1,048 research outputs found

    Organic taste and labour on Indian tea plantations

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    Wellness and Karate

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    The promotion of wellness is an integral part of the counseling field and is considered to be a central focus to the counseling process (Barden, Conley, & Young, 2015; Myers, 1992). The counseling profession adopted the concept of wellness because it harmonizes with many of the founding principles of the ACA and is seen as a process of questing toward optimal health and well-being in body, mind, and spirit (Barden, Conley, & Young, 2015; Myers, 1992; Myers, Sweeney, & Witmer, 2000). Additionally, ACA Code of Ethics (2014) state that counselors “engage in self-care activities to maintain and promote their own emotional, physical, and mental well-being to best meet their professional responsibilities” (Section C). As such, it becomes essential that counselors continue to examine efficacious methods and disciplines that support a wellness-oriented approach. This study examines karate through Hettler’s Six Dimension of Wellness model (National Wellness Institute, 2016), in an effort to provide findings that support existing literature about the positive impact of karate practice and how it can be used as a psychotherapeutic tool for counselors and other mental health professionals. The findings of this study suggest that karate does not improve wellness as defined by the Six Dimensions of Wellness model. Additional research initiatives and empirical studies on karate and personal wellness are needed to develop a comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon or additional research. This study discusses the implication for practice and provides specific insights on the findings and provides recommendations for future research

    Towards a new transaesthetics: rap music in Germany and the United States

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    Diese Doktorarbeit vergleicht HipHop in Deutschland und in den Vereinigten Staaten und konzentriert sich dabei auf Interpret*innen, die mindestens auf zwei oder mehreren Sprachen rappen. Beginnend mit der Behauptung, dass zwei- oder mehrsprachige Rapmusik ein transkulturelles PhĂ€nomen sei, kehrt Kumpf zunĂ€chst zu der Theorie von Fernando Ortiz, kubanischer Anthropologe und Erfinder des Konzepts des Transkulturalismus, zurĂŒck, um zu klĂ€ren, inwiefern dieser Begriff Ortiz relevant ist. Diese ersten Schritte sind insofern von hoher Wichtigkeit, als Akademiker*innen, die bisher HipHop als transkulturelles PhĂ€nomen betrachtet haben, nicht auf das Konzept von Ortiz rekurriert haben. Diese Doktorarbeit trĂ€gt das Denken von Ortiz klar und deutlich an HipHop-Studien heran. Basierend auf dem VerstĂ€ndnis, dass der Einsatz von und das Zusammenspiel zwischen Musik und Sprachen einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Zuhörenden hat, erklĂ€rt Kumpf die Ă€sthetischen Dimensionen von Songs, die nach bestimmten Themen organisiert sind. Um die musikalische und sprachliche Ästhetik zu verstehen, setzt Kumpf das Konzept „transaesthetics“ des französischen Philosophen Jean Baudrillard ein und fragt, inwiefern dieses hilfreich ist, um Rapmusik zu verstehen. Erstens argumentiert Kumpf, dass Baudrillards Begriff nutzbar ist und zweitens, dass es einer Erweiterung des Konzeptes bedarf. Kumpf versucht neue Inhalte und Bedeutungen von „transaesthetics“ zu implementieren und erlĂ€utern. Mit Winfried Flucks Idee von Ă€sthetischer Erfahrung („aesthetic experience“) betrachtet Kumpf Rapmusik als Beispiel populĂ€rer Literatur. Kumpf argumentiert, dass die Songtexte von Rapliedern eine transkulturelle Ă€sthetische Erfahrung („transcultural aesthetic experience“) der Zuhörenden bewirken, welche in der Folge zu einer Selbsterweiterung („self extension“) fĂŒhren könnte: Bringen Songs Zuhörende mit mehreren Kulturen enger in Kontakt, so ermöglichen sie diesen, ihren Horizont zu erweitern. Das Ergebnis, so Kumpf, ist die Möglichkeit, sich selbst als transkulturelle Figur zu verstehen. Das könnte eine Auswirkung auf IdentitĂ€ten, z.B. nationale, ethnische und andere politische sowie auf sexuelle und GeschlechtsidentitĂ€ten haben. Kumpf stĂŒtzt diese Behauptung mit Theorien von Stuart Hall („new ethnicities“), Floya Anthias („translocational positionality“) und Irina Schmitt (Jugendliche als ein „transcultural avant-garde“). Diese Wirkung jedoch nur theoretisch erklĂ€rt, nicht jedoch mit soziologistischen Methoden ĂŒberprĂŒft. Am Ende seiner Dissertation schlĂ€gt Kumpf vor, welche weitere Forschung durchgefĂŒhrt werden könnte, hauptsĂ€chlich soziologische Forschung wie die der US-Amerikanerin Lucila Vargas, um herauszufinden, wie Zuhörende diese Lieder rezipieren. Die Dissertation entfaltet sich ĂŒber sechs Kapital, von denen und jedes nach bestimmten Themen organisiert ist, um eine sensible Vergleichsstudie zu ermöglichen. Kapitel 1 behandelt relevante kulturelle Theorien und den Stand der Forschung in Deutschland und in den Vereinigten Staaten. Kapitel 2 untersucht den Ursprung von zwei- und mehrsprachiger Rapmusik in beiden LĂ€ndern. In Kapitel 3 geht es um das Thema Migration und Aktivismus. In dem vierten Kapitel werden SexualitĂ€t und Gender diskutiert. Kapitel 5 beschĂ€ftigt sich mit Geistigkeit (Befreiung und Erhabenheit). Das letzte Kapitel diskutiert den Holocaust und Antifaschismus. Das Fazit thematisiert erstens die Wichtigkeit, Rapmusik als Form von populĂ€rer Musik und Literatur zu verstehen und zweitens, was man darunter in Deutschland und in den USA versteht. Diese Dissertation gilt als erste Vergleichsstudie von Rapmusik in Deutschland und der USA in englischer Sprache. Nach der Begutachtung und der erfolgreichen Verteidigung könnte diese Doktorarbeit ein Loch in dem Forschungsstand beider LĂ€nder fĂŒllen

