7 research outputs found

    Dysregulation of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor by Presenilin/ Gamma-Secretase Loss-of-Function Mutations

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    Presenilin (PSEN) 1 and 2 are the catalytic components of the Gamma-secretase complex, which cleaves a variety of proteins, including the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Proteolysis of APP leads to the formation of the APP intracellular domain (AICD) and amyloid Beta that is crucially involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Prolyl-4-hydroxylase-domain (PHD) proteins regulate the hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs), the master regulators of the hypoxic response.Wepreviously identified the FK506 binding protein 38 (FKBP38)as a negative regulator of PHD2. Genetic ablation of PSEN1/2 has been shown to increase FKBP38 protein levels. Therefore, we investigated the role of PSEN1/2 in the oxygen sensing pathway using a variety of genetically modified cell and mouse lines. Increased FKBP38 protein levels and decreased PHD2 protein levels were found in PSEN1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts and in the cortex of forebrain-specific PSEN1/2 conditional double knock-out mice. Hypoxic HIF-1alpha protein accumulation and transcriptional activity were decreased, despite reduced PHD2 protein levels. Proteolytic gamma-secretase function ofPSEN1/2wasneeded for proper HIF activation. Intriguingly, PSEN1/2 mutations identified in Alzheimer patients differentially affected the hypoxicresponse, involving the generation of AICD. Together,our results suggest a direct role for PSEN in the regulation of the oxygen sensing pathway via the APP/AICD cleavage cascade

    Dysregulation of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor by Presenilin/ -Secretase Loss-of-Function Mutations

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    Presenilin (PSEN) 1 and 2 are the catalytic components of the Gamma-secretase complex, which cleaves a variety of proteins, including the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Proteolysis of APP leads to the formation of the APP intracellular domain (AICD) and amyloid Beta that is crucially involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Prolyl-4-hydroxylase-domain (PHD) proteins regulate the hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs), the master regulators of the hypoxic response.Wepreviously identified the FK506 binding protein 38 (FKBP38)as a negative regulator of PHD2. Genetic ablation of PSEN1/2 has been shown to increase FKBP38 protein levels. Therefore, we investigated the role of PSEN1/2 in the oxygen sensing pathway using a variety of genetically modified cell and mouse lines. Increased FKBP38 protein levels and decreased PHD2 protein levels were found in PSEN1/2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts and in the cortex of forebrain-specific PSEN1/2 conditional double knock-out mice. Hypoxic HIF-1alpha protein accumulation and transcriptional activity were decreased, despite reduced PHD2 protein levels. Proteolytic gamma-secretase function ofPSEN1/2wasneeded for proper HIF activation. Intriguingly, PSEN1/2 mutations identified in Alzheimer patients differentially affected the hypoxicresponse, involving the generation of AICD. Together,our results suggest a direct role for PSEN in the regulation of the oxygen sensing pathway via the APP/AICD cleavage cascade

    Damage-induced DNA replication stalling relies on MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 activity

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    DNA damage can obstruct replication forks, resulting in replicative stress. By siRNA screening, we identified kinases involved in the accumulation of phosphohistone 2AX (ÎłH2AX) upon UV irradiation-induced replication stress. Surprisingly, the strongest reduction of phosphohistone 2AX followed knockdown of the MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2), a kinase currently implicated in p38 stress signaling and G2 arrest. Depletion or inhibition of MK2 also protected cells from DNA damage-induced cell death, and mice deficient for MK2 displayed decreased apoptosis in the skin upon UV irradiation. Moreover, MK2 activity was required for damage response, accumulation of ssDNA, and decreased survival when cells were treated with the nucleoside analogue gemcitabine or when the checkpoint kinase Chk1 was antagonized. By using DNA fiber assays, we found that MK2 inhibition or knockdown rescued DNA replication impaired by gemcitabine or by Chk1 inhibition. This rescue strictly depended on translesion DNA polymerases. In conclusion, instead of being an unavoidable consequence of DNA damage, alterations of replication speed and origin firing depend on MK2-mediated signaling

    Hyperon signatures in the PANDA experiment at FAIR

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    We present a detailed simulation study of the signatures from the sequential decays of the triple-strange pbar p -> Ω+Ω- -> K+ΛbarK- Λ -> K+pbarπ+K-pπ- process in the PANDA central tracking system with focus on hit patterns and precise time measurement. We present a systematic approach for studying physics channels at the detector level and develop input criteria for tracking algorithms and trigger lines. Finally, we study the beam momentum dependence on the reconstruction efficiency for the PANDA detector