7 research outputs found


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    Kampung Ciuncal Desa Sukamantri Kecamatan Sukamantri Kabupaten Ciamis, adalah salah satu kampung sentra industri gula aren yang cara produksi, pengemasan, pemasaran maupun pengelolaannya dilakukan secara sederhana. Kekurangan modal usaha seringkali menjadi persoalan klasik yang dialami oleh masyarakat. Pendampingan untuk pengembangan usaha gula aren masih amat terbatas. Pengelola gula aren di Kampung Ciuncal saat ini berjumlah 15 kepala keluarga. Jumlah home industry mengalami penurunan secara signifikan yang semula berjumlah 50 kepala keluarga, karena warga menganggap gula aren tidak banyak menjanjikan untuk menopang kehidupan. Disisi lain, apabila dikaji lebih mendalam banyak potensi yang bisa dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan produksi gula aren guna menambah penghasilan masyarakat. Fasilitasi yang dilakukan  oleh tim pengabdian meliputi:  1) Pengelolaan variasi dari produk gula aren yang lebih awet, menarik dan higyenis; 2) Kemasan produk yang lebih menarik dan layak dipasarkan dalam skala yang lebih luas; 3) Pengorganisasian untuk penguatan kelembagaan kelompok usaha mikro  yang selama ini cenderung berjalan sendiri-sendiri. Metode yang dilaksanakan adalah: 1) Melakukan pelatihan pengelolaan gula aren yang lebih variatif dan menarik; 2) Pendampingan  membentuk  kelembagaan kelompok usaha bersama gula aren; 3) Membantu pengemasan produksi gula aren yang layak jual dan higienis. Hasil dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat 1) Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam mencetak gula aren yang lebih bervariasi dan sehat; 2) pengemasan gula aren yang lebih menarik dan layak dipasarkan; 3) Terbentuknya organisasi kelompok usaha bersama gula aren yang bernama “Kawung Sajati ”   Kata kunci:  Pengemasan Produk, Pengorganisasian kelompok, Pendampingan mitra. &nbsp

    Penguatan Kemampuan Belajar Berbasis Masjid

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    The Community Service Activity (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)) at Balong Gede District, Bandung City, especially Baitul Kiran Mosque, is an area on the border of Cikapundung River. Baitul Kiran Mosque resides in area that does not have a legal permit. The surrounding community has long lived in slums, poverty, and tends to neglect both religious and general education. One of activity to be carried out is to resolve learning difficulties of children with a mosque-based program to strengthen learning abilities. This program  carried out using method of focus group discussing, tutoring, and counseling to build motivation of education. The success of the PKM activities are: (1) strengthening of general education and understanding of religion that (a) students are motivated to take part in tutoring activities, (b) the learning difficulties of children in school are overcome by completing homework from school, and (c) learning patterns are better with tutoring activities twice a week; (2) strengthening the function of the mosque which are besides being a means of worship, but also an educational facility for strengthening learning activities of kindergarten, elementary, and junior high school students

    Penataan Taman Bermain Anak di Kawasan Sempadan Sungai Cikapundung RW 06 Kelurahan Balong Gede Bandung

