23 research outputs found

    The theory of the elitesŹ¼ cycles of wilfredo pareto. The egocentric theory of the division of the society into dominants and submissives, or just a next opportunity to justify the fascism?

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    The life of this person began at those times, when on the streets of Europe you could see bloodshed battle for survival, it was a great period of the Spring of Nations. Since earlier childhood Wilfredo saw the war with his own eyes, he saw the fact, as some people reach their goals by lying to others, bu make other suffer; he saw as those people in the aim of satisfaction their greedy interests, burn the whole quarters, and as cities dead. By such reality this future father of the sociological theory of all times was surrounded. Due to building his personality, under the prism of all event we have talking about earlier it was growing his own doctrine, which was gonna be an explanation of great number of things and main characteristic features in the behavior of the society. This doctrine was gonna to explain almost everything about character of ourselves, without finding out such logical connection as our social position or our age; this doctrine had no connection with times, with history, and it had millions and millions followers all around the world

    Fascism and nazism under the prism of the antic law doctrines. Historical justification against modern criticism. the phenomenon of ā€œThe moral stability of nationā€

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    If we speak about Fascism and Nazism, we think at the same time mostly about Germany at times of Hitlerā€˜s epoch; because of the fact, that it is an interhistoric phenomenon of cruelty and egoism relatively to human nation. In practice, it is not oppositely even an independent historical study; it is just a compilation of few the most famous political doctrines of all times though. Moreover, after a detailed scientific research of previous century, Fascism and Nazism were manifested finally as different, according to level of radicalism, directions of the Totalitarianism, and it stood even on the same stage with Stalinism. According to this fact, it would be absolutely justified, if at the time of describing of criticism relatively to the rule of Hitler, we would emphasize a historical parallel with criticism of The Soviet Union times and Stalinism as well. However, the last doctrine, since a long time ago, was postulated as more officially justified political system comparing with the first one. But, when we begin our research using doctrinal sources, as well as when we begin analysis of the historical and political studies under the prism of few epochs; I this case a similarity in the positive aspect could be pointed as such logic and clear, that it could be justified as well as perspective enough to speak in our article only about negative aspect of Fascism and Nazism, and, consequently, injustice of this regime. According to the fact, that the main topic of our article is investigation of ā€•injusticeā€–, in particular, ā€•illegalityā€– of Adolf Hitlerā€˜s rule; as well as discussion about main doctrinal epithets under the prism of fundamental political studies of all times

    Immunohistochemical features of the uterus structure in case of fetuses with a gestational term of 29-36 weeks from mothers with the chronic infection of the lower genital tracts

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    In the following article we present results of the research on the uterusā€™ wall structure in case of fetuses from mothers, whose pregnancy was complicated by the chronic infection of the lower genital tracts (HILGT), comparing to one in case of fetuses from healthy mothers. The main aim of our research was to disclose immunohistochemical features of the uterusā€™ wall sructure in case of fetuses with a gestational term of 29-36 weeks. The research methods: macroscopic, organometric, histological, immunohistochemical, morphometric, statistical. All fetuses have died intranatally as a result of an acute violation of utero-placental or placenta-fetal circulation. The organometric research has revealed a fact of decrease of the following indexes: namely, the ones of weight, length and thickness of the uterusā€™ wall in case of fetuses from mothers with a complicated pregnancy. Moreover, the decrease of the thicknessā€™ index is primarily connected with a fact of thinning of the endometrium as a strucutral component of the wall. Staining by picrofuxin according to Van-Gieson has revealed an increase growth of the connective tissue both in endometrium and in myometrium of the uterus wall in case of fetuses from the main group. Moreover, in the muscular component, as a result of the aforementioned phenomenon, we can notice a violation or even in some places a complete lack of the structural organization of muscular fibers. The immunohistochemical research has revealed an increase of an apoptotic index in the endometrium of fetal organs of mothers with a compicated pregnancy comparing to indexes in case of fetuses from healthy mothers, which also contributes to the thinning of the layer as well as atrophic changes in it. In addition, in the strucutre of the connective tissue of the uterus of fetuses from the group of comparison the collagen of the I type prevails, while in case of fetuses from the main group the collagen of the III group prevails. Alongside with aforementioned features in case of fetuses from mothers with HILGT we can emphasize an increased glow of the endotheline-1 in vessels both of arterial and venous types. All changes in the connective tissue structure in the uterus of fetuses from mothers with a complicated pregnancy, that were described above, could contribute to the violation of the organā€™s maturing as well as stabilization of its functional activity in the future life. The increased endotheline producing leads to the violaton of the blood supply, as well as could enhance collagenogenesis. The prevalence of the collagen of the III type in a structure of the connective tissue is a manifestation of the chronic hipoxia, under the condition of which the organogenesis of fetuses takes place in case of this pathology as well as leads to the violation of the spatial organization of the uterusā€™ main structural components. All features of the uterus wall structure in case of fetuses from mothers with HILGT, that have been established above, are prescribed by the chronic hipoxia and replication of the viral agents in the embryonic tissues as well as it could lead to make an implantation and pregnancy more difficult, likewise it could be a reason of development of pregnancy weakness in the following ontogenesis

