951 research outputs found

    Global optimization methods for calibration and optimization of the hydrologic tank model's parameters

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    The tank model, a lumped conceptual hydrological model, is well known due to its simplicity of concept, simplicity in computation while achieving forecasting accuracy comparable with more sophisticated models. However, the calibration of the hydrologic tank model required much time and effort to obtain better results through trial and error method. With the development of artificial intelligence, three probabilistic Global Optimization methods namely Genetic Algorithm (GA), Shuffle Complex Evolution (SCE) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) were adopted for model calibration. The objective of the study is to find the best type of Global Optimization Methods and the best configuration to calibrate tank model that will produce the best fit between the observed and simulated runoff. The selected study area is Bedup Basin, located at Samarahan Division, Sarawak. Input data used for model calibration is a single storm event. The optimal parameters obtained will then be validated with 11 other single storm events. The performance of the optimization techniques is measured using Coefficient of Correlation (R) and Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (E 2 ). Results show that all three probabilitic GOMs are able to obtain optimal value for 10 parameters of tank model. However, the best GOMs for hourly runoff simulation is PSO. SCE appeard to be the second best performance GOMs and the least performed is GA technique

    A new bound for the smallest xx with π(x)>li(x)\pi(x) > li(x)

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    We reduce the leading term in Lehman's theorem. This improved estimate allows us to refine the main theorem of Bays and Hudson. Entering 2,000,0002,000,000 Riemann zeros, we prove that there exists xx in the interval [exp(727.951858),exp(727.952178)][exp(727.951858), exp(727.952178)] for which \pi(x)-\li(x) > 3.2 \times 10^{151}. There are at least 1015410^{154} successive integers xx in this interval for which \pi(x)>\li(x). This interval is strictly a sub-interval of the interval in Bays and Hudson, and is narrower by a factor of about 12.Comment: Final version, to be published in the International Journal of Number Theory [copyright World Scientific Publishing Company][www.worldscinet.com/ijnt

    Application of ponding systems in the treatment of palm oil mill and rubber mill eflluents

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    Ponding is proposed as a viable low-cost treatment method for .palm oil and rubber mill effluents. Theoretical considerations were reviewed and discussed in relation to the design of ponds. Both empirical and rational design models were presented. Adoption of such models were deemed closest to a way of designing ponds. Applications of ponding systems for palm oil mill effluent, rubber effluent and domestic sewage in Malaysia were discussed. Some first order kinetic coefficients were calculated for rubber mill effluents based on data for existing ponding systems. These constants ranged from 0.065 to 0.27 day-I. Kinetic coefficients for palm oil mill effluent for both completely mixed and plug flow systems were also presented. The coefficient for a pond exhibiting plug flow was found to be 0.068 day-t. Insufficient data prevented the derivation of kinetic constants for domestic sewage oxidation ponds. Costs data were derived from existing palm oil mill effluent anaerobic treatment systems for comparison between ponding and other systems

    Designing for the disabled in Malaysian environment

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    In most countries, it has been estimated that 1O% of the total population can be categorised under "The Disabled". With such percentage and its existence in our society, one should not deny the importance of desinging for the disabled which has been studied in other countries but not Malaysia. 'Thus, the topic "DESIGNING FOR THE DISABLED IN ENVIRONMENT is chosen for final year paper, PBP461: Student Initiated Research Project, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Housing, Building and Planning). It is also chosen bearing in mind the following aims : o in conjunction with the International Year of the Disabled Persons, 1981 Persons, 1981; o to realize the existence of the disabled in our society; o to help but not sympathize them in whatsoever ways possible; o to involve oneself in welfare and social works and ready to serve those considered "less fortunate"; o to provide opportunities for them to participate in the everyday life of the society and to be involved to do what others do; and o to provide as a guideline for our local designers in designning, planning and organizing of the houses which the disabled live and building which they use for work, education, recreation and others

    Kajian Silang-Budaya: Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Alat Ukuran Inventori Pengalaman dalam Perhubungan Intim dan Aplikasinya daripada Aspek Etnik dan Gender

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan Inventori Pengalaman dalam Perhubungan Intim (IPPJ) secara silang-budaya dalam konteks Malaysia. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk melihat perbezaan antara stail perapatan mengikut etnik dan gender. Subjek kajian terdiri daripada 360 orang pelajar Master dan Ph.D yang sekurang-kurangnya pernah melalui pengalaman romatik dari Fakulti Pengajian Pendidikan di sebuah universiti tempatan yang dipilih secara rawak berlapis. Daripada 360 subjek kajian, seramai 228 adalah pelajar perempuan dan 132 adalah pelajar lelaki. Mereka adalah terdiri daripada 238 pelajar Melayu, 95 pelajar Cina dan 27 pelajar India. Kebolehpercayaan dan kesahan kandungan item-item dan skala dalam IPPI telah diuji melalui analisis item. Kesahan gagasan inventori juga diuji melalui analisis faktor dan analisis faktor pengesahan. Walaupun dapatan kajian menunjukkan pekali kebolehpercayaan yang tinm tetapi analisis item menerangkan kekurangan kesahan kandungan dalam beberapa item. Hasil kajian yang berhubung dengan kesahan gagasan inventori tersebut adalah pelbagai. Analisis faktor yang memaparkan kewujudan dua set item di mana sebahagiannya menyokong struktur faktor dan saranan dua dimensi perapatan seperti yang dicadangkan oleh pengasas inventori. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat beberapa item tidak dimua tkan secara menonjol dalam dua dimensi tersebut.Keputusan ini bercanggah dengan teori perhubungan asal di kalangan faktor-faktor dalam inventori menggunakan warga Malaysia. Kesukaran bahasa juga ditunjukkan dan ia didapati berkaitan dengan beberapa masalah kesahan

