4,557 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of Giant Stars in the Pyxis Globular Cluster

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    The Pyxis globular cluster is a recently discovered globular cluster that lies in the outer halo (R_{gc} ~ 40 kpc) of the Milky Way. Pyxis lies along one of the proposed orbital planes of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and it has been proposed to be a detached LMC globular cluster captured by the Milky Way. We present the first measurement of the radial velocity of the Pyxis globular cluster based on spectra of six Pyxis giant stars. The mean heliocentric radial velocity is ~ 36 km/sec, and the corresponding velocity of Pyxis with respect to a stationary observer at the position of the Sun is ~ -191 km/sec. This radial velocity is a large enough fraction of the cluster's expected total space velocity, assuming that it is bound to the Milky Way, that it allows strict limits to be placed on the range of permissible transverse velocities that Pyxis could have in the case that it still shares or nearly shares an orbital pole with the LMC. We can rule out that Pyxis is on a near circular orbit if it is Magellanic debris, but we cannot rule out an eccentric orbit associated with the LMC. We have calculated the range of allowed proper motions for the Pyxis globular cluster that result in the cluster having an orbital pole within 15 degrees of the present orbital pole of the LMC and that are consistent with our measured radial velocity, but verification of the tidal capture hypothesis must await proper motion measurement from the Space Interferometry Mission or HST. A spectroscopic metallicity estimate of [Fe/H] = -1.4 +/- 0.1 is determined for Pyxis from several spectra of its brightest giant; this is consistent with photometric determinations of the cluster metallicity from isochrone fitting.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, aaspp4 style, accepted for publication in October, 2000 issue of the PAS

    Adult Education and Training Programs for Older Adults in the U.S.Country Comparisons Using PIAAC Data1

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    The age structure of the U.S. labor force has changed dramatically in recent decades, largely due to the aging of the baby boomer cohort. This shift has increased the importance of gaining a better understanding of how adult education and training influences labor market outcomes for middle-aged and older workers

    Constraining the History of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy Using Observations of its Tidal Debris

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    We present a comparison of semi-analytic models of the phase-space structure of tidal debris with observations of stars associated with the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy (Sgr). We find that many features in the data can be explained by these models. The properties of stars 10-15 degrees away from the center of Sgr --- in particular, the orientation of material perpendicular to Sgr's orbit (c.f. Alard 1996) and the kink in the velocity gradient (Ibata et al 1997) --- are consistent with those expected for unbound material stripped during the most recent pericentric passage ~50 Myrs ago. The break in the slope of the surface density seen by Mateo, Olszewski & Morrison (1998) at ~ b=-35 can be understood as marking the end of this material. However, the detections beyond this point are unlikely to represent debris in a trailing streamer, torn from Sgr during the immediately preceding passage ~0.7 Gyrs ago, but are more plausibly explained by a leading streamer of material that was lost more that 1 Gyr ago and has wrapped all the way around the Galaxy. The observations reported in Majewski et al (1999) also support this hypothesis. We determine debris models with these properties on orbits that are consistent with the currently known positions and velocities of Sgr in Galactic potentials with halo components that have circular velocities v_circ=140-200 km/s. The best match to the data is obtained in models where Sgr currently has a mass of ~10^9 M_sun and has orbited the Galaxy for at least the last 1 Gyr, during which time it has reduced its mass by a factor of 2-3, or luminosity by an amount equivalent to ~10% of the total luminosity of the Galactic halo. These numbers suggest that Sgr is rapidly disrupting and unlikely to survive beyond a few more pericentric passages.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Astronomical Journa

    Absolute Proper Motions to B~22.5: V. Detection of Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Debris in the Direction of the Galactic Anticenter

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    We have detected a population of predominantly blue (B-V <= 1.1) stars in the direction l = 167 deg., b = -35 deg. (Kapteyn Selected Area 71) that cannot be accounted for by standard starcount models. Down to V ~ 20, the colors and magnitudes of these stars are similar to those of the southern overdensity detected by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and identified as stripped material from the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy. We present absolute proper motions for the stars in SA 71, and we find that the excess blue stars represent a distinct, kinematically cooler component than the Galactic field, and in reasonable agreement with predictions of Sgr disruption models. The density of the excess SA 71 stars at V ~ 18.8 and B-V <=1.1 is within a factor of two of the density of the SDSS-south Sgr stripped material, and of that predicted by the Helmi and White disruption model. Three additional anticenter fields (SA 29, 45 and 118) show very good agreement with standard starcount models.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJL, accepted for Ap

    Adult Education and Training Programs for Older Adults in the U.S.: National Results and Cross-National Comparisons Using PIAAC Data

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    Skill upgrades over the lifecourse are increasingly important in a knowledged-based global economy. This study examined the relationship between participation in adult education programs and labor market outcomes for adults aged 45-65

    Leveraging Resources Between the Senior Community Service Employment Program and the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program

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    This report describes a project that sought to determine the role the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) might play in supporting the Long-Term Care Ombudsman in their expanded role in the HOME Choice Transitions program. Potential responsibilities of the SCSEP program participant are described along with suggested training to carry out these duties

    GLobal Integrated Design Environment (GLIDE): A Concurrent Engineering Application

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    The GLobal Integrated Design Environment (GLIDE) is a client-server software application purpose-built to mitigate issues associated with real time data sharing in concurrent engineering environments and to facilitate discipline-to-discipline interaction between multiple engineers and researchers. GLIDE is implemented in multiple programming languages utilizing standardized web protocols to enable secure parameter data sharing between engineers and researchers across the Internet in closed and/or widely distributed working environments. A well defined, HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) based Application Programming Interface (API) to the GLIDE client/server environment enables users to interact with GLIDE, and each other, within common and familiar tools. One such common tool, Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation), paired with its add-in API for GLIDE, is discussed in this paper. The top-level examples given demonstrate how this interface improves the efficiency of the design process of a concurrent engineering study while reducing potential errors associated with manually sharing information between study participants

    The Extended Shapes of Galactic Satellites

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    We are exploring the extended stellar distributions of Galactic satellite galaxies and globular clusters. For seven objects studied thus far, the observed profile departs from a King function at large r, revealing a ``break population'' of stars. In our sample, the relative density of the ``break'' correlates to the inferred M/L of these objects. We discuss opposing hypotheses for this trend: (1) Higher M/L objects harbor more extended dark matter halos that support secondary, bound, stellar ``halos''. (2) The extended populations around dwarf spheroidals (and some clusters) consist of unbound, extratidal debris from their parent objects, which are undergoing various degrees of tidal disruption. In this scenario, higher M/L ratios reflect higher degrees of virial non-equilibrium in the parent objects, thus invalidating a precept underlying the use of core radial velocities to obtain masses.Comment: 8 pages, including 2 figures Yale Cosmology Workshop: The Shapes of Galaxies and Their Halo
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