226 research outputs found

    A Langevin analysis of fundamental noise limits in Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy

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    We use a Langevin approach to analyze the quantum noise in Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) in several experimental scenarios: with continuous wave input fields acting simultaneously and with fast sequential pulsed lasers where one field scatters off the coherence generated by other fields; and for interactions within a cavity and in free space. In all the cases, the signal as well as the quantum noise due to spontaneous decay and decoherence in the medium are shown to be described by the same general expression. Our theory in particular shows that for short interaction times, the medium noise is not important and the efficiency is limited only by the intrinsic quantum nature of the photon. We obtain fully analytic results \emph{without} making an adiabatic approximation, the fluctuations of the medium and the fields are self solved consistently.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Estimating distinguishability measures on quantum computers

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    The performance of a quantum information processing protocol is ultimately judged by distinguishability measures that quantify how distinguishable the actual result of the protocol is from the ideal case. The most prominent distinguishability measures are those based on the fidelity and trace distance, due to their physical interpretations. In this paper, we propose and review several algorithms for estimating distinguishability measures based on trace distance and fidelity. The algorithms can be used for distinguishing quantum states, channels, and strategies (the last also known in the literature as ``quantum combs''). The fidelity-based algorithms offer novel physical interpretations of these distinguishability measures in terms of the maximum probability with which a single prover (or competing provers) can convince a verifier to accept the outcome of an associated computation. We simulate many of these algorithms by using a variational approach with parameterized quantum circuits. We find that the simulations converge well in both the noiseless and noisy scenarios, for all examples considered. Furthermore, the noisy simulations exhibit a parameter noise resilience. Finally, we establish a strong relationship between various quantum computational complexity classes and distance estimation problems.Comment: v3: 45 pages, 17 figures, includes new complexity-theoretic results, showing that several fidelity and distance estimation promise problems are complete for BQP, QMA, and QMA(2


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    Soil erosion is one of the serious issues threatening the environment. It is a growing problem especially in areas of agricultural activity where soil erosion not only leads to de-creased agricultural productivity but also reduces water availability. This leads to drastic degradation of the agricultural lands. So there is a need to take up conservation and management measures which can be applied to check further soil erosion. Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is the most popular empirically based model used globally for erosion prediction and control. Remote sensing and GIS techniques have become valuable tools for the digitization of the input data and genereation of maps. In the present study, RUSLE model has been adopted to estimate the soil erosion in the Khajuri watershed of Uttar Pradesh, India. This model involves calculation of parameters including runoff-rainfall erosivity factor (R), soil erodability Factor (K), topographic factor  (LS), cropping management factor (C), and support practice factor (P). Layer wise thematic maps of each of these factors were generated using GIS platform using various data sources and data preparation methods. The results of the study indicate that the annual average soil loss within the watershed is about  t/ha/yr (metric ton per hectare per year)

    Tumour associated tissue eosinophilia as a predictor of locoregional recurrence in oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Objectives: The increasing global burden of oral cancer has driven much of the focus of research to the determina - tion of reliable prognostic markers which may have significant effects on survival and the control of post-treatment morbidity. This study was undertaken to evaluate tumour associated tissue eosinophilia (TATE) quantitatively in oral cancer specimens and observe for its possible association with tumour stage, patterns of locoregional recurren - ce and overall prognosis. Study Design: 14 patients undergoing surgical resection for primary oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) were subjected to grey scale ultrasonography (USG) to assess tumour dimensions. The findings were compared with the cTNM stage initially documented. TATE was evaluated along the invasive tumour front (ITF) using H & E stained sections of histopathological specimens for 10 continuous high power fields (HPF) and graded as mild, moderate or intense. Patients were followed up over 5 years and observed for patterns of recurrence. Results: Loco regional recurrence was significantly associated with intense degree of TATE. ( p <0.001) cTNM stage as well as USG stage did not correlate with the degree of TATE with p =0.419 and 0.772 respectively. None of the patients with mild/ moderate dysplasia developed locoregional recurrence within the period of follow up. Conclusions: Analysis of TATE in OSCC patients may provide an early indication of future locoregional recurren - ce. Identification of an appropriate biopsy site representing the ITF where TATE analysis can be performed may be a simple, inexpensive method of obtaining valuable prognostic information at the time of diagnosis

    Remote preconditioning by aortic constriction: affords cardioprotection as classical or other remote ischemic preconditioning? Role of iNOS

