154 research outputs found

    Kласифікація вступних вимог університетів німецькомовного ареалу Європи щодо рівня володіння німецькою мовою (Classification of Admission Requirements to German Language Proficiency in Universities of the German-Speaking Area in Europ)

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    У статті описуються і класифікуються вступні умови з німецької мови університетів німецькомовного ареалу Європи і демонструється необхідність пристосовувати навчальні результати з іноземної мови в українських вишах до вимог спільного європейського освітнього простору/ (The article deals with admission requirements to German language proficiency of the top universities in the German speaking area in Europe. A variety of German language competence certification tests, accepted in the best German-speaking universities in Switzerland, Germany and Austria have been described and classified, TestDAF has been spotted as the most suitable orientation point for the Ukrainian higher education to adjust language learning outcomes to the CEFR requirements of the сommon European educational space in the framework of the Bologna process.

    До визначення поняття «гендерний дискурс»

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    Надано огляд сучасних підходів до визначення поняття дискурсу, зокрема гендерного, та продемонстровано відношення останнього до системи соціального домінування.Modern approaches to defining discourse, especially gender discourse have been overviewed and relation of the latter to the social domination system has been disclosed

    Комунікативна стратегія хеджування в дискурсі політичного інтерв’ю (гендерний аспект)

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    У статті аналізуються дискурсивні особливості фемінінної та маскулінної комунікації. На матеріалі телевізійних інтерв’ю впливових політиків України та Німеччини розглядаються гендерні особливості комунікативної стратегії хеджування.The article observes discourse features of the feminine and masculine communication. Based on TV interviews with influential Ukrainian and German politicians, gender marked communication strategies of hedging are considered

    Мова і демократія: до питання розвитку гендерно чутливої мови в Австрії

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    Розглядається історія виникнення та розвитку гендерної течії в германістиці з 1970-х рр. і до нашого часу з акцентом на антисексистській мовній політиці Австрії. Показано науковий внесок австрійських лінгвісток до гендерних студій. Продемонстровано наявність прямого зв’язку між гендерною мовною політикою та рівнем розвитку демократії.The history of emerging and development of gender approach in German linguistics from 1970-ies up today has been observed with a special accent on Austrian antisexist language policy. The input made by Austrian female linguists to gender studies has been disclosed. Direct relation between gender language policy and democracy development stage has been pointed out

    Technology of procrssing uranium hexafluoride using to ammonium fluoride

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    Currently in production technology of hexafluoride uranium has some problems connected with the expenses for its production and safety. Uranium - 235 has extensive use in separation of isotopes, because it is only one volatile compound of uranium wherein fluoride which has only one isotope. At the present time production technology of UF6 needs a lot of elemental fluorine and this requires more money. In this science work we examined the ability of production of hexafluoride uranium in connection with ammonium fluoride, which is received by extracting the fluorine ion from depleted hexafluoride uranium. This process offers the challenge to utilize accumulated depleted hexafluoride uranium. In Russian there are hundreds of tons of accumulated depleted hexafluoride uranium


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    The task of unlocking a private cryptographic method of encryption using a path of victories of additional and already essential tools is considered. The process of defending data is to change the internal structure of data. Existing cryptographic methods are covered on the Internet, so it was decided to show the principle of establishing a public encryption method for any data. The processing process can take a significant amount of time for sufficient amounts of data, so this paper will demonstrate the processing process using the resources of the device. This modification will increase the efficiency of the proposed methodology to increase the level of data protection. Due to their own approaches, people who try to obtain information illegally will be less likely to successfully obtain valid data. The application of the methodology can be used in different digital areas, individual means of communication, general data exchange, security packages contained in the network.У даній роботі розглядається задача розробки власного криптографічного метода шифрування шляхом використання допоміжних та вже існуючих засобів розробок. Процес захисту даних відбуватиметься шляхом зміни внутрішньої структури даних. Вже існуючі криптографічні методи висвітлені в інтернет-джерелах, тому було прийнято рішення відобразити принцип утворення власного метода шифрування для будь-яких даних. Процес обробки може займати значну кількість часу для достатніх об’ємів даних, тому в даній роботі буде продемонстрований процес обробки із використанням ресурсів пристрою. Дана модифікація підвищить ефективність використання запропонованої методології підвищення рівня захисту даних. Завдяки власним підходам, особи, які намагаються отримати інформацію не легальним шляхом, будуть мати меншу ймовірність до успішного отримання дійсних даних. Застосування методології може використовуватись у різних цифрових напрямках зокрема засобах комунікації, загальний обмін даними, захист пакетів, які надсилаються по мережі

