44 research outputs found

    Перспективы внедрения цифрового рубля в денежный оборот России: атрибуты и принципы формирования доверенной цифровой среды

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    The rapid nature of the modernization of monetary turnover, accompanied by geopolitical risks against the background of post-pandemic economic recovery and the regionalization process, no longer just arouses the discursive interest of society, but becomes an indispensable condition of the new reality. The process of money turnover transformation by introducing digital currencies into circulation in the wave of digitalization among world powers lagging behind the evolving environment of the cryptocurrency industry is developing into a process of formalization of metaverses and penetrates deeper into the socio-economic reality. The problem of the Russian practice of developing the payment environment consists in its catching-up character, caused by the spontaneous formation of the digital society, resulting in the expansion of the scope of alternative finance outside the legal field. The purpose of the paper is to determine the inherent attributes of the digital trusted environment necessary to ensure digital ruble turnover, based on an empirical study of society’s perceptions about the prospects for using the digital form of the national monetary unit by representatives of various generations. We used systematization, grouping, comparative and content analysis, surveys, and the quota method to achieve the paper’s purpose. The survey involved 35,327 residents from different regions. As a result, the authors revealed the low level of readiness of society for the introduction of the digital ruble as a substitute for cash and cryptocurrency. The paper focuses on the need for an integrated approach to the disclosure of the digital ruble’s value and benefits, which contributes to its successful launch and promotion in the market. The results of the research highlight the importance of correspondence in the digital ruble category “digital currencies”, and also the impossibility of making incorrect decisions in the transformation of money turnover, which leads to the growth of risks of digital inequality, the clash of interests of certain groups of the population in the prevailing behavioral patterns in the form of a cautious attitude to digital finance with insufficient financial literacy.Стремительный характер модернизации денежного оборота, сопровождаемой геополитическими рисками на фоне постпандемийного восстановления экономики и процесса регионализации, не просто вызывает дискурсивный интерес общества, а становится неотъемлемым условием новой реальности. Процесс трансформации денежного оборота путем внедрения цифровых валют на волне гонки цифровизации среди мировых держав, отстающих от эволюционирующей криптовалютной индустрии, перерастает в процесс формализации метавселенных и все глубже проникает в социально- экономическую действительность. Проблема российской практики развития платежной среды заключается в ее догоняющем характере, обусловленном самопроизвольным становлением цифрового общества, приводящем к расширению масштабов альтернативных финансов вне рамок правового поля. Целью исследования стало определение неотъемлемых атрибутов доверенной цифровой среды, необходимой для обеспечения оборота цифрового рубля, и выявление особенностей восприятия перспектив использования цифровой формы национальной денежной единицы представителями различных поколений. Для достижения цели использованы методы систематизации, группировки, компаративного и кон- тент-анализа, анкетирования, метод квот. В опросе приняли участие 35 327 жителей различных регионов страны. Выявлен низкий уровень готовности общества к внедрению цифрового рубля как заместителя наличных денег и альтернативы криптовалюты. Акцентировано внимание на необходимости комплексного подхода к раскрытию ценности и преимуществ цифрового рубля, содействующего его успешному запуску и продвижению. Результаты исследования подчеркивают значимость соответствия цифрового рубля категории «цифровые валюты» и акцентируют внимание на недопустимости принятия неверных решений при трансформации денежного оборота, приводящих к нарастанию рисков цифрового неравенства, столкновению интересов определенных групп населения в условиях сложившихся поведенческих паттернов в виде настороженного отношения к Digital finance при недостаточной финансовой грамотности

    Dislocation structure and deformation hardening alloy fcc single crystals at the mesolevel

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    The article presents the evaluation results of impacts of various strengthening mechanisms to flow stress. Such evaluations were made on the basis of the measured parameters of the dislocation substructure formed in monocrystals of [001]-Ni3Fe alloy deformed by compression within the stage II. It was found that the main impact to deformation resistance in the alloys with net substructure is made by the mechanism of dislocation impediment, which is caused by contact interaction between moving dislocations and forest dislocations

    Dislocation structure and deformation hardening alloy fcc single crystals at the mesolevel

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    The article presents the evaluation results of impacts of various strengthening mechanisms to flow stress. Such evaluations were made on the basis of the measured parameters of the dislocation substructure formed in monocrystals of [001]-Ni3Fe alloy deformed by compression within the stage II. It was found that the main impact to deformation resistance in the alloys with net substructure is made by the mechanism of dislocation impediment, which is caused by contact interaction between moving dislocations and forest dislocations

    A new design for a green calcium indicator with a smaller size and a reduced number of calcium-binding sites