    Modern data on embryogenesis and functional morphology of thymus (Literature review, part I)

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    In the following article we have provided modern data on main stages of implementation, formation as well as stabilization of functional activity of thymus of the fetus on different stages of fetal development. Thus, we have analyzed specific features of glandā€™s location in case of children, adolescents and adults. We have described two main stages of the organā€™s ontogenesis. In addition, histological features of the fetal thymus implemetation, starting with the 8th week of embryonic development were studied and provided below. The criteria of completion of the glandā€™s formation on the gestational term of 24 weeks were clearly emphasized. The stages of maturing of lymphocytes as well as appearance of the surface markers of the lymphocytes on them as well as division of the T-cells into subpopulations were described. The role of thymus in the sphere of formation of all types of the organismā€™s immune defence was explained. We have analyzed an endocrine function of the gland with providing the hormones, hormone-like substances, as well as extracts of the organ, which have their influence onto lymphoid tissue development  as well as play their leading role in the hormonal homeostasis of the childā€™s organism. The morphological features of the main structural components of the gland, as well as their functions in the thymus stabilization were disclosed. The nature of relations between structural components was clearly described. It has been proved also, that in case of full-term fetus, the thymus is a main lymphoid organ, which is structurally and functionally formed for the moment of birth. Moreover, under the conditions of the physiological pregnancy the lymphoid and epithelial components are sufficiently and harmoniously developed, and the thymocytes are differentiated and immunologically mature. Finally, we came up with the conclusion, that the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth can lead to the impaired embryogenesis and fetogenesis of the fetal thymus

    Pathomorphological features of the uterusā€™ wall structure in case of fetuses with a gestational term of 37-40 weeks from mothers with a chronic infection of the lower genital tracts

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    In the following article we have provided a data towards a comprehensive research of the pathomorphological features of the uterusā€™ wall structure in case of fetuses from mothers with HILGT comparing to ones in case of fetuses from healthy mothers. The research methods: macroscopic, organometric, histological, immunohistochemical, morphometric, statistical. On the basis of the organometric research we have revealed a probable decrease of the weight, length and thickness indexes likewise one of the main components of the uterus wall in case of fetuses from mothers with a complicated pregnancy comparing to ones in case of fetuses from healthy mothers. By applying histological method we have revealed an increased growth of the connective tissue both in the endometrium and myometrium in case of fetuses from mothers with HILGT relatively to one in case of fetuses from mothers with a physiological pregnancy. Moreover, the massive growth of the collagen fibers leads to the disorder in the strucutral organization of the muscle component. The uterusā€™ endometrium in case of fetuses from the main group could be characterized by a few glands without features of the functional activity comparing to one in case of fetuses from the group of comparison. In the structure of the connective tissue in case of uterus of fetuses from mothers with a complicated pregnancy we have revealed mainly the collagen of the III type, while the collagen of the I type could be revealed in the form of small loci of reduced intensity of glow. By applying the immunohistochemical method we have revealed an increase of the apoptotic index in the endometrium of fetuses from mothers with a chronic infection of the lower genital tracts comparing to one in case of fetuses from healthy mothers. By applying MCAT to endotheline-1 we have revealed an increased glow of the endtheliocytes in the vessels both of arterial and venous types, in case of fetuses from the main group comparing to one in case of fetuses from the group of comparison. In the uterus of fetuses from mothers with HILGT we could observe a decreased hormon producing activity comparing to one in case of fetuses from mothers with a physiological pregnancy. All changes, that were revealed in the uterus of fetuses from mothers with an infectious pathlogy declare an existance of the severe disorder in the implementation and formation of main organā€™s components, as well as are caused mainly by a chronic hypoxia as well as influence of the infectious agent. All pathomorphological features of the uterus wall structure in case of fetuses from mothers with HILGT, that were revealed, could contribute subsequently to the complications in the pregnancyā€™s onset as well as could lead to the disruption of one