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    The issue of riverbank in Bandung city still leaves unending problems recently as well as  RW 06 Balong Gede sub district. The lack of quality and quantity of open public space were caused by the dense of city centre settlement. The riverbank of RW 06 Balong Gede sub district is an active connecting path between Lengkong and Pungkur street so it is not safe enough for  the children to play. The riverbank of Cikapundung is currently used for composting area, storing building material, sitting area and the street vendors. Condition of the sitting area has not been proper to use because of its damage and the lack of roof cover. The UNLA abdimas team try to help RW 06 community in  composing planning concepts and the structure of organization for Taman Si Indung Jembar management. The identification process of needed space and space mapping were held through forum discussion group with the community. The planning concept is socialized and discussed with the community by participatory planning to achieve design concept according to user requirements. After the retaining wall development as the government aided, the playground become main priority to build. Si Indung Jembar Park for now has been built although there are many changes in construction actually due to cost and the park element provided. The other functions that have not been  realized yet will be developed and built gradually in the next period.   Permasalahan ruang sempadan sungai di Kota Bandung hingga saat ini masih meninggalkan persoalan yang tidak kunjung selesai, seperti halnya di RW 06 Kelurahan Balong Gede. Kurangnya kuantitas dan kualitas ruang terbuka publik akibat padatnya lahan permukiman di pusat kota Bandung. Sempadan sungai di RW 06  Kelurahan Balong Gede juga merupakan jalur penghubung utama aktif  antara Jalan Lengkong dan Pungkur, sehingga mengurangi kenyamanan bermain bagi anak-anak. Sempadan sungai Cikapundung saat ini sebagian dimanfaatkan oleh penduduk untuk fungsi pembuatan kompos, penyimpanan bahan bangunan, ruang duduk dan area berdagang pedagang kaki lima. Kondisi sebagian ruang duduk pun sudah tidak lagi memadai untuk digunakan karena kerusakan tempat duduk dan tidak adanya penutup atap. Untuk itu tim abdimas LPM Universitas Langlangbuana mencoba membantu masyarakat RW 06 dalam menyusun konsep perencanaan pemanfaatan sempadan sungai tersebut dan struktur organisasi lembaga yang akan mengelola Taman Wisata Si Indung Jembar. Proses identifikasi kebutuhan ruang dan pemetaan lokasi dilakukan bersama Ketua RW, para Ketua RT dan masyarakat lainnya melalui diskusi kelompok (FGD). Konsep perencanaan sempadan sungai disosialiasikan dan didiskusikan bersama masyarakat (participatory planning) untuk mencapai gambaran desain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan/keinginan masyarakat. Sebagai lanjutan dari pembuatan kirmir yang sudah dilakukan atas bantuan Pemerintah, taman bermain anak menjadi skala prioritas yang akan dibangun dalam perencanaan Taman Si Indung Jembar.Taman bermain anak tersebut kini sudah selesai dibangun walaupun ada sedikit perbedaan dengan desain dan harapan karena keterseddiaan elemen pelengkap taman dan biaya. Fungsi -fungsi lain yang belum terwujud selanjutnya secara bertahap akan dilaksanakan di periode mendatang

    Fasilitasi Administrasi Akte Kelahiran Keluarga Pemulung di Kelurahan Kebon Pisang Kota Bandung

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         Data dari BPS Kota Bandung tercatat 11% anak kota Bandung yang belum memiliki akte kelahiran dari Kantor Catatan Sipil, sebagai pemenuhan tertib administrasi penduduk. Terlebih lagi dengan terjadinya pergeseran fungsi dan tugas negara dari fungsi negara yang hanya sebagai penjaga malam ke fungsi mewujudkan kesejahteraan warga negara . Campur tangan negara yang terbuka luas tersebut mengharuskan adanya sejenis tertib peraturan hukum untuk melindungi perlakuan sewenang-wenag negara terhadap warga negara. Tertib peraturan tersebut tertuang pada kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2013 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan, yang selanjutnya disingkat menjadi UU Administrasi Kependudukan. UU Administrasi Kependudukan mewajibkan setiap penduduk Indonesia untuk melaporkan peristiwa kependudukan dan peristiwa penting yang dialaminya kepada instansi pelaksana dengan memenuhi persyaratan yang diperlukan dalam pendaftaran penduduk dan pencatatan sipil, sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam Pasal 3 UU administrasi kependudukan agar terpebuhinya tertib administrasi. Tertib administrasi dimaksudkan untuk memberikan perlindungan, pengakuan, penentuan status pribadi dan status hukum setiap peristiwa kependudukan dan peristiwa penting yang dialami oleh penduduk Indonesia dan Warga Negara Indonesia yang berada di luar wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.      Beberapa keluarga pemulung Kota Bandung yang sebelumnya telah difasilitasi oleh tim pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Langlangbuana untuk menikah secara resmi dan mendapatkan beberapa hak-hak sipilnya berupa pendaftaran kependudukan guna mendapatkan Kartu Tanda Penduduk elektronik  (e-KTP) dan Kartu Keluarga (KK). Namun kegiatan perlu ditindaklanjuti dengan memberikan legalisasi anak-anaknya untuk mendapatkan nomor Induk Anak dan Akta kelahiran terutama anak di luar perkawinan yang sah dari Dinas catatan Sipil. Metode dalam memfasilitasi kegiatan tersebut dengan melakukan advocacy keluarga pemulung untuk mendapatkan hak identitas kependudukan, pendampingan dan edukasi.      Dari hasil PKM penerbitan dan  pengakuan anak yang di luar nikah, anak yang sah dan keluarga yang sampai saat ini belum terfasilitasi e-KTP padahal suket KTP sudah diterima sejak lama


