73 research outputs found

    siRNA Design Software for a Target Gene-Specific RNA Interference

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is a mechanism through which small interfering RNA (siRNA) induces sequence-specific posttranscriptional gene silencing. RNAi is commonly recognized as a powerful tool not only for functional genomics but also for therapeutic applications. Twenty-one-nucleotide-long siRNA suppresses the expression of the intended gene whose transcript possesses perfect complementarity to the siRNA guide strand. Hence, its silencing effect has been assumed to be extremely specific. However, accumulated evidences revealed that siRNA could downregulate unintended genes with partial complementarities mainly to the seven-nucleotide seed region of siRNA. This phenomenon is referred to as off-target effect. We have revealed that the capability to induce off-target effect is strongly correlated to the thermodynamic stability in siRNA seed-target duplex. For understanding accurate target gene function and successful therapeutic application, it may be critical to select a target gene-specific siRNA with minimized off-target effect. Here we present our siRNA design software for a target-specific RNAi. In addition, we also introduce the software programs open to the public for designing functional siRNAs

    Essential Notes Regarding the Design of Functional siRNAs for Efficient Mammalian RNAi

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    Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are widely used to bring about RNA interference (RNAi) in mammalian cells. Numerous siRNAs may be designed for any target gene though most of which would be incapable of efficiently inducing mammalian RNAi. Certain highly functional siRNAs designed for knockout of a particular gene may render unrelated endogenous genes nonfunctional. These major bottlenecks should be properly eliminated when RNAi technologies are employed for any experiment in mammalian functional genomics. This paper thus presents essential notes and findings regarding the proper choice of siRNA-sequence selection algorithms and web-based online software systems

    Current Status for Application of RNA Interference Technology as Nucleic Acid Drug

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is a convenient and useful gene suppression technology induced by small interfering RNA (siRNA) composed of 21-nucleotide long double-stranded RNA. The successful application of RNAi for clinical use is expected for a long time. Although siRNA drug is categorized into a nucleic acid drug, it has a prominent advantage that genetic function can be suppressed by destroying mRNA at the posttranscriptional level without wounding genomic DNA. Nevertheless, unfortunately there are no siRNA certified as pharmaceuticals passing through clinical trials, since there are several problems, such as gene suppression efficiency, stability in blood stream, or other undesirable effects. Here, we describe the current status and future prospects for clinical application of the siRNA nucleic acid drug

    siVirus: web-based antiviral siRNA design software for highly divergent viral sequences

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    siVirus () is a web-based online software system that provides efficient short interfering RNA (siRNA) design for antiviral RNA interference (RNAi). siVirus searches for functional, off-target minimized siRNAs targeting highly conserved regions of divergent viral sequences. These siRNAs are expected to resist viral mutational escape, since their highly conserved targets likely contain structurally/functionally constrained elements. siVirus will be a useful tool for designing optimal siRNAs targeting highly divergent pathogens, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), influenza virus and SARS coronavirus, all of which pose enormous threats to global human health

    Optimal design and validation of antiviral siRNA for targeting HIV-1

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    We propose rational designing of antiviral short-interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting highly divergent HIV-1. In this study, conserved regions within HIV-1 genomes were identified through an exhaustive computational analysis, and the functionality of siRNAs targeting the highest possible conserved regions was validated. We present several promising antiviral siRNA candidates that effectively inhibited multiple subtypes of HIV-1 by targeting the best conserved regions in pandemic HIV-1 group M strains

    Thermodynamic stability and Watson–Crick base pairing in the seed duplex are major determinants of the efficiency of the siRNA-based off-target effect

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    Short interfering RNA (siRNA) may down-regulate many unintended genes whose transcripts possess complementarity to the siRNA seed region, which contains 7 nt. The capability of siRNA to induce this off-target effect was highly correlated with the calculated melting temperature or standard free-energy change for formation of protein-free seed duplex, indicating that thermodynamic stability of seed duplex formed between the seed and target is one of the major factor in determining the degree of off-target effects. Furthermore, unlike intended gene silencing (RNA interference), off-target effect was completely abolished by introduction of a G:U pair into the seed duplex, and this loss in activity was completely recovered by a second mutation regenerating Watson–Crick pairing, indicating that seed duplex Watson–Crick pairing is also essential for off-target gene silencing. The off-target effect was more sensitive to siRNA concentration compared to intended gene silencing, which requires a near perfect sequence match between the siRNA guide strand and target mRNA