    The Impact of Perceived Organizational Injustice on Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention: A Study of Employees in MNCs in Malaysia

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of perceived organizational injustice on employees’ level of commitment and their intention to quit. Ketidakadilan di tempat kerja merupakan satu tajuk penyelidikan yang penting dalam bidang tindaklaku organisasi. Kebelakangan ini, tajuk yang berkaitan dengan ketidakadilan sering menjadi tajuk perbualan di kalangan para penyelidik bidang ini

    Stress problems of expatriates in multinational enterprises in China

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    J8, M1This study is a longitudinal study employing both quantitative and qualitative methods in investigating the potential sources of stress for expatriates relocated to China. Future career and China exposure were the most important and the second most important reasons for the sample to accept the China assignment. The sample also scored higher in China and job itself satisfaction than organization satisfaction. Work attitude of local employees was the core negative predictor for all three satisfaction types for the entire sample. Relationships and recognition were the other two significant negative predictors while non-supportive headquarters and cheating were the significant positive predictors for job itself satisfaction. Besides work attitude of local employees, relationships and organization climate were significant negative predictors while personal responsibility, home/work balance, hassles and Chinese business environment were the significant positive predictors for organization satisfaction. Working with Chinese was the other significant negative predictor while personal responsibility, non-supportive headquarters, rules and regulations, and different habits were significant positive predictors for in China satisfaction. Analyses of stress sources were also made between expatriates coming from Asian and non-Asian countries, and also the two gender groups. Limitations of the study were laid out and implications for MNEs, China government and future research were also discussed.Este estudo é longitunal e utiliza métodos quantitativos e qualitativos para investigar as causas potenciais de stress dos expatriados a trabalhar na China. As perspectivas de carreira futura e a exposição à China foram as razões principais para os expatriados aceitarem ir para este país. A amostra apresenta também pontuação mais elevada no respeitante à China e à satisfação do trabalho do que à satisfação com a organização. A atitute em relação ao trabalho dos empregados chineses é o preditor mais negativo para todos os três tipos de satisfação. Os relacionamentos e o reconhecimento foram os outros dois preditores mais negatives enquanto o não apoio da sede e a "vigarice" foram os preditores positivos mais importantes para explicar a satisfação com o emprego. Para além da atitude dos Chineses em relação ao trabalho, os relacionamentos e o clima organizacional foram os preditores negativos mais importantes, por sua vez, a responsabilidade pessoal, o balaceamento entre trabalho e casa, a envolvente de negócios na China, constituíram os preditores positivos mais importantes para a satisfação organizacional. Trabalhar com os Chineses foi outro preditor negativo enquanto a responsabilidade pessoal, o não apoio da sede, as regras e regulamentos e os diferentes hábitos constituíram os preditores mais positivos para a satisfação com a China. Foram também realizadas análises para as causas do stress dos expatriados originários da Ásia e de países não asiáticos e comparações entre os géneros. Foram ainda indicadas as limitações do estudo assim como as implicações para as Empresas Multinacionais e para o Governo Chinês. Futuras investigações foram também indicadas

    GIS Based Determination of Landslide Location

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    This paper discusses about the Landslide Hazard Assessment (LHA) conducted on Cameron Highlands for October 2013. This site is identified as one of the very susceptible to landslides. In tropical countries such as Malaysia, rainfall is considered as the triggering factor of a landslide. Therefore, the information was obtained from rainfall station gauges to be used in Geographical Information System (GIS) by Kriging interpolation method. The variables including slope, slope aspect, curvature, land use land cover (LULC), elevation, distance from road, distance from river/lake and distance from lineament were used in the GIS system. The system managed to identify few areas that are highly susceptible to landslide using rainfall data on 23rd October 2013. However, it did not manage to identify the area that had mudflow reported on that day with the Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ) map produced. This paper provides recommendations to be done in future work in order to obtain more accurate results. Keywords: Landslide Hazard Assessment; GIS; rainfall interpolation; Cameron Highlands; weighted overla


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    With rising arguments on the fluid idea of education for sustainable development where an established framework is lacking, this review aims to look into the Christian bible for messages of sustainability and how these messages could enhance education for sustainable development in themes and pedagogies. This review examined only the old and new testaments of the bible common to most, if not all Christian denominations. It examined verses with clear connection to sustainability encompassing the environmental, social and economic aspects, particularly the environmental aspect. Discourse analysis of the verses comprising instructions, dialogues and lines of letters was conducted by delving into the historical and sociocultural contexts of the verses to exegete their sustainability implications. This review yielded ten verses with sustainability themes ranging from human responsibilities, ecological value, balance and conservation, responsible consumption and production, conservation of resources, traditional wisdom, equity, social welfare and sustainability to anthropogenic causes of environmental degradation. The main pedagogies for education for sustainable development implicated from this review are problem-based learning, experiential learning, exploratory learning, scenario- and simulation-based learning, reflective learning and deep learning, with specific references to the biblical sustainability themes. This review constitutes one of the very few literature probing sustainability and its pedagogies from Christianity’s perspective by qualitatively examining the most pertinent biblical verses. It contributes to the enrichment of sustainability education and pedagogies through religious wisdom. It is crucial in advancing sustainability education in religious studies. Article visualizations