43 research outputs found

    Valute, nacionalni imidži i identiteti: odnosi s javnošću za i protiv valuta – povijesna iskustva Njemačke, slučaj eura i uloga rejting-agencija

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    My thesis is that, in the “age of markets” in Europe the Euro is of central importance for creating (or destroying already established) structures of European identity (at least in parts of Europe – with Great Britain taking a very remote position). I emphasize the theoretical aspects (Aftalion´s Psychological Theory of Exchange Rates; Simmel: Philosophie des Geldes) to emphasize the importance of PR. I concentrate on historical cases – mainly German experiences – e.g. the campaign against the Rubel; the ideas of Ivy Lee; the PR-campaigns of the Nazi-government to fight inflation. The introduction of the German Mark (“die Deutsche Mark”), which became a central aspect of German national identity, and the campaign to give up this currency (“harte Währung”) in order to introduce the “weak” Euro. In this context I discuss campaigns against the Euro (“only idiots want the Euro”). In the final remarks I refer to the role of rating agencies and trust in currencies and countries. It is my thesis that the analysts of the rating agencies live in a “world of literary images” and are acting in a completely irresponsible way (but even more incompetent are the politicians accepting the ratings without knowing anything about the problem of commensuration).Sažetak U “doba tržišta” euro je od središnje važnosti u Europi za stvaranje (ili uništavanje već postavljenih) struktura europskog identiteta (barem u dijelu Europe – gdje je Velika Britanija zauzela izdvojen položaj). U radu ističem teorijske aspekte (Aftalionovu psihološku teoriju valutnih tečaja i Simmelovu filozofiju novca) kako bih naglasio važnost odnosa s javnošću. Rad je usmjeren na povijesna iskustva – većinom njemačka iskustva – primjerice na kampanju protiv Rubela, ideje Ivya Leea, PR-kampanje nacističke vlade u borbi s inflacijom. Upoznaje se s njemačkom markom (“die Deutsche Mark”) koja je postala središnji dio njemačkoga nacionalnog identiteta i s kampanjom za odbacivanje te valute (“harte Währung”) kako bi se predstavio “slabi” euro. U tom kontekstu raspravlja se o kampanjama protiv eura (“only idiots want the Euro”). Završna zapažanja odnose se na ulogu rejting-agencija te povjerenja u valute i zemlje. Moja je teza da analitičari rejting-agencija žive u “svijetu književnih slika” i djeluju na posve neodgovoran način (ali još veću nesposobnost iskazuju političari koji prihvaćaju rejting bez ikakva znanja o problemu proporcionalnosti)

    Pain and Stress Measurement During General Anesthesia Using the Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia

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    Measuring intraoperative pain and stress during general anesthesia is still problematic. Instead of having access to meaningful and robust pain measurements, anesthetists must use their experience and intuition to ensure a proper pain therapy. The correct dosage of analgesics is crucial for a stable patient, since underdosing may lead to neurogenic shock. Overdosing can result in critically low blood pressures and heart rates.Several possible approaches towards measuring pain have been proposed in the last years. We briefly summarize them and evaluate their usability in a general anesthesia setting. A promising approach is given by the Analgesia Nociception Index. We developed an advanced algorithm, called the Surgical Analgesia Index, which improves its concept for the use in a fully connected smart operating room. This paper is dedicated to its description, preliminary validation and comparison against the original index

    Images of nations and international public relations

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    Discussion of media imperialism : a revitalization of 19th century German thought?

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    Relaciones públicas para los estados

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    El autor trata de sistematizar la teoría y práctica de la propaganda de un Estado. La mayor parte de la acciones de construcción de la imagen de una nación son hechas en forma velada o encubierta. Política y medios de comunicación son tal para cual. Las relaciones públicas se los Estados, se entiende como el esfuerzo por mejorar la imagen del país en otro u otros países, a través de la difusión de información de interés común

    Currencies, National Images and National Identities: Public Relations for and against Currencies – Historical Experiences from Germany, the Case of the Euro and the Role of Rating Agencies

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    My thesis is that, in the “age of markets” in Europe the Euro is of central importance for creating (or destroying already established) structures of European identity (at least in parts of Europe – with Great Britain taking a very remote position). I emphasize the theoretical aspects (Aftalion´s Psychological Theory of Exchange Rates; Simmel: Philosophie des Geldes) to emphasize the importance of PR. I concentrate on historical cases – mainly German experiences – e.g. the campaign against the Rubel; the ideas of Ivy Lee; the PR-campaigns of the Nazi-government to fight inflation. The introduction of the German Mark (“die Deutsche Mark”), which became a central aspect of German national identity, and the campaign to give up this currency (“harte Währung”) in order to introduce the “weak” Euro. In this context I discuss campaigns against the Euro (“only idiots want the Euro”). In the final remarks I refer to the role of rating agencies and trust in currencies and countries. It is my thesis that the analysts of the rating agencies live in a “world of literary images” and are acting in a completely irresponsible way (but even more incompetent are the politicians accepting the ratings without knowing anything about the problem of commensuration)

    War and censorship : a necessity?

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