237 research outputs found


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    〈目的〉保険医療制度や診療報酬制度の改定に伴い受診行動も変化を求められているが,医療や介護が必要になった時にサービスにどのようにアクセスできるのかの知識や情報がわからない状況も見受けられる.それらについて入院時や退院時に患者・家族に説明はしているが,患者・家族の在宅に関する思いや疑問に対する対応は十分でない現状を感じていた.そのため,1. 在宅での健康の維持・増進や,健康障害になった場合に受診行動のあり方を考える機会とする.2. 一病息災で在宅での日々を豊かに生活するために,上手な病院との付き合い方を考えることを目的に市民講座開催した.〈市民講座内容〉1)基調講演で①保険医療の仕組み:保険医療の仕組み,通院・入院時に支払う料金の意味,なぜ長く入院できないのか,②病院のかかり方:かかりつけ医の大切さ,等番医,救急時の対応等,2)茶話会,3)全体発表,質疑応答,参加病院からのコメント.〈開催日時・場所〉第1 回は平成26年5月18日(日)にA公民館,第2回は同年6年7月13日(日)にB 公民館で行なった.それぞれ,地域の病院の看護部門の代表者にも参加いただいた.募集人数は50名ずつであったが,参加者はA 公民館51名,B 公民館48名の合計99名であった.〈結果・参加者の反応〉病院の様子が身近に感じた,かかりつけ医の役割や機能がわかった.疑問に思っていることや聞きたいことは遠慮せずに尋ねていいんだ,等の意見があり,住民の医療者への気づかいが本音の所できくことができた.一方では,患者も非常識にならずにルールを守り信頼を得る努力も大切ですとの意見もあった.アンケート結果では公開講座や茶話会はよかったと回答していた.〈まとめ〉住民の視点での医療への身近な疑問や気になることを話せない現状があり,住民一人ひとりがどう考え行動するかを話合える機会は重要であると実感した

    Simultaneous Screening of 24 Target Genes of Foodborne Pathogens in 35 Foodborne Outbreaks Using Multiplex Real-Time SYBR Green PCR Analysis

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    A set of 8 multiplex real-time SYBR Green PCR (SG-PCR) assays including 3 target primers and an internal amplification control (IAC) primer was simultaneously evaluated in 3 h or less with regard to detection of 24 target genes of 23 foodborne pathogens in 7 stool specimens of foodborne outbreak using a 96-well reaction plate. This assay, combined with DNA extraction (QIAamp DNA Stool Mini kit), offered detection of greater than 103-104 foodborne pathogens per g in stool specimens. The products formed were identified using melting point temperature (Tm) curve analysis. This assay was evaluated for the detection of foodborne pathogens in 33 out of 35 cases of foodborne outbreak, using 4 different PCR instruments in 5 different laboratories. No interference from the multiplex real-time SG-PCR assay, including IAC, was observed in stool specimens in any analysis. We found multiplex real-time SG-PCR assay for simultaneous detection of 24 target genes of foodborne pathogens to be comprehensive, rapid, inexpensive, accurate, of high selectivity, and good for screening probability

    A Study of Lecture Meetings and Childcare Activities in The Kindergarten

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    本研究の目的は、子育て支援の一環として試みた講演会や親子での活動が保護者にどのように受け止められ活動の後で変化をもたらしたかをアンケート調査し、今後の講演会や親子活動のあり方を考える上での基礎資料を得ることである。その結果、親子が一緒に活動するものや内容が具体的で保護者のニーズに対応したものの方が、参加率が高く、男女共7割以上の保護者が参加する前より考え方を変化させている。そして、親子参加型の子育て支援が望まれていることが明らかになった。The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of our support of childcare activities: lecture meetings and activities with parents and children. Parents were asked how they accepted these activities and what changes were brought by them. The results should that many parents took part in activities with children, and lecture meetings which had practical and concrete contents. And more than 70% of parents have changed their way of thinking

    The young adults feelings after losing their parents to cancer in adolescence : a study based on the written records of the young adults fight against cancer

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    目的;青年期にがんで親を亡くした人の死別後の気持ちをあきらかにする. 方法;闘病記より,青年期にがんで親を亡くした人の死別後の気持ちが表現されている言動を,逐語録化し分析した.具体的には,前後の文脈と表現された言語の意味をコード化しカテゴリー化した. 結果;4つのカテゴリー,すなわち,1.親の死を受け止められない,2.親との生活を振り返る,3.進路や人生観が変化する,4.親のいない生活への適応,を抽出した.なお,それぞれのカテゴリーには複数のサブカテゴリーで構成されていた. 青年期に親と死別した人の気持ちは,学校(高校など)でも家でも感情の板挟みとなって葛藤を繰り返し,誰にも打ち明けられずに孤独に耐える.しかし,生前の親との時間や親の生きざまを想察することで,死と向き合い始める.また,その後の進路や人生観の変化も,生前の親からの学びが,対象者の気持ちに影響を及ぼしている.Objective : The Objective of this study identified the feeding of young adults after they lost their parents who died of cancer. Methods : Some of the young adult of these parents had recorded their fight against cancer in their own way, and we first extracted from their records the parts in which their feelings following their parents’ death were written down or the parts in which their feelings about their parents’ death were hinted in the form of what they said or did. We then transcribed these parts word for word, and made an analysis of them. Results : We have found that these parts consist of four categories : 1) being unable to accept their parents’ death, 2) looking back on the life they led with their parents, 3) the change of their career or their outlook on life, and 4) adapting to the life in which their parents no longer exist. Each category comprises more than one subcategory. Conclusions : It is important for nurses to understand and support the complicated feelings of those young adult whose parents died in young adult. It can be an effective suggestion in influencing the mental attitude the oung adult assume following their parents’ death

    Acupuncture Regulates Leukocyte Subpopulations in Human Peripheral Blood

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    Acupuncture has recently been attracting more and more people throughout the world as an alternative treatment, however little is known about its physiological activities (i.e. immune system). We examined acupuncture both quantitatively and qualitatively by measuring CD-positive cell counts and cytokine expression levels in the blood, to determine the activity of T cells, B cells, macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells. Fifteen milliliters of peripheral blood obtained from 17 healthy volunteers aged 21–51 years, were analyzed using flow cytometry before and after acupuncture treatment. There was a statistically significant increase in the number of CD2+, CD4+, CD8+, CD11b+, CD16+, CD19+, CD56+ cells as well as IL-4, IL-1β and IFN-γ levels in the cells after acupuncture stimulation of meridian points. These observations indicate that acupuncture may regulate the immune system and promote the activities of humoral and cellular immunity as well as NK cell activity. In this article, we discussed how acupuncture regulated leukocyte numbers and functions since they are considered to be potential indicators for evaluating complementary and alternative medicine