    Immunohistological features of the collagen formation in ovaries of fetuses from mothers with a physiological pregnancy on different gestational terms

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    The comprehensive study on the fetal ovaries allowed us to disclose main features of the collagen synthesis in different organā€™s components relatively to the gestational term of fetus. We have studied the ovariesā€™ structure in case of fetuses, who died both antenatally and intranatally. The mothers of fetuses, according to the medical documentation, were healthy. As a reason of the fetuses death we can name an acute violation of the utero-placental as well as placental-fetal circulation. According to the specific features of the organsā€™ development, all fetuses were divided into groups: 21-28 weeks, 29-36 weeks, 37-40 weeks. The research methods: macroscopic, morphometric, histological, immunohistochemical, statistical. We have described a histological structure of the ovaries as well as we have postulated, that this structure corresponds completely with the physiological norm in every term of gestation. By applying the immunohistochemical method we have postulated, that the collagen of the I type prevails in the collagen structure of the connective tissue of fetal organs. It is manifested as an intensive glow. As the same time, the collagen of the III type is manifested as the small foci of moderate intensity. There are two types of collagens in the walls of blood vessels: IV and III ones. Moreover, we can preferably notice the collagen of the IV type. The collagen of the III type, at the same time, is manifested by foci with a low intensity of glow. All specific features of the collagen formation in the structure of the connective tissue, that were described above, are the same with ones which are corresponding with the physiological norm. The histological and immunohistochemical features of the ovariesā€™ structure, in case of fetuses from the study groups, could be applied as a comparison in a study on the organsā€™ structure in case of fetuses from mothers with a complicated pregnancy

    Immunopathological changes in case of the diabetes of the first type. The impact of the motherā€™s diabetes of the first type on the emryogenesis and fetogenesis of the fetus (Literature review, part II)

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    In the following article we have presented main risk factors of the development of the Diabetes Mellitus of the I type, as well as modern statistical data towards its correlation in a structure of the disease. We have revealed main markers of the disease, connected with the HLA system. We have also considered leading links in the pathogenesis of immunodeficiency development in case of patients with the Diabetes Mellitus of the I type relatively to the duration of the disease, presence of vascular complications as well as number of insulin units per day. We have provided clear criteria towards changes in the T-lymphocytes populations, what is prescribing changes in the helper-suppressor ratio. In addition, we have postulated that the autoimmune disorders, which are typical for the Diabetes Mellitus of the I type (DM of the I type) are leading to the increase in a number of apoptotically alteredd forms of T-lymphocytes, what is contributing to the deeping of changes in the immune system. Authors have studied main features of the interleukin-producing activity in case of patients with the DM of the I type. Namely: increased number of pro-inflammatory interleukins on the background of decrease of anti-inflammatory ones. The precise analysis has revealed, that there are circulating immune complexes in the blood of patients with DM of the I type, which are leading microcirculationā€™ disorders. The alterations, that were postulated and described relatively to the organism of patients with DM of the I type, are indicating deep disorders in the immune system and the morphological features of the thymus has to be studied, as far as the thymus as a central organ of the immunogenesis in case of fetuses from mothers, who are suffering from the DM of thr I type, in the aim of development of immunodeficiency in patients. Alongside with the description of changes in the immune system in case of patients with the DM of the I type, in the following article we have provided a scientific views on changes in the embrion- and fetogenesis of the fetus under the influence of motherā€™s DM of the I type. In addition, we have described morphological features of the placenta structure in case of this pathology, as well as pathomorphological changes in the strucutre of internal organs of fetus under the influence of this pathology in the motherā€™s organism. It was postulated, that in case of children, who were born from mothers, who are suffering from the DM of the I type, there is a syndrome of diabetic feto- and embryopathy, which is developing and leading to the poliorganic failure in the subsequent ontogenesis

