63 research outputs found

    Hubungan Stres Psikologis Dengan Siklus Menstruasi Pada Siswi Kelas 1 Di SMA Negeri 3 Tidore Kepulauan

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    : Mensturasi cycle is the time from the first day until the advent mensturasi mensturasi next period, while mensturasi cycle length is the distance between the start date and the start mensturasi ago mensturasi next. Stress is a physiological response, psychological and behavior of human beings who are trying to adapt and manage both internal and external pressures (stressors). The purpose of the study to determine the Psychological Stress Relationship With Menstrual Cycle In Class 1 student of SMA Negeri 3 In Tidore Islands. The design of this study used the descriptive analytical method by using the cross-sectional study design (cross-sectional study). The sample in this study amounted to 68 people. Data analysis was done by using the chi-square test (X2), at the 95% significance level (α ≤ 0.05) and obtain the value of p = 0.000. There Relationship With Psychological Stress Menstrual Cycle In Class 1 student of SMA Negeri 3 In Tidore Islands. Suggestions for the school is expected to increase student knowledge about how to prevent stress so that girls can avoid stress

    Gambaran Pengunaan Pil Kb Pada Wanita Usia Subur Dengan Hipertensi Diwilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tanawangko Kecamatan Tombariri

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    Kawulur, Liani. Gambaran Penggunaan Pil Kb Pada Wanita Usia Subur Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tanawangko Kecamatan Tombariri. Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran. Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan. Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Pembimbing: (I) Rina M. Kundre (II) Franly OnibalThe Purposes: To overview the use of birth control pills in women of childbearing age in the sub-district Puskesmas Tanawangko Tombariri. Samples were taken there 45 respondents. Methods This study used observational survey design with cross sectional approach. Results of this study found picture Pill users with a woman of fertile age in Puskesmas Tanawangko. Recommendation: For health services, disseminate to women of childbearing age who followed the family planning program about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of family planning programs as well as side effects.Keywords: WUS, Birth Control PilKawulur, Liani. Gambaran Penggunaan Pil Kb Pada Wanita Usia Subur Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tanawangko Kecamatan Tombariri. Skripsi. Fakultas Kedokteran. Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan. Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Pembimbing: (I) Rina M. Kundre (II)Franly OnibalaTujuan: Mengetahui gambaran penggunaan pil KB pada wanita usia subur di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tanawangko Kecamatan Tombariri. Sampel yang diambil ada 45 responden. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Survey Observasional dengan Pendekatan Cross Sectional. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan gambaran pengguna pil KB dengan Wanita Usia Subur di Puskesmas Tanawangko. Saran: Bagi tempat pelayanan kesehatan, mensosialisasikan kepada wanita usia subur yang mengikuti program KB tentang keuntungan dan kekurangan setiap jenis program KB serta efek sampingnya

    Hubungan Vulva Hygiene Dengan Pencegahan Infeksi Luka Perineum Pada Ibu Post Partum Di Rumah Sakit Pancaran Kasih Gmim Manado

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    : Vulva hygiene is clean the vulva and the surrounding area in woman who werepatients at parturition or can not do it alone. Vulva hygiene also aims to prevent infection, tostitch the perineal wound healing and for the cleanliness of the perineal. The purpose of thisstudy analyzed the relationship vulva hygiene with prevention of perineal wound infection inthe mother post partum in the Hospital Pancaran Kasih GMIM Manado. The researchdesign used in this research is descriptive analytic design with cross sectional approach. Theresults using the Chi-Square test values obtained significant vulva hygiene, namely P = 0,001< á = 0,05. The conclusions of this research is vulva hygiene relationship with theprevention of wound infection of the perineal in the mother post partum. Suggestion for otherresearchers are expected to conduct further research in orderto be aware of factors otherfactors that affect the prevention of perineal wound infection in the mother post partum

    Hubungan Support System Keluarga Dengan Sikap Ibu Dalam Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Di Puskesmas Ranomuut Perkamil Kota Manado

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    : Breastfeeding (ASI) is the most important baby food, especially in the firstmonths of birth.Exclusive breastfeeding is very influential on the quality of infant health.Thefewer the number of babies exclusively breastfed, then the quality of the health of infants andyoung children will get worse, because the provision of complementary feeding which maycause indigestion which in turn causes growth retardation of children. The aim of researchto determine the relationship of the family support system with the attitude of Mother inexclusive breastfeeding in the PHC Ranomuut Perkamil Manado. The research method isanalytical observation with cross sectional study, the population of which is breastfeedinginfants 0-6 months of age who met the inclusion criteria. The study sample 45 respondentswere obtained by using purposive sampling technique.The instruments used arequestionnaire support system of family and mother attitude in exclusive breastfeeding.Research results using statistical test Chi Square test at 95% significance level (á 0.05),then the p value = 0,000. This means that the value of p <á (0.05) and the value of OR53,167. Conclusion have significant correlation between family support system with theattitude Mrs. exclusive breastfeeding in the PHC Ranomuut Perkamil Kota Manado. Advicefor a study in order to motivate the nurses in health centers Ranomuut to encourage anddisseminate to breastfeeding mothers on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding in infant

    Hubungan Penggunaan Alat Kontrasepsi Suntik Depomedroksi Progesteron Asetat (Dmpa) Dengan Tekanan Darah Pada Ibu Di Puskesmas Ranotana Weru

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    : Contraception that has become the choice of mothers is the type of injectable contraceptive. However injectable contraceptive also have many side effects such as changes in blood pressure, menstrual disorders, depression, increased vaginal discharge, acne, changes in libido, weight changes, dizziness, headaches and hematoma. The purpose of research to determine the relationship between use of injectable contraceptive Depo Medroksi Progesterone Acetate (DMPA) with changes in blood pressure in the mother in Puskesmas Ranotana Weru. The study design used is descriptive analytic design with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique is by using purposive sampling with a sample of 98 respondents. The results using statistical test of chi-square values obtained P = 0.021 <α = 0.05. Conclusion significant relationship between use of injectable contraceptive Depo Medroksi Progesterone Acetate (DMPA) and Blood Pressure Changes in the mother in Puskesmas Ranotana Weru
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