6 research outputs found

    Piecza zastępcza w perspektywie władzy rodzicielskiej oraz realizacji dobra dziecka. Wybrane zagadnienia

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    The aim of this study is to examine selected issues in the field of foster care. The text deals with the issue of exercising parental authority when the child is placed outside the family. The rights and obligations of parents and guardians were presented. The conclusions of individual parts also influenced the summary of the text from the perspective of interpreting the best interests of the child and its legal protection.Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie wybranych zagadnień z zakresu pieczy zastępczej. Tekst porusza problem wykonywania władzy rodzicielskiej w sytuacji umieszczenia dziecka poza rodziną. Zaprezentowane zostały prawa i obowiązki rodziców oraz opiekunów, których analiza została dokonana w perspektywie dobra dziecka oraz jego prawnej ochrony

    Potential Victim of Human Rights Violations on the Background of the Protection System of the European Convention on Human Rights

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    The article’s purpose is to present the concept of a potential victim of violations of the rights and freedoms of the European Convention on Human Rights. A group of complainants is treated as a victim, even though the violation affects society. The qualification of complainants as victims of human rights violations can be treated as the creation of European human rights law. The role of the Court is to apply the so-called ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors, which cannot only effectively contribute to the implementation of the principles of the ECtHR. The article addresses the problem of the assumptions of the living instrument doctrine and the interpretation of the law currently associated with the active activity of judges (judge-made law). The concept of the potential victim of human rights violations represents an opportunity for the postulated expansion of the catalog of fundamental rights.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji potencjalnej ofiary naruszeń praw i wolności Europejskiej Konwencji Praw Człowieka oraz skutków dopuszczalności tych skarg w perspektywie katalogu praw podstawowych. W pracy scharakteryzowane zostały warunki dopuszczalności skargi, zwłaszcza nadanie statusu ofiary. Coraz częściej wpływają skargi obywateli, którym nadaje się status potencjalnych ofiar naruszeń praw człowieka. Grupa skarżących jest traktowany jako ofiara, mimo że naruszenie dotyczy na przykład całego społeczeństwa. Kwalifikacja skarżących jako ofiary naruszeń praw człowieka może zostać potraktowane jako tworzenie prawa europejskiej ochrony praw człowieka. Rolą Trybunału jest między innymi stosowanie tzw. ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors, które mogą nie tylko skutecznie przyczyniać się do realizacji zasad funkcjonowania ETPC. W artykule poruszono również problem założeń doktryny living instrument oraz interpretacji prawa wiążącej się obecnie z aktywną działalnością sędziów (judge-made law). Koncepcja potencjalnej ofiary naruszeń praw człowieka to nowa instytucja, stanowiąca szansę na postulowaną rozbudowę katalogu praw podstawowych

    Are the children protected? : the (un)realized idea of children's rights and a new type of child's subjectivity as perceived by Maria Szczepska-Pustkowska

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    The aim of this study is to examine the subjectivity of the child in terms of the rights guaranteed to them, which require continuation and reflection of a still unrealized nature. Using the research of Maria Szczepska-Pustkowska, the subjectivity of the child as an entity developing into an adult has been presented. The conclusions of the individual parts as well as the conclusions highlight the problems of the rights of the child, both on the legislative and social grounds. Works in the field of philosophy, history, anthropology and pedagogy as well as psychology were used in the work

    Barriers to the Development of Family Business in Poland

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    The purpose of this article was to present the barriers that hinder the development of family businesses in Poland. The authors presented the concept of family business, identified barriers to their development and characterized them. The topic of succession and its impact on the company’s development was also discussed.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie barier, które stoją na przeszkodzie rozwoju firm rodzinnych w Polsce. Autorzy przedstawili pojęcie family business, zidentyfikowali bariery ich rozwoju oraz scharakteryzowali je. Poruszono również temat sukcesji i jej wpływu na rozwój firmy

    The prevalence of asthma work relatedness: Preliminary data

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    Objectives: About 5–10% of asthmatics do not respond well to standard treatment plan. Occupational exposure may be one of the factors that can be linked with treatment failure. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of work-related asthma (WRA) among adult asthmatics under follow up in an outpatient allergy clinic and to create a useful tool for detecting individuals with possible WRA. Material and Methods: Preliminary 5-question questionnaire designed to recognize WRA was presented to 300 asthmatics. All patients with positive preliminary verification along with 50 subjects from control group were asked to fill up a detailed questionnaire. The WRA was diagnosed by positive match for asthma symptoms in combination with workplace exposure indicated in the detailed WRA questionnaire followed by confirmation of each WRA case by detailed exposure analysis. Results: Work-related asthma was recognized in 63 subjects (21% of study group). The preliminary questionnaire has 76.9% sensitivity and 94% specificity in recognition of WRA. Occupational exposure to irritants is a risk factor of WRA recognition (relative risk (RR) = 2.09 (1.44:3.03)). Working in exposure-free environment is a factor against WRA recognition (RR = 0.38 (0.24:0.61)). Among subjects with work-related asthma, the uncontrolled course of the disease is significantly more frequent (p = 0.012). Subjects with WRA more often report sickness absenteeism due to asthma than those without WRA (9.6% vs. 3.2%, respectively), but the observed differences did not reach the statistical significance. Conclusions: Short 5-question questionnaire seems to be a promising tool to detect individuals with possible work-related asthma in the outpatient setting for further evaluation and additional attention

    The prevalence of asthma work relatedness: Preliminary data

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    Objectives: About 5–10% of asthmatics do not respond well to standard treatment plan. Occupational exposure may be one of the factors that can be linked with treatment failure. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of work-related asthma (WRA) among adult asthmatics under follow up in an outpatient allergy clinic and to create a useful tool for detecting individuals with possible WRA. Material and Methods: Preliminary 5-question questionnaire designed to recognize WRA was presented to 300 asthmatics. All patients with positive preliminary verification along with 50 subjects from control group were asked to fill up a detailed questionnaire. The WRA was diagnosed by positive match for asthma symptoms in combination with workplace exposure indicated in the detailed WRA questionnaire followed by confirmation of each WRA case by detailed exposure analysis. Results: Work-related asthma was recognized in 63 subjects (21% of study group). The preliminary questionnaire has 76.9% sensitivity and 94% specificity in recognition of WRA. Occupational exposure to irritants is a risk factor of WRA recognition (relative risk (RR) = 2.09 (1.44:3.03)). Working in exposure-free environment is a factor against WRA recognition (RR = 0.38 (0.24:0.61)). Among subjects with work-related asthma, the uncontrolled course of the disease is significantly more frequent (p = 0.012). Subjects with WRA more often report sickness absenteeism due to asthma than those without WRA (9.6% vs. 3.2%, respectively), but the observed differences did not reach the statistical significance. Conclusions: Short 5-question questionnaire seems to be a promising tool to detect individuals with possible work-related asthma in the outpatient setting for further evaluation and additional attention