500 research outputs found

    Surface topography of plasma polymers deposited on flat and fibrous substrates examined by atomic force microscopy

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá charakterizaci morfologie tenkých vrstev plazmových polymerů, které byly připraveny z monomeru tetravinylsilanu a naneseny na plošné křemíkové substráty a skleněná vlákna typu E. Způsobem přípravy tenkých vrstev byla chemická depozice z plynné fáze (PE CVD). K charakterizaci morfologie povrchu byla pouţita metoda mikroskopie atomárních sil (AFM), pro kterou byla zpracována literární rešerše v teoretické části této práce. Ze získaných dat byla posouzena závislost povrchové topografie ve vztahu k depozičním podmínkám a velikostí zkoumané plochy a rovněţ byly navrhnuty způsoby jejích interpretace pro účely následné statistické analýzy.This bachelor thesis deals with the characterization of the morphology of thin films of plasma polymers, which were prepared from the monomer tetravinylsilane and deposited on planar silicon substrates and type E glass fibers. Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PE CVD) has been used as a method of thin films preparations. Characterization of the surface morphology was made by using atomic force microscopy (AFM), for which was prepared literature review at the theoretical part of this bachelor thesis. The collected data have been used for estimating dependence of surface topography in relation to the deposition conditions and the size of investigated area. Also have been suggested methods of the data interpretation for purposes of subsequent statistical analysis.

    Hidden time interpretation of quantum mechanics and "no protocol" argument

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    Previously suggested hidden time interpretation of quantum mechanics allows to reproduce the same predictions as standard quantum mechanics provides, since it is based on Feynman many - paths formulation of QM. While new experimental consequences of this interpretation are under investigation, some advantages can be enumerated. (1) The interpretation is much field theoretic - like in classical sense, so it is local in mathematical sense, though quantum (physical) non-locality is preserved. (2) The interpretation is based on one type of mathematical objects, rather than two different (Hilbert space vectors and operators). (3) The interpretation, as it was argued, overcomes the problem of hidden variables in a radically new way, with no conflict to Bell's theorem. Recently an important argument against hidden variables - like formulations of quantum theory was risen - "no protocol" argument. It is argued in the paper, that hidden time interpretation successfully overcomes this argument.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Reported at the International Symposium "Quantum Informatics - 2007", 1 - 5 Oct., Lipki, Russia. Discusses arguments raised at "Are superluminal signals an acceptable hypothesis? - Difficulties in building communication protocol with them", quant-ph/061015

    On bosonic Thirring model in Minkowski signature

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    We present the way to continue the bosonic Thirring model or βγ\beta\gamma-system with quartic interaction to Minkowski signature, based on the symmetries of this model. It is shown that the considered Minkowski version of the model is one-loop renormalizable. Based on this, we find the amplitudes of the scattering of the excitations corresponding to the γ\gamma and γˉ\bar{\gamma} fields up to the one-loop order. In particular, it was computed that the 222 \rightarrow 2 amplitudes of these excitations possess the property of reflectionless scattering and thus the corresponding SS-matrix of such excitations satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation. The obtained SS-matrix elements for γ\gamma and γˉ\bar{\gamma} are shown to coincide with the corresponding SS-matrix elements of the solitons in the complex sine-Gordon model proposed by Dorey and Hollowood.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, v2: typos fixed, appendix B extended, improved pictures format, v3: prepared for submission to Nuclear Physics B, typos fixed, added some two-loop two-point function

    Biography and Form of Life : Toward a Cultural Analysis of Narrative Interviews

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    This paper introduces the concept of form of life, socially shaped and shared meaning structures of actors situated in material contexts, as a tool for the cultural-sociological analysis of biographies and life trajectories. Following the principles of structural hermeneutics, such an analysis of life-forms treats the interview text as manifestation of a deeper holistic meaning structure, embodied in narratives, binaries and metaphors, without suppressing the contradictions and tensions inherent in every form of life. Finally, the empirical applicability of our approach is illustrated with examples from the qualitative strand of a broader longitudinal panel study as well as an in-depth case study

    Publishing Efficient On-device Models Increases Adversarial Vulnerability

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    Recent increases in the computational demands of deep neural networks (DNNs) have sparked interest in efficient deep learning mechanisms, e.g., quantization or pruning. These mechanisms enable the construction of a small, efficient version of commercial-scale models with comparable accuracy, accelerating their deployment to resource-constrained devices. In this paper, we study the security considerations of publishing on-device variants of large-scale models. We first show that an adversary can exploit on-device models to make attacking the large models easier. In evaluations across 19 DNNs, by exploiting the published on-device models as a transfer prior, the adversarial vulnerability of the original commercial-scale models increases by up to 100x. We then show that the vulnerability increases as the similarity between a full-scale and its efficient model increase. Based on the insights, we propose a defense, similaritysimilarity-unpairingunpairing, that fine-tunes on-device models with the objective of reducing the similarity. We evaluated our defense on all the 19 DNNs and found that it reduces the transferability up to 90% and the number of queries required by a factor of 10-100x. Our results suggest that further research is needed on the security (or even privacy) threats caused by publishing those efficient siblings.Comment: Accepted to IEEE SaTML 202

    Methodological approaches to the study of Russian cooperation and "Theory and practice of cooperation" as an academic discipline

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    The article focuses on the theoretical and methodological problems encountered by the Russian scholars of cooperative organizations. The authors identify four basic methodological approaches to the cooperation phenomenon in the Russian academic tradition: (1) socio-reformist (or socio-ideological), (2) descriptive-monographic, and (3) economic-theoretical, with the first two being dominant. After a short discussion of the prospects and limitations of the theoretical studies of cooperatives as business organizations by Russian scholars, some of the distinguishing features of Russian cooperation thought are mentioned. Considering the features of the Russian cooperative thought, the authors found it useful to name the most prominent Russian researchers of cooperation who can be included in the ICA list of the world cooperative heritage. The authors pay special attention to the myth of the first Russian cooperative and the Decembrists as the first Russian cooperators. Unfortunately, this myth was officially recognized and determines the birthday of the cooperative movement in Russia. The article briefly discusses the contribution to cooperative thought made by Antsiferov, Bilimovich, Tugan-Baranovsky, Chayanov, and Totomianz. Special attention is paid to the scientific contribution of Emelianoff, almost unknown in modern Russia, and the fate of his ideas. Finally, the authors emphasize the particular importance of describing the transformations and the most important achievements of the Russian and foreign cooperative thought in the curriculum of the discipline "Theory and practice of cooperation"