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    Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) are mainly represented by two- or one-fluorophore-based sensors. One type of two-fluorophore-based sensor, carrying Opsanus troponin C (TnC) as the Ca2+-binding moiety, has two binding sites for calcium ions, providing a linear response to calcium ions. One-fluorophore-based sensors have four Ca2+-binding sites but are better suited for in vivo experiments. Herein, we describe a novel design for a one-fluorophore-based GECI with two Ca2+-binding sites. The engineered sensor, called NTnC, uses TnC as the Ca2+-binding moiety, inserted in the mNeonGreen fluorescent protein. Monomeric NTnC has higher brightness and pH-stability in vitro compared with the standard GECI GCaMP6s. In addition, NTnC shows an inverted fluorescence response to Ca2+. Using NTnC, we have visualized Ca2+ dynamics during spontaneous activity of neuronal cultures as confirmed by control NTnC and its mutant, in which the affinity to Ca2+ is eliminated. Using whole-cell patch clamp, we have demonstrated that NTnC dynamics in neurons are similar to those of GCaMP6s and allow robust detection of single action potentials. Finally, we have used NTnC to visualize Ca2+ neuronal activity in vivo in the V1 cortical area in awake and freely moving mice using two-photon microscopy or an nVista miniaturized microscope

    Efficacy and safety of oral semaglutide in patients with type 2 diabetes and moderate renal impairment (PIONEER 5): a placebo-controlled, randomised, phase 3a trial

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    Background: Oral semaglutide is the first oral glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist for glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is commonly associated with renal impairment, restricting treatment options. We aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of oral semaglutide in patients with type 2 diabetes and moderate renal impairment. Methods: This randomised, double-blind, phase 3a trial was undertaken at 88 sites in eight countries. Patients aged 18 years and older, with type 2 diabetes, an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 30–59 mL/min per 1·73 m2, and who had been receiving a stable dose of metformin or sulfonylurea, or both, or basal insulin with or without metformin for the past 90 days were eligible. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1) by use of an interactive web-response system, with stratification by glucose-lowering medication and renal function, to receive oral semaglutide (dose escalated to 14 mg once daily) or matching placebo for 26 weeks, in addition to background medication. Participants and site staff were masked to assignment. Two efficacy-related estimands were defined: treatment policy (regardless of treatment discontinuation or rescue medication) and trial product (on treatment without rescue medication) in all participants randomly assigned. Endpoints were change from baseline to week 26 in HbA1c (primary endpoint) and bodyweight (confirmatory secondary endpoint), assessed in all participants with sufficient data. Safety was assessed in all participants who received at least one dose of study drug. This trial is registered on ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02827708, and the European Clinical Trials Registry, number EudraCT 2015-005326-19, and is now complete. Findings: Between Sept 20, 2016, and Sept 29, 2017, of 721 patients screened, 324 were eligible and randomly assigned to oral semaglutide (n=163) or placebo (n=161). Mean age at baseline was 70 years (SD 8), and 168 (52%) of participants were female. 133 (82%) participants in the oral semaglutide group and 141 (88%) in the placebo group completed 26 weeks on treatment. At 26 weeks, oral semaglutide was superior to placebo in decreasing HbA1c (estimated mean change of −1·0 percentage point (SE 0·1; −11 mmol/mol [SE 0·8]) vs −0·2 percentage points (SE 0·1; −2 mmol/mol [SE 0·8]); estimated treatment difference [ETD]: −0·8 percentage points, 95% CI −1·0 to −0·6;


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    Research is devoted to the design of a quantitative approach to the assessment of therapeutic response to therapy of patients with ulcerative colitis in the first 5 days of treatment. The study included 48 patients with ulcerative colitis with mild and moderate-severe current disease. Quantitative changes in the severity of the condition of the patient were analyzed using a specially designed questionnaire, including laboratory values and clinical symptoms. It was found that the standard qualitative approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis with multidirectional dynamics of individual clinical symptoms and laboratory parameters in the first 5 days of treatment in most cases does not allow to give an integral characteristic of the general condition of the patient changes. Designed quantitative approach to evaluating therapeutic response to the treatment allow not only identify the minimal changes in patient condition in the first 5 days, but also to predict the effect obtained by the treatment of two weeks

    Electrical Characteristics and Temperature Dependence of Photovoltaic Parameters of GaInAsSb Based TPV Diode

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    In this paper, electrical characterization of low bandgap GaInAsSb based thermophotovoltaic (TPV) diodes were investigated, as well as the temperature dependence of photovoltaic parameters such as short circuit current (Isc)(I_{sc}) and open circuit voltage (Voc)(V_{oc}). Investigation of the dark current mechanisms of the structure was carried out at several temperatures. The effect of light intensity on current-voltage characteristics was also investigated

    Electrical Properties of GaInAsSb/GaSb/GaAlAsSb Double Heterostructure with Low Diameter

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    GaInAsSb/GaSb/GaAlAsSb double heterostructures are attractive for optoelectronic devices working in the 1.5-4.8 μm wavelength region. In this paper, the current mechanisms of liquid phase epitaxy grown GaInAsSb based double heterostructures with 100 μm diameter were investigated in the temperature range 77-350 K. It was found that diffusion current dominates at the high temperature (> 240 K) and small forward bias region, while generation-recombination current dominates at intermediate temperatures (242-171 K). At low temperature region (< 171 K), the tunneling mechanism of the current flow dominates in both forward and reverse biases