    The Lived Experiences of Clinical Supervisors Who Develop Burnout While Working Within Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facilities In Pennsylvania

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    Supervision is an integral part of the counseling field and is considered a discipline in and of itself (Bernard & Goodyear, 2009). The purpose of supervision is to ensure the welfare of client system and to enhance the professional development of counselors. Each supervisor assumes an enormous amount of ethical, legal, and professional responsibility by entering into a supervisory relationship with a counselor. As a result, supervisors require extensive training in addition to the development of a substantive base with regard to the dissemination of counseling services within substance abuse rehabilitation facilities. Additionally, the purpose of this study is to provide an exhaustive, rich description of supervisees who have encountered the burnout syndrome while working within substance abuse rehabilitation facilities. The results of this study demonstrate that the development of supervisor burnout is connected with being overwhelmed and disengaged with an unsatisfying work environment that is devoid of consistent supervisory support for supervisors. As a result, the development of the burnout syndrome can have implications for a supervisor\u27s ability to provide efficacious supervisory services to counselors. The findings of this study illuminate the need for specific training experiences with regard to the development of substance abuse counseling supervisors. This study provides specific training recommendations along with suggestions for the integration of supportive measures for substance abuse counseling supervisors. This study also identifies the risk factors and preventative factors that contributes to, or prevents the development of the burnout syndrome for supervisors

    Phase transition of the Si(111)-4x1-In surface reconstruction investigated by electron transport measurements

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    We measure the electron conductivity of the surface states and the subsurface space charge layer originating from the Si(111)-4x1-In reconstruction as a function of temperature. The conductivity of the surface states drops sharply around 130 K with decreasing temperature, revealing a metal-insulator phase transition of the surface reconstruction. In contrast, the influence of the phase transition on the conductivity of the space charge layer is limited to temperatures above 60 K. This means that the surface Fermi level remains strongly pinned despite the phase transition, indicating the presence of free carriers in the surface states down to rather low temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Surface Scienc

    Policy and Practice: Acquired Brain Injury in Canadian Educational Systems

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    Within Canada, the needs of students with exceptionalities are addressed through a variety of policies and procedures that allow those students to receive effective and meaningful education. However, in most provinces and territories these policies are serving more as barriers than supports in addressing the needs of students with acquired brain injuries (ABI). Within Canada, only two provinces acknowledge ABI as an exceptionality in any significant way. For the most part, ABI is under-recognized and often poorly responded to in Canada’s educational systems. The issues associated with the problematic delivery of services to students with ABI include: the lack of federal guidelines as to the definition of “exceptionality”, the lack of awareness of ABI as an exceptionality requiring accommodation, the connection between the categorization of exceptionalities and funding, and the lack of training and support for educators. The ramifications of these issues and the changes in educational policy needed to adequately address these issues are discussed with reference to children’s right to education.

    Best of Both Worlds: The Integration of Nursing and Health Education as a Dynamic Career Move

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    The purpose of this article is to explore the diverse career paths of three health educators who started their health careers in the nursing profession and advanced their careers by pursuing a degree in health education. With the combination of nursing and the focus on health education to improve the overall health and well being of communities, these health educators have found satisfying and rewarding opportunities in multiple and various work settings

    The Role of Corticothalamic Projections (Prelimbic Cortex to Nucleus Reuniens) in Working Memory

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    Working memory (WM) is the ability to store information for short periods of time and is used to execute tasks WM has been understood to work via the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dorsal hippocampus (dHPC), but they do not directly project to each other The nucleus reuniens of the thalamus (Re) is a “middle man” between the mPFC and dHPC There are projections between the prelimbic cortex (PrL) and Re that may be used during WM To test the connection of the PrL to Re, a delayed nonmatch to position (DNMTP) task was performe
