47 research outputs found

    Traditional Herbal Medicine, Rikkunshito, Induces HSP60 and Enhances Cytoprotection of Small Intestinal Mucosal Cells as a Nontoxic Chaperone Inducer

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    Increasing incidence of small intestinal ulcers associated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) has become a topic with recent advances of endoscopic technology. However, the pathogenesis and therapy are not fully understood. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of Rikkunshito (TJ-43), a traditional herbal medicine, on expression of HSP60 and cytoprotective ability in small intestinal cell line (IEC-6). Effect of TJ-43 on HSP60 expression in IEC-6 cells was evaluated by immunoblot analysis. The effect of TJ-43 on cytoprotective abilities of IEC-6 cells against hydrogen peroxide or indomethacin was studied by MTT assay, LDH-release assay, caspase-8 activity, and TUNEL. HSP60 was significantly induced by TJ-43. Cell necrosis and apoptosis were significantly suppressed in IEC-6 cells pretreated by TJ-43 with overexpression of HSP60. Our results suggested that HSP60 induced by TJ-43 might play an important role in protecting small intestinal epithelial cells from apoptosis and necrosis in vitro

    Correlation of Heat Shock Protein Expression to Gender Difference in Development of Stress-Induced Gastric Mucosal Injury in Rats

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    Recent studies have indicated that heat shock proteins (HSPs), which function as molecular chaperones, play important roles in cellular responses to stress-related events. However, the gender difference in the expression of HSP in the gastric mucosa remains unclear. In order to understand the mechanism of gender difference in the prevalence or severity of gastric mucosal lesions, the expression level of HSP and the correlation of estrogen to HSP induction in the gastric mucosa were evaluated in this study. The basal expression levels of HSP60 and HSP90 in the gastric mucosa were significantly higher in females than those in males. The gastric ulcer index was significantly higher in male rats compared to female rats observed after 12 h water immersion stress exposure. At this time point, the expression levels of HSP60 and HSP90 in the gastric mucosa were significantly higher in females than those in males. An estrogen-treatment significantly induced the expression of HSP60, HSP70 and HSP90 in the gastric mucosa. Inversely, an ovariectomy dramatically reduced the expression of HSP60, HSP70 and HSP90 in the gastric mucosa. Our results suggested that estrogen might play an important role in gastric mucosal protection with the induction of gastric mucosal HSPs

    Acute variceal bleeding in a patient with idiopathic myelofibrosis successfully treated with endoscopic variceal band ligation and chemotherapy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Idiopathic myelofibrosis is a chronic myeloproliferative disorder characterized by leukoerythroblastosis, massive splenomegaly, and increases in the reticular and collagen fibers in the bone marrow. Portal hypertension is observed in some patients with idiopathic myelofibrosis. Gastrointestinal hemorrhages, which are due mostly to the rupture of the esophageal varices, have been sporadically reported to be an infrequent complication of idiopathic myelofibrosis.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report a case of a Japanese 63-year-old woman with myelofibrosis and variceal hemorrhage, with a background of concomitant portal and pulmonary hypertension. She was successfully treated through a combination of endoscopic variceal ligation and chemotherapy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first known report on the successful application of endoscopic variceal ligation and chemotherapy as the therapeutic procedure for an esophageal variceal hemorrhage in a patient with myelofibrosis.</p

    Significance of receiving mental health training and consultation for visiting nurses providing support to pregnant and postpartum women at high risk of psychosocial problems

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    本研究の目的は,心理社会的ハイリスク妊産婦を対象とした訪問支援事業に携わる訪問指導員が,メンタルヘルス研修およびメンタルヘルスコンサルテーションを受ける意味を明らかにすることである.7 名の訪問指導員に行った半構成的インタビューの内容を質的記述的に分析した.その結果,訪問指導員が抱えていた【ハイリスク妊産婦へのメンタルヘルス支援に関するゆらぎや不確かさ】が,メンタルヘルス研修およびメンタルヘルスコンサルテーションを受けることによって,【メンタルヘルス支援技術の獲得】【ハイリスク妊産婦の理解と関わりの促進】【支援方法の客観的評価】【心理的負担感の軽減】【チームへの波及効果】へ転換されたと考えられた.また,地域母子保健において,実践者である訪問指導員への教育的支援および継続的なコンサルテーションシステムの構築と精神科看護師の配置の必要性が示唆された.departmental bulletin pape

    Distributions of three species of Nihonotrypaea (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Callianassidae) in intertidal habitats along an estuary to open-sea gradient in western Kyushu, Japan

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    The intertidal distributions and habitats of three congeneric callianassid shrimps [Nihonotrypaea harmandi (Bouvier), N. japonica (Ortmann), and N. petalura (Stimpson)] were surveyed along the estuary to opensea gradient from Ariake Sound through Tachibana Bay to the East China Sea in western Kyushu, Japan. In the light of long-term-averaged salinity (psu) values hi the surface waters (at 5 m depth) in the rainy season, (N. harmandi + N. petalura) and N. japonica mainly occurred in the ranges of 34.0-30.5 (the East China Sea + Tachibana Bay + the outermost part of Ariake Sound) and 30.5-28.5 (the middle part of Ariake Sound), respectively, with their distribution boundary distinct. Using the Venice-system terms for the clas sification of brackish waters, the former species group could be designated as euhaline to mixo-euhaline species, while the latter species as a mixo-polyhaline species. From the viewpoint of the sub strate conditions and their dimensions, the habitats for the three species were basically characterized, as follows: 1) N. harmandi - the relatively small sandflats and sandy beaches of medium - fine sands, with boulder beaches, very ex posed sandy beaches, and mud flats unin habited; 2) N. petalura - small sand patches surrounded by boulders in boul der beaches; and 3) N.japonica - the ex tensive sandflats of medium - fine sands, with boulder beaches, exposed sandy beaches, and mudflats uninhabited