    Immunuhistochemical features of the ovariesā€™ structure in case of fetuses with a gestational term of 21-28 weeks from mother, whose pregnancy was complicated by chronic infections of lower genital tracts

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    The following article presents results of the complex research on postulation of immunohistochemical features of the ovariesā€™ structure in case of fetuses with a gestational term of 21-28 weeks from mothers with HILGT comparing to ones in case of fetuses from mothers with a physiological pregnancy. The materials of the research are: 25 fetuses from mothers with HILGT as well as 25 fetuses from mothers with physiological pregnancy. All fetuses had died antenatally and inranatally, as a result of violation of uteroplacental and umbilical-uterine circulation. Research methods: macroscopic, organometric, histological, immunohistochemical, morphometric, statistical. The organometric method revealed a clear decrease of main indexes of the fetusesā€™ ovaries from mothers with a complicated pregnancy comparing to ones in case of organs of fetuses from healthy mothers. Morphometric method revealed a clear decrease of a relative volume of cortical substance as well as a clear increase of a relative volume of brain substance in the gonads of fetuses from the main group; as well as it showed a clear decrease of an index of follicular tissueā€™ relative volume, likewise a clear increase of an index of interstitial component relative volume.The staining by picrofuxin by van Gieson method revealed a massive growth of the connective tissue in all strucutral components of organs of fetuses from mothers with HILGT relatively to gonads of fetuses from healthy mothers. Using of MCAT to main types of collagens allowed to reveal a violation of maturation of main types of collagens in the structure of connective tissue of fetal gonads in the main group. In the follicular component of the fetusesā€™ ovaries in the main group are appearing mature, cystic-artretic and growing forms of follicles. Immunohistochemical method revealed an increased number of an apoptotically altered eggs in the ovaries of fetuses from mothers with HILGT comparing to one in organs of fetuses from mothers with physiological pregnancy.Ā  The peroxidase method revealed an increased endotheline-producing activity of the vascular component as arterial, like a venous type; likewise a clear decrease of the hormone-producing activity in the ovaries of fetuses from mothers with HILGT comparing to such indexes in fetal organs of fetuses from mothers with physiological pregnancy. The complex of changes in the ovaries of fetuses with a 21-28 weeks of gestational term, which was described, was formed under the influence of the chronic hypoxia, prolonged antigenic stimulation as well as hormonal violations in the mother-placenta-fetus system, which is a leading link of the infectious pathologyā€™ pathogenesis. The aforementioned complex of the structural and functional changes in the ovaries of fetuses from mothers with HILGT in a gestational term of 21-28 weeks indicates violations in implementation and formation of the fetal gonads, as well as it could further lead to disorders of the germinal function in the female organism

    Immunohistochemical features of the structure of fetusesā€™ uterus with a gestational term of 21-28 weeks from mothers, whose pregnancy is complicated by chronic infection of the lower genital tract

