the sum ofd-instabilities of all edges connecting vertices in D. For a vertex unot in D, let ϕD(u)denotethenumber\phi_{D}(u) denote the number \|N(u)\cap D\|. The Acceptor Instabilityor simply a-instability  ainstD(e)a^{D}_{inst}(e)  of an edge e connecting twoacceptor vertices u and v is ∥ϕD(u)−ϕD(v)∥\|\phi_{D}(u)-\phi_{D}(v)\|. The a-instability of D,ϕa(D)\phi_{a}(D) is the sum of a-instabilities of all edges connecting vertices inV−DV - D. The dominating set D is d-stable if ψd(D)=0\psi_{d}(D) = 0 and a-stableif ϕa(D)=0\phi_{a}(D) = 0. D is stable, if ψd(D)=0\psi_{d}(D) = 0 and ψa(D)=0\psi_{a}(D) = 0. Given anon negative integer #\alpha,Dis, D is \alpha-d-stable,if, if d^{D}_{inst}(e)\leq\alphaforanyedgeeconnectingtwodonorverticesandDis for any edgee connecting two donor vertices and D is \alpha-a-stable,if, if a^{D}_{inst}(e)\leq\alphaforanyedgeeconnectingtwoacceptorvertices.Herewestudyfor any edge e connecting two acceptor vertices. Here we study \alpha−stabilitynumberofgraphsfornonnegativeinteger-stability number of graphs for non negative integer \alpha$