4,816 research outputs found

    Congruence conditions, parcels, and Tutte polynomials of graphs and matroids

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    Let GG be a matrix and M(G)M(G) be the matroid defined by linear dependence on the set EE of column vectors of G.G. Roughly speaking, a parcel is a subset of pairs (f,g)(f,g) of functions defined on EE to an Abelian group AA satisfying a coboundary condition (that fβˆ’gf-g is a flow over AA relative to GG) and a congruence condition (that the size of the supports of ff and gg satisfy some congruence condition modulo an integer). We prove several theorems of the form: a linear combination of sizes of parcels, with coefficients roots of unity, equals an evaluation of the Tutte polynomial of M(G)M(G) at a point (Ξ»βˆ’1,xβˆ’1)(\lambda-1,x-1) on the complex hyperbola $(\lambda - 1)(x-1) = |A|.

    Maximum size binary matroids with no AG(3,2)-minor are graphic

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    We prove that the maximum size of a simple binary matroid of rank rβ‰₯5r \geq 5 with no AG(3,2)-minor is (r+12)\binom{r+1}{2} and characterise those matroids achieving this bound. When rβ‰₯6r \geq 6, the graphic matroid M(Kr+1)M(K_{r+1}) is the unique matroid meeting the bound, but there are a handful of smaller examples. In addition, we determine the size function for non-regular simple binary matroids with no AG(3,2)-minor and characterise the matroids of maximum size for each rank

    Murine terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase: cellular distribution and response to cortisone

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    The mouse thymus contains two forms of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) which are distinguishable by the salt concentration necessary to elute them from a phosphocellulose column, by their distrubtion among the thymocyte subpopulations, and by their sensitivity to cortisone treatment. In the whole thymus the later eluting peak (peak II) is the predominant one with about 3-10% of the total activity appearing in peak I. Both peak I and peak II activities are most sensitively assayed by the polymerization of dGMP onto an oligo(dA) primer. The minor population of thymocytes which is less dense and cortisone-resistant contains a higher specific activity of peak I TdT. The majority of TdT activity is, however, found in the major population of thymocytes which occurs in the center region of a bovine serum albumin gradient and is cortisone-sensitive. A very low level of an activity indistinguishable from peak II TdT activity is also detected in the mouse bone marrow. Other tissues, such as spleen, liver, heart, and brain lack detectable amounts of TdT activity
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