39 research outputs found

    The Effect of Natural Antioxidants on Quality and Shelf Life of Beef and Beef Products

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    Oksidacijski procesi su glavni razlog kvarenja mesa i kraće trajnosti mesnih proizvoda i uzrokuju nepoželjne promjene hranjive vrijednosti te senzorskih i fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava mesa. Dosad su se za sprječavanje oksidacijskih procesa najčešće koristili sintetski antioksidansi poput butil-hidroksianisola (BHA), koji mogu predstavljati rizik za zdravlje ljudi te povećati toksičnost proizvoda. Međutim, prirodni antioksidansi mogu riješiti taj problem jer su biljke i biljni materijal bogati bioaktivnim spojevima (prirodnim antioksidansima) koji mogu pozitivno utjecati na zdravlje. Nadalje, zanimanje potrošača za prirodne proizvode i dalje je u porastu, pri čemu se očekuje da se sintetski antioksidansi i konzervansi zamijene prirodnim. Svrha je ovog preglednog rada prikazati učinak prirodnih antioksidanasa, i to povrća i voća kao što su masline, nar i grožđe, ali i ljekovitog bilja i začina poput ružmarina, origana, kadulje, kima i crnog kima ili kurkume, bogatih bioaktivnim spojevima, na kakvoću i trajnost goveđeg mesa i njegovih prerađevina.Oxidation processes are the major cause of deterioration of meat quality and shelf life of meat products, leading to negative changes in nutritive value and in sensory and physicochemical properties of meat. Until now, the synthetic antioxidants like butylated hydroxyl anisole have been commonly used to prevent oxidation, which however may cause potential human health risks and increase toxicity of the product. However, natural antioxidants can be the alternative solution for this problem since plants and plant materials are rich in bioactive compounds (as natural antioxidants) with potential health beneficial effects. Moreover, the interest of consumers in using natural products is still increasing. There is an expectation of replacing synthetic antioxidants and preservatives by natural ones. Therefore, the aim of the present review is to provide information on the effect of natural antioxidants from vegetables and fruits like olives, pomegranate or grapes, and herbs and spices like rosemary, oregano, sage, black cumin or turmeric, rich in bioactive compounds on quality and shelf life of beef and beef products

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons

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    Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise. © 2015

    Microencapsulation of Anthocyanins—Critical Review of Techniques and Wall Materials

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    Anthocyanins are value-added food ingredients that have health-promoting impacts and biological functionalities. Nevertheless, there are technological barriers to their application in the food industry, mainly because of their poor stability and susceptibility to harsh environmental conditions, such as oxygen, temperature, pH, and light, which could profoundly influence the final food product′s physicochemical properties. Microencapsulation technology is extensively investigated to enhance stability, bioaccessibility, and impart controlled release properties. There are many varieties of microencapsulation methods and diverse types of wall materials. However, choosing a proper approach involves considering the processing parameters, equipment availability, and application purposes. The present review thoroughly scrutinizes anthocyanins′ chemical structure, principles, benefits, and drawbacks of different microencapsulation methods, including spray drying, freeze drying, electrospinning/electrospraying, inclusion complexes, emulsification, liposomal systems, ionic gelation, and coacervation. Furthermore, wall materials applied in different techniques plus parameters that affect the powders′ encapsulation efficiency and physicochemical properties are discussed. Future studies should focus on various processing parameters and the combination of different techniques and applications regarding microencapsulated anthocyanins in functional foods to assess their stability, efficiency, and commercialization potentials

    Novel Protein Sources for Applications in Meat-Alternative Products—Insight and Challenges

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    Many people are increasingly interested in a vegetarian or vegan diet. Looking at the research and the available options in the market, there are two generations of products based on typical proteins, such as soy or gluten, and newer generation proteins, such as peas or faba beans, or even proteins based on previously used feed proteins. In the review, we present the characteristics of several proteins that can be consumed as alternatives to first-generation proteins used in vegan foods. In the following part of the work, we describe the research in which novel protein sources were used in terms of the product they are used for. The paper describes protein sources such as cereal proteins, oilseeds proteins coming from the cakes after oil pressing, and novel sources such as algae, insects, and fungus for use in meat analog products. Technological processes that can make non-animal proteins similar to meat are also discussed, as well as the challenges faced by technologists working in the field of vegan products