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    The relevance of the following article is prescribed by the growing number of perinatal mortality and morbidity among newborns due to the motherā€™s chronic infection of the lower genital tract (HILGT). It is commonly known, that HILGT contributes to the delay of the fetal development likewise is often manifested by the violation of internal organs and systems implementation. One of the most acute topic is the the fetusā€™ reproductive system in ther early gestation terms. However, the immunohistochemical features of the fetusesā€™ uterus structure with the gestational term of 21-28 weeks from mothers with HILGT on the current stage of the medical science develpment have not been described yet. The aim of the current research is to identify immunohistochemical features of the fetusesā€™ uterus structure with the term of gestation of 21-28 weeks from mothers, whose pregnancy is complicated by HILGT. Material of the research: 25 fetuses from mothers, whose course of pregnancy was physiological (group of comparison) as well as 25 fetuses from mothers, whose pregnancy was complicated by HILGT (main group). All fetuses had died intranatally, as a result of acute uterine placental and placental-fetal circulation. Research methods: organometric, histological, immunohistochemical, morphometric, statistical. The research results and their discussion: the organometric parameters of the fetusesā€™ uterus from the main group were clearily decreased in comparison to such parameters in case of the group of comparison. The decrease of the parameter of the uterine wall thickness of fetuses from mothers with the complicated pregnancy prescribes thinning of the main structural components. Namely: endometrium, myometrium and perimetrium. In case of endometrium of fetusesā€™ uterus a decrease of number of glands and the lack of their functional activity was noticed. It characterizes this layer as structurally immature.At the same time, in case of fetal organs of fetuses from mothers with complicated pregnancies, we could notice an increase in the number of apoptotically altered cells. Comparing to the structure of layers of uterine walls in case of fetuses from mothers with physiological pregnancy, in the uterus of fetuses from mothers with complicated pregnancy our attention is attracted by a massive growth of the connective tissue. In the myometrium it contributes to the disruption of the muscle fibers strusture likewise to its absence in some areas. By the immunohistochemical method it was possible to reveal a prevalence of the collagen of the III type in the structure of connective tissue likewise in the walls of blood vessels. It is connected primarily with disruption of the collagenā€™ maturation. The vascular component of the uterine wall in case of fetuses from mothers with HILGT differs from ones in case of fetuses from mothers with physiological pregnancy. This difference is grounded on the increase of endothelin-producing activity by vessels of both arterial and venous types. By processing preparations by monoclonal antibodies to estrogen, it has been postulated, that the intensity of the reaction as well as number of cells in the fetusesā€™ organs of the main group are clearily decreased comparing to ones in cases of fetuses from the group of comparison. The disorders of the fetusesā€™ uterus in case of fetuses from mothers with HILGT, that were provided in the current article, are prescribed by chronic hypoxia, endocrine disorders as well as influences of the infectious agents, that are taking place in case of such pathology. The characteristic features of the fetusesā€™ uterus structure in case of fetuses from mothers, whose pregnancy is complicated by HILGT, indicate gross violation in the organā€™s implementation on the early stages of the fetal organogenesis, likewise they could be a leading link of pathogenesis of primary infertilityā€™ development in the future ontogenesis

    Pregnancy preeclampsia: the main stages of pathogenesis. An infuence into fetal organogenesis (literature review)

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    In the current article there is observed a serious problem of the development of preeclampsia (PE) at a level of severity among women in Ukraine. It is disassembled in the description of the main theories of the development of PE: allergic, hormonal and renal. So that it can be instilled in some types of diseases and the theory of cortical-visceral ailments, which is leading on the pink modern data.The study of cephalic changes to the pathogenesis of PE made it possible to see and describe the peculiarities of the structure of the placentaā€™s vessels with this pathology with an eye on the development of endothelial dysfunction; hormone-stimulating activity in the mother - placenta - fetus system. Statistically, persons are indicated in a hematoencephalic institution, they are seen in the organisms of fetuses from mothers from the stage of severity. All the above specialties are seen as far as the degree of severity of the PE. It has been shown that in fetuses from mothers and PEs in the later ontogeny, there may be a breakdown of the implementation and the main stages in the development of cells, uterus and uterine tubes. Moreover, there is a trend towards the development of the pathology of the organs of the statutory system in case of women, women of all types of mothers from the moderate and severe stage, as well as a great number of changes in the development of PE at a given birth