    Functional dissection of siRNA sequence by systematic DNA substitution: modified siRNA with a DNA seed arm is a powerful tool for mammalian gene silencing with significantly reduced off-target effect

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    Short interfering RNA (siRNA)-based RNA interference (RNAi) is widely used for target gene knockdown in mammalian cells. To clarify the position-dependent functions of ribonucleotides in siRNA, siRNAs with various DNA substitutions were constructed. The following could be simultaneously replaced with DNA without substantial loss of gene-silencing activity: the seed arm, which occupies positions 2–8 from the 5′end of the guide strand; its complementary sequence; the 5′end of the guide strand and the 3′overhang of the passenger strand. However, most part of the 3′ two-thirds of the guide strand could not be replaced with DNA, possibly due to binding of RNA-recognition proteins such as TRBP2 and Ago2. The passenger strand with DNA in the 3′end proximal region was incapable of inducing off-target effect. Owing to lesser stability of DNA–RNA hybrid than RNA duplex, modified siRNAs with DNA substitution in the seed region were, in most cases, incapable to exert unintended gene silencing due to seed sequence homology. Thus, it may be possible to design DNA–RNA chimeras which effectively silence mammalian target genes without silencing unintended genes

    siDirect 2.0: updated software for designing functional siRNA with reduced seed-dependent off-target effect

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>RNA interference (RNAi), mediated by 21-nucleotide (nt)-length small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), is a powerful tool not only for studying gene function but also for therapeutic applications. RNAi, requiring perfect complementarity between the siRNA guide strand and the target mRNA, was believed to be extremely specific. However, a recent growing body of evidence has suggested that siRNA could down-regulate unintended genes whose transcripts possess complementarity to the 7-nt siRNA seed region. This off-target gene silencing may often provide incongruous results obtained from knockdown experiments, leading to misinterpretation. Thus, an efficient algorithm for designing functional siRNAs with minimal off-target effect based on the mechanistic features is considered of value.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present siDirect 2.0, an update of our web-based software siDirect, which provides functional and off-target minimized siRNA design for mammalian RNAi. The previous version of our software designed functional siRNAs by considering the relationship between siRNA sequence and RNAi activity, and provided them along with the enumeration of potential off-target gene candidates by using a fast and sensitive homology search algorithm. In the new version, the siRNA design algorithm is extensively updated to eliminate off-target effects by reflecting our recent finding that the capability of siRNA to induce off-target effect is highly correlated to the thermodynamic stability, or the melting temperature (Tm), of the seed-target duplex, which is formed between the nucleotides positioned at 2-8 from the 5' end of the siRNA guide strand and its target mRNA. Selection of siRNAs with lower seed-target duplex stabilities (benchmark Tm < 21.5°C) followed by the elimination of unrelated transcripts with nearly perfect match should minimize the off-target effects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>siDirect 2.0 provides functional, target-specific siRNA design with the updated algorithm which significantly reduces off-target silencing. When the candidate functional siRNAs could form seed-target duplexes with Tm values below 21.5°C, and their 19-nt regions spanning positions 2-20 of both strands have at least two mismatches to any other non-targeted transcripts, siDirect 2.0 can design at least one qualified siRNA for >94% of human mRNA sequences in RefSeq. siDirect 2.0 is available at <url>http://siDirect2.RNAi.jp/</url>.</p

    Extreme deformability of insect cell membranes is governed by phospholipid scrambling

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    昆虫の細胞は柔らかい! --細胞膜を柔らかくするタンパク質を発見--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-06-09.Organization of dynamic cellular structure is crucial for a variety of cellular functions. In this study, we report that Drosophila and Aedes have highly elastic cell membranes with extremely low membrane tension and high resistance to mechanical stress. In contrast to other eukaryotic cells, phospholipids are symmetrically distributed between the bilayer leaflets of the insect plasma membrane, where phospholipid scramblase (XKR) that disrupts the lipid asymmetry is constitutively active. We also demonstrate that XKR-facilitated phospholipid scrambling promotes the deformability of cell membranes by regulating both actin cortex dynamics and mechanical properties of the phospholipid bilayer. Moreover, XKR-mediated construction of elastic cell membranes is essential for hemocyte circulation in the Drosophila cardiovascular system. Deformation of mammalian cells is also enhanced by the expression of Aedes XKR, and thus phospholipid scrambling may contribute to formation of highly deformable cell membranes in a variety of living eukaryotic cells