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    Poverty reduction as a part of social problems that is latent, complex, multi-dimensional and universal is still the main agenda, especially in developing countries including Indonesia and Malaysia, so it requires appropriate policy choices and demands understanding. and strategic thinking in handling it. Development programs directed at the poor, both carried out by the government (public) and private (private), including the optimization of the role of social workers in social engineering are still faced with real challenges. Development carried out in a country contains consequences for the emergence of various social problems, including poverty which moves very progressively. This condition is a challenge that needs to be answered both conceptually and in action programs. Optimizing the role of social workers in carrying out effective social engineering is certainly inseparable from human skills in identifying social, economic and political dimensions, so that their movements work in synergy with institutional empowerment efforts and the real conditions of the poor who will be empowered

    Poverty Alleviation Policy in West Java Province

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    Poverty and social welfare issues show an increase over time, both in the number, and the quality. On the other hand, the policy responses to social welfare issues from various parties are not sufficient to tackle those problems. This study aims to describe poverty and policy of West Java Provincial Government in poverty alleviation. The research is expected to contribute to the improvement of policy in poverty alleviation and affect the condition of West Java society to be more prosperous. The research design is Qualitative Descriptive. The informants are several Civil State Apparatuses who are capable to represent Regional Work Unit/ Organization at the provincial level. Data Collecting Techniques consist of interviews, focus group discussions, and documentation studies. Data Validation is done using triangulation between data sources and techniques. The results showed that West Java's economy grew on average above 5%, while the average poverty reduction rate was only 0.46% per year. These conditions have an impact on the increased number of people who are below the poverty threshold and also affect the index of depth and severity of poverty. The situation is similar for other social welfare issues, such as socio-economic vulnerable groups, homeless, beggars, and scavengers, neglected elderly, and children who need social protection. To overcome those problems, several policies have been prepared. The obstacle is, social welfare planning and policy are often only viewed as a complement to development planning and policy framework when they should be considered as an integrative, priority and substantive element that must be implemented. Various regulations and policies on poverty alleviation and other social welfare issues are still limited. Regulation at the central level is sufficient, but local governments have not been fully able to describe and operationalize it with various rules, either at the level of Regional Regulation, Governor Regulation, Mayor Regulation, or Regent Regulation. Legislation regulation and poverty alleviation are government’s (central and local) full responsibility, so coordination and a common commitment are needed to address poverty and increase equity. West Java Provincial Policy needs to prioritize efforts to increase funding through funding synergies with central and district / city governments in order to finance more comprehensive and broader poverty reduction programs

    Karl Marx's sociological review on the social class of the fisherman community in Cirebon district

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    In the socio-economic life of the fishing community in Cirebon Regency, relatively, not much has changed over time. In fishing communities there are three social classes, namely skipper, collector and fisherman. The exploitation of the skipper class and collector class against the fishing working class makes the fishing working class familiar with poverty. This fishing working class is characterized by low skills, limited capital and low education and high dependence on skipper and collectors. The objectives of this study are 1) to define the modern fishing class and the traditional fisherman class, and 2) to explain the social class that exists in the fishing community in Cirebon Regency. The design of this study used a qualitative descriptive method. The research location is in the coastal area of ​​Cirebon Regency. The number of sample members is 11 people as research informants. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The instrument used was an interview guide. Data collection techniques were carried out by: 1) in-depth interviews; 2) observation techniques and 3) documentation studies. The qualitative data collected were analyzed using a categorization analysis approach.&nbsp