143 research outputs found

    Önértékelés és teljesítmény az üzleti felsőoktatásban = Self-evaluation and academic performance of business students in higher education

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    It is supported by empirical evidences that lower achieving students tend to predict and evaluate their own academic performance less accurately than those who are better in their studies. Former studies have also found that low performers generally overestimate while high performers regularly underestimate their performance. A better knowledge on this phenomenon is useful for both educators and researchers of education clarifying that less good skills and/or weaker abilities are only a part of these students' handicap. Another serious issue is that they are unaware about the previous problems. After briefly reviewing the empirical literature the current paper tests the above mentioned hypotheses on two small samples of business students (N = 28 and 35). It is supported only for calculation type exercises that better performers are also predicting and evaluating their test results more accurately. For multiple choice questions this effect is insignificant. With the only exception on the pre-examination estimation of the multiple choice test results in case of the bachelor human resource management course higher achieving students tend to overestimate their own results less than their lower achieving fellows. For calculation results only, a lower accuracy in both prediction and post-examination evaluation and a higher tendency to overvalue their performance are found for male students compared to female learners. In multiple choice results no difference between the sexes was found in the two analyzed examinations

    Önértékelés és teljesítmény az üzleti felsőoktatásban = Self-evaluation and academic performance of business students in higher education

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    It is supported by empirical evidences that lower achieving students tend to predict and evaluate their own academic performance less accurately than those who are better in their studies. Former studies have also found that low performers generally overestimate while high performers regularly underestimate their performance. A better knowledge on this phenomenon is useful for both educators and researchers of education clarifying that less good skills and/or weaker abilities are only a part of these students' handicap. Another serious issue is that they are unaware about the previous problems. After briefly reviewing the empirical literature the current paper tests the above mentioned hypotheses on two small samples of business students (N = 28 and 35). It is supported only for calculation type exercises that better performers are also predicting and evaluating their test results more accurately. For multiple choice questions this effect is insignificant. With the only exception on the pre-examination estimation of the multiple choice test results in case of the bachelor human resource management course higher achieving students tend to overestimate their own results less than their lower achieving fellows. For calculation results only, a lower accuracy in both prediction and post-examination evaluation and a higher tendency to overvalue their performance are found for male students compared to female learners. In multiple choice results no difference between the sexes was found in the two analyzed examinations

    The Theory of Educational Sorting and the Problems of its Empirical Testing

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    A disszertáció fókuszában az oktatási sorting (jelző és szűrő) elméletek empirikus tesztelésének problémái állnak. Szakirodalom-kutatásra, valamint szekunder és primer empirikus elemzésre támaszkodva a mellett érvel, hogy az emberi tőke versus sorting vita elméleti háttere, illetve a szakirodalomban domináns empirikus vizsgálatok között szakadék van, és nagyrészt ennek köszönhető az empirikus vizsgálatok több évtizede tartó inkonzisztens volta. A dolgozat elvégzi a sorting modellek és az emberi tőke modellek közti viszony tisztázását, mely kiindulópontja a létező tesztek kritikai vizsgálatának. Azonosít több olyan elméleti és gyakorlati szempontot, amelyek mentén sikeres tesztelési eljárások kidolgozására és lefolytatására van lehetőség. A doktori munka a már létező tesztek és eredményeik kritikai elemzése alapján meghatározza azokat a feltételeket, melyek szükségesek a sorting érvényességének empirikus vizsgálatához, és amelyek nem teljesülése okozta a korábbi vizsgálatok eredménytelenségét. Egy konkrét tesztelés eljárás esetében rámutat annak hibás hipotézisére és ennek javítására javaslatot tesz, melynek kipróbálása a primer vizsgálat során történik meg. A primer kutatás eredményei alapján állítható, hogy a vizsgált tesztelési eljárás a magyar munkapiaci viszonyok közt jelentős további megszorítások mellett lehet sikeres (ezeket a dolgozat azonosítja), de egyben bizonyításra kerül, hogy a javasolt változtatás működőképes. A primer kutatás alapján nem erősíthető meg és nem vethető el az oktatás tisztán információs szerepének jelenlétét állító hipotézis, de igazolható, hogy a kiválasztási eljárás és a végzettségi követelmény mint szűrő között statisztikailag is kimutatható kapcsolat van, melyet befolyásolnak bizonyos vállalat-specifikus és álláshely-specifikus tényezők, míg más tényezők befolyásoló szerepét a minta alapján el kellett vetni. A dolgozat kisebb eredményekkel járul hozzá az emberi erőforrás menedzsment empirikus irodalmához is. In the focus of the dissertation are the empirical testing problems of educational sorting (signaling and screening) theories. The doctoral study argues that the roots of this problems are in the gap between the theoretical background and the empirical works of the “human capital versus sorting debate”. The theoretical part of the dissertation clarifies the relation between human capital and sorting models of education in the context of testing. Based on the analysis of the theoretical literature and the existing tests, the conditions and characteristics of adequate tests of the empirical relevance sorting are identified. The dissertation develops a new testing method (by appropriately modifying an existing one) according to the conditions mentioned earlier. The new test is run on an own sample of vacancies in the private sector. The results of the primary research show that there is statistically significant relation between the relevance of education as a screening device and the validity of simultaneously used selection methods. This relation is affected by firm-specific and job-specific factors (some other factors do not seem to be relevant). Although the new test is proven to be operable, it is hindered by some idiosyncrasy (especially overeducation) of the Hungarian labour market, and the direct measurement of the relevance of sorting failed. The dissertation also has smaller achievements in human resource management
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