5,945 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry and Goldstino-like Mode in Bose-Fermi Mixtures

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    Supersymmetry is assumed to be a basic symmetry of the world in many high energy theories, but none of the super partners of any known elementary particle has been observed yet. We argue that supersymmetry can also be realized and studied in ultracold atomic systems with a mixture of bosons and fermions, with properly tuned interactions and single particle dispersion. We further show that in such non-releativistic systems supersymmetry is either spontaneously broken, or explicitly broken by a chemical potential difference between the bosons and fermions. In both cases the system supports a sharp fermionic collective mode or the so-called Goldstino, due to supersymmetry. We also discuss possible ways to detect the Goldstino mode experimentally.Comment: 4 pages. V4: published versio

    Exact phase diagrams for an Ising model on a two-layer Bethe lattice

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    Using an iteration technique, we obtain exact expressions for the free energy and the magnetization of an Ising model on a two - layer Bethe lattice with intralayer coupling constants J1 and J2 for the first and the second layer, respectively, and interlayer coupling constant J3 between the two layers; the Ising spins also couple with external magnetic fields, which are different in the two layers. We obtain exact phase diagrams for the system.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. E 59, Issue 6, 199

    The intermediate-mass star-forming region Lynds 1340. An optical view

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    We have performed an optical spectroscopic and photometric search for young stellar objects associated with the molecular cloud Lynds 1340, and examined the structure of the cloud by constructing an extinction map, based on SDSS data. The new extinction map suggests a shallow, strongly fragmented cloud, having a mass of some 3700~Msun. Longslit spectroscopic observations of the brightest stars over the area of L1340 revealed that the most massive star associated with L1340 is a B4 type, about 5 solar mass star. The new spectroscopic and photometric data of the intermediate mass members led to a revised distance of 825 (+110 /-80) pc, and revealed seven members of the young stellar population with M > 2 solar masses. Our search for H alpha emission line stars, conducted with the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2 on the 2.2-meter telescope of the University of Hawaii and covering a 30 arcmin x 40 arcmin area, resulted in the detection of 75 candidate low-mass pre-main sequence stars, 58 of which are new. We constructed spectral energy distributions of our target stars, based on SDSS, 2MASS, Spitzer, and WISE photometric data, derived their spectral types, extinctions, and luminosities from BVRIJ fluxes, estimated masses by means of pre-main sequence evolutionary models, and examined the disk properties utilizing the 2-24 micron interval of the spectral energy distribution. We measured the equivalent width of the H alpha lines and derived accretion rates. The optically selected sample of pre-main sequence stars has a median effective temperature of 3970 K, stellar mass 0.7 Msun, and accretion rate of 7.6 10^{-9} Msun/yr.Comment: 47 pages, 15 figures, 10 tables; accepted for publication in ApJ, typos correcte

    The Asymmetric Avalanche Process

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    An asymmetric stochastic process describing the avalanche dynamics on a ring is proposed. A general kinetic equation which incorporates the exclusion and avalanche processes is considered. The Bethe ansatz method is used to calculate the generating function for the total distance covered by all particles. It gives the average velocity of particles which exhibits a phase transition from an intermittent to continuous flow. We calculated also higher cumulants and the large deviation function for the particle flow. The latter has the universal form obtained earlier for the asymmetric exclusion process and conjectured to be common for all models of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class .Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures, revised versio

    Break-up of shells under explosion and impact

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    A theoretical and experimental study of the fragmentation of closed thin shells made of a disordered brittle material is presented. Experiments were performed on brown and white hen egg-shells under two different loading conditions: fragmentation due to an impact with a hard wall and explosion by a combustion mixture giving rise to power law fragment size distributions. For the theoretical investigations a three-dimensional discrete element model of shells is constructed. Molecular dynamics simulations of the two loading cases resulted in power law fragment mass distributions in satisfactory agreement with experiments. Based on large scale simulations we give evidence that power law distributions arise due to an underlying phase transition which proved to be abrupt and continuous for explosion and impact, respectively. Our results demonstrate that the fragmentation of closed shells defines a universality class different from that of two- and three-dimensional bulk systems.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures in eps forma
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