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    Dose remote preconditioning by aortic constriction (RPAC) affords cardioprotection similar to classical or other remote ischemic preconditioning stimulus? Moreover study was also designed to investigate role of inducible nitric oxide synthase in remote preconditioning by aortic constriction. There are sufficient evidences that &#x22;ischemic preconditioning&#x22; has surgical applications and afford clinically relevant cardioprotection. Transient occlusion of circumflex artery, renal artery, limb artery or mesenteric artery preconditions the myocardium against ischemia reperfusion injury in case of ischemic heart disease leading to myocardial infraction. Here abdominal aorta was selected to produce RPAC. Four episodes of Ischemia-reperfusion of 5 min each to abdominal aorta produced RPAC by assessment of infract size, LDH and CK. These studies suggest RPAC produced acute (FWOP) and delayed (SWOP) cardioprotective effect. RPAC demonstrated a significant decrease in Ischemia-reperfusion induced release of LDH, CK and extent of myocardial infract size. L-NAME (10 mg/Kg i.v.), Aminoguanidine (150 mg/Kg s.c.), Aminoguanidine (300 mg/Kg s.c.), S-methyl isothiourea (3 mg/Kg i.v.), 1400W (1 mg/Kg i.v.) administered 10 min. before global ischemia reperfusion produced no marked effect. Aminoguanidine (150 mg/Kg s.c.), Aminoguanidine (300 mg/Kg s.c.), S-methyl isothiourea (3 mg/Kg i.v.), 1400W (1 mg/Kg i.v.) pretreatment after RPAC produced no significant effect on acute RPAC induced decrease in LDH, CK and infract size, whereas L-NAME (10 mg/Kg i.v.) increased RPAC induced decrease in LDH, CK and infract size. Most interesting observation is in delayed RPAC, where all NOS inhibitors pretreatment attenuate RPAC induced decrease in LDH, CK and infract size. In conclusions, &#x22;Remote preconditioning by aortic constriction&#x22; (RPAC) affords cardioprotection similar to classical or other remote ischemic preconditioning stimulus. Moreover, late or delayed phase of RPAC has been mediated by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) whereas it has not involved in acute RPAC

    Asymptomatic patient with “lumpy and bumpy” airways. A case of pulmonary MALToma

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    Primary pulmonary lymphoma is a rare disease. The most frequent primary pulmonary lymphoma (PPL) is extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT. About half of the patients are asymptomatic at diagnosis. We report a case of a 62-year-old male referred to us for preoperative assessment of surgery for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). He had no respiratory complaints but on evaluation was detected to have Pulmonary MALToma. Our case highlights the importance of tissue diagnosis


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      Objective: Helicobacter pylori resistance toward commonly used antibiotics is increasing leading to the treatment failure; hence, our aim is to determine the antibiogram susceptibility pattern of H. pylori strains isolated from Guwahati, Assam (Northeast India) and also to test the efficacy of the Brassica capitata against the multi and dual drug-resistant strains of North and Northeast India.Methods: Minimum inhibitory concentration of different antibiotics was determined by agar dilution method. Disc diffusion method was used to check the efficacy of B. capitata against clarithromycin (CLR), metronidazole (MTZ), and levofloxacin (LEV)-resistant H. pylori strains.Results: All the H. pylori strains were 100% sensitive to CLR, tetracycline, amoxicillin, and furazolidone. 72.8% of the strains were sensitive toward MTZ and 54.5% were sensitive toward LEV. B. capitata showed good efficacy against the resistant strains of H. pylori of North and Northeast India.Conclusion: Most of the H. pylori strains from Northeast India were sensitive toward the commonly used antibiotics for the treatment regime. B. capitata is effective against H. pylori infection, suggesting its potential as an alternative therapy, and opens the way for further studies on identification of novel antimicrobial targets of B. capitata

    Radial club hand managed with ulnar osteotomy and centralization of hand: a case report and review

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    Radial club hand also called radial longitudinal deficiency or radial dyspasia is a preaxial longitudinal failure of formation. As the defect is preaxial it is often associated with thumb hypoplasia or anomaly of the radial aspect of the carpus. It is diagnosed clinically and on X-rays. It is frequently syndromic so it is a must to look for associated congenital anomalies by doing a through clinical examination. The frequency of this anomaly is between 1:50000 to 1:100000 live births. The incidence of all radial ray-deficient limbs, including hypoplastic thumbs alone, is approximately 1:30000. The radial deficiency is bilateral in 50% of the cases and the male:female is 3:2. It includes a wide spectrum of disorders that encompass an absent thumb or thumb hypoplasia, a thin first metacarpal and an absent radius. We report here a 1.5 years old child with isolated type IV radial club hand without any restricted range of motion in elbow managed with osteotomy of ulna and centralization of hand

    Multi-modal Extreme Classification

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    This paper develops the MUFIN technique for extreme classification (XC) tasks with millions of labels where datapoints and labels are endowed with visual and textual descriptors. Applications of MUFIN to product-to-product recommendation and bid query prediction over several millions of products are presented. Contemporary multi-modal methods frequently rely on purely embedding-based methods. On the other hand, XC methods utilize classifier architectures to offer superior accuracies than embedding only methods but mostly focus on text-based categorization tasks. MUFIN bridges this gap by reformulating multi-modal categorization as an XC problem with several millions of labels. This presents the twin challenges of developing multi-modal architectures that can offer embeddings sufficiently expressive to allow accurate categorization over millions of labels; and training and inference routines that scale logarithmically in the number of labels. MUFIN develops an architecture based on cross-modal attention and trains it in a modular fashion using pre-training and positive and negative mining. A novel product-to-product recommendation dataset MM-AmazonTitles-300K containing over 300K products was curated from publicly available amazon.com listings with each product endowed with a title and multiple images. On the all datasets MUFIN offered at least 3% higher accuracy than leading text-based, image-based and multi-modal techniques. Code for MUFIN is available at https://github.com/Extreme-classification/MUFI
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