    Mechanical safety of eccentrically compressed RC-column in the event of emergency impact

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    The safety analysis of the outermost column of the 8 m high building stylobate was performed under eccentric compression. The bending moments act in two main planes. Modeling of the emergency based on physical and geometrical nonlinear calculation in dynamic statement is proposed. The dynamic overload is modeled simultaneously by longitudinal force and bending moments. It is assumed that such an emergency impact is caused by an impacting body falling from a certain height onto the deformable slab in the vicinity of the slab-column connection zone. An impulse load modeled the load, the magnitude and duration of which were approximated based on the conservation of momentum law. As a result, an area of structural strength, limited by the boundary surface under dynamic loads, was plotted. The mechanical safety consisted in assessing the risk of material damage associated with the collapse of a part of the building structure when the column collapsed

    The red blood cells cytometric characteristics of young fresh-water fish of various families

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    The morphometric indices of red blood cells of young fish of various species inhabiting coastal zones of the water bodies were studied. The subjects of the research were the fish of four families: Carp (Alburnus alburnus, Carassius gibelio, Rhodeus amarus, Abramis brama, Rutilus rutilus), Needles (Syngnathus abaster nigro lineatus), Centrarchidae (Lepomis gibbosus), Loaches (Cobitis taenia taenia), Gobies (Neogobius fluviatilis). The hydroecological conditions were characterized by an intense oxygen regime, high content of phosphates, and heavy metals (zinc). The fish peripheral blood was taken from the tail vein; smears were made according to the classical Romanowsky-Giemsa method. Our research showed that the red blood cells of young fish belonging to the ecological group of inactive and unpretentious species (Neogobius fluviatilis, Carassius gibelio) had the largest cross-sectional area and a high index of nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. The indicators of erythrocyte eccentricity were the highest in the active fish with high energy costs (Alburnus alburnus, Lepomis gibbosus). The largest number of erythrocytes with pathological events (cytolysis, karyolysis, pyknosis, poikilocytosis) was observed in the young Alburnus alburnus (14%), and the smallest one in Rhodeus amarus and  Lepomis gibbosus (2–4%). In the individuals of Syngnathus abaster nigro lineatus affected by parasitic nematodes of the genus Ascaris, the number of erythrocytes with pathologies increased to 81%. Under the toxic load, destabilization of the fish circulatory system begins with the appearance of the young forms of erythrocytes as compensation for depleted mature erythrocytes and ends with the mass destruction of mature erythrocytes. Given these patterns, as well as the relatively low number of young ballast forms of erythrocytes and mature erythrocytes with pathological features, we can assume that the state of the red blood cells in the studied young fishes meets the conditional norm, with the exception of the blood of Syngnathus abaster nigro lineatus infected with parasites. In our opinion, the main characteristics of the fish red blood that reflect the fishes’ adaptive capacities are as follows:  eccentricity ratio of erythrocytes, the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, ratio of the young ballast forms of erythrocytes, and the relative number of erythrocytes with pathology


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    The modern experimental studies review of the resistance of the most common steel and steel-concrete building structures in emergency conditions is performed. The main directions of experimental design are revealed under certain types of special influences that affect the mechanical safety of structures. An overview of the experimental studies of steel and steelconcrete lamellar-structural elements survivability in local damage to columns, described in the modern scientific literature is presented. Tests of lamellar and light steel thin-walled structures on the effect of cyclic loading are described. Data on the limit static loads of beams and spatial frame systems are given. Attention to testing of structures for combined impact and explosive effects is paid. Photos and diagrams of laboratory samples and objects are given. As a result of the review, a conclusion is made about the prospects for further studies of the survivability of steel structures under emergency actions. It is noted, that now there is a need to expand the nomenclature of standardized types of emergency actions. That will allow to more effectively carrying out a complex of preventive measures that let us to increase the mechanical safety of structures and minimize potential risks of material and social losses in the event of emergencies