73 research outputs found

    Novel Transmembrane Receptor Involved in Phagosome Transport of Lysozymes and β-Hexosaminidase in the Enteric Protozoan Entamoeba histolytica

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    Lysozymes and hexosaminidases are ubiquitous hydrolases in bacteria and eukaryotes. In phagocytic lower eukaryotes and professional phagocytes from higher eukaryotes, they are involved in the degradation of ingested bacteria in phagosomes. In Entamoeba histolytica, which is the intestinal protozoan parasite that causes amoebiasis, phagocytosis plays a pivotal role in the nutrient acquisition and the evasion from the host defense systems. While the content of phagosomes and biochemical and physiological roles of the major phagosomal proteins have been established in E. histolytica, the mechanisms of trafficking of these phagosomal proteins, in general, remain largely unknown. In this study, we identified and characterized for the first time the putative receptor/carrier involved in the transport of the above-mentioned hydrolases to phagosomes. We have shown that the receptor, designated as cysteine protease binding protein family 8 (CPBF8), is localized in lysosomes and mediates transport of lysozymes and β-hexosaminidase α-subunit to phagosomes when the amoeba ingests mammalian cells or Gram-positive bacillus Clostridium perfringens. We have also shown that the binding of CPBF8 to the cargos is mediated by the serine-rich domain, more specifically three serine residues of the domain, which likely contains trifluoroacetic acid-sensitive O-phosphodiester-linked glycan modifications, of CPBF8. We further showed that the repression of CPBF8 by gene silencing reduced the lysozyme and β-hexosaminidase activity in phagosomes and delayed the degradation of C. perfringens. Repression of CPBF8 also resulted in decrease in the cytopathy against the mammalian cells, suggesting that CPBF8 may also be involved in, besides the degradation of ingested bacteria, the pathogenesis against the mammalian hosts. This work represents the first case of the identification of a transport receptor of hydrolytic enzymes responsible for the degradation of microorganisms in phagosomes

    Novel transmembrane receptor involved in phagosome transport of lysozymes and β-hexosaminidase in the enteric protozoan Entamoeba histolytica

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系Lysozymes and hexosaminidases are ubiquitous hydrolases in bacteria and eukaryotes. In phagocytic lower eukaryotes and professional phagocytes from higher eukaryotes, they are involved in the degradation of ingested bacteria in phagosomes. In Entamoeba histolytica, which is the intestinal protozoan parasite that causes amoebiasis, phagocytosis plays a pivotal role in the nutrient acquisition and the evasion from the host defense systems. While the content of phagosomes and biochemical and physiological roles of the major phagosomal proteins have been established in E. histolytica, the mechanisms of trafficking of these phagosomal proteins, in general, remain largely unknown. In this study, we identified and characterized for the first time the putative receptor/carrier involved in the transport of the above-mentioned hydrolases to phagosomes. We have shown that the receptor, designated as cysteine protease binding protein family 8 (CPBF8), is localized in lysosomes and mediates transport of lysozymes and β-hexosaminidase α-subunit to phagosomes when the amoeba ingests mammalian cells or Gram-positive bacillus Clostridium perfringens. We have also shown that the binding of CPBF8 to the cargos is mediated by the serine-rich domain, more specifically three serine residues of the domain, which likely contains trifluoroacetic acid-sensitive O-phosphodiester-linked glycan modifications, of CPBF8. We further showed that the repression of CPBF8 by gene silencing reduced the lysozyme and β-hexosaminidase activity in phagosomes and delayed the degradation of C. perfringens. Repression of CPBF8 also resulted in decrease in the cytopathy against the mammalian cells, suggesting that CPBF8 may also be involved in, besides the degradation of ingested bacteria, the pathogenesis against the mammalian hosts. This work represents the first case of the identification of a transport receptor of hydrolytic enzymes responsible for the degradation of microorganisms in phagosomes. © 2012 Furukawa et al

    Cysteine protease-binding protein family 6 mediates the trafficking of amylases to phagosomes in the enteric protozoan entamoeba histolytica

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系Phagocytosis plays a pivotal role in nutrient acquisition and evasion from the host defense systems in Entamoeba histolytica, the intestinal protozoan parasite that causes amoebiasis. We previously reported that E. histolytica possesses a unique class of a hydrolase receptor family, designated the cysteine protease-binding protein family (CPBF), that is involved in trafficking of hydrolases to lysosomes and phagosomes, and we have also reported that CPBF1 and CPBF8 bind to cysteine proteases or α-hexosaminidase β-subunit and lysozymes, respectively. In this study, we showed by immunoprecipitation that CPBF6, one of the most highly expressed CPBF proteins, specifically binds to β-amylase and γ-amylase. We also found that CPBF6 is localized in lysosomes, based on immunofluorescence imaging. Immunoblot and proteome analyses of the isolated phagosomes showed that CPBF6 mediates transport of amylases to phagosomes. We also demonstrated that the carboxyl-terminal cytosolic region of CPBF6 is engaged in the regulation of the trafficking of CPBF6 to phagosomes. Our proteome analysis of phagosomes also revealed new potential phagosomal proteins. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology

    Trogocytosis in Unicellular Eukaryotes

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    Trogocytosis is a mode of internalization of a part of a live cell by nibbling and is mechanistically distinct from phagocytosis, which implies internalization of a whole cell or a particle. Trogocytosis has been demonstrated in a broad range of cell types in multicellular organisms and is also known to be involved in a plethora of functions. In immune cells, trogocytosis is involved in the “cross-dressing” between antigen presenting cells and T cells, and is thus considered to mediate intercellular communication. On the other hand, trogocytosis has also been reported in a variety of unicellular organisms including the protistan (protozoan) parasite Entamoeba histolytica. E. histolytica ingests human T cell line by trogocytosis and acquires complement resistance and cross-dresses major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I on the cell surface. Furthermore, trogocytosis and trogocytosis-like phenomena (nibbling of a live cell, not previously described as trogocytosis) have also been reported in other parasitic protists such as Trichomonas, Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, and free-living amoebae. Thus, trogocytosis is conserved in diverse eukaryotic supergroups as a means of intercellular communication. It is depicting the universality of trogocytosis among eukaryotes. In this review, we summarize our current understanding of trogocytosis in unicellular organisms, including the history of its discovery, taxonomical distribution, roles, and molecular mechanisms

    The Autophagy Machinery in Human-Parasitic Protists; Diverse Functions for Universally Conserved Proteins

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    International audienceAutophagy is a eukaryotic cellular machinery that is able to degrade large intracellular components, including organelles, and plays a pivotal role in cellular homeostasis. Target materials are enclosed by a double membrane vesicle called autophagosome, whose formation is coordinated by autophagy-related proteins (ATGs). Studies of yeast and Metazoa have identified approximately 40 ATGs. Genome projects for unicellular eukaryotes revealed that some ATGs are conserved in all eukaryotic supergroups but others have arisen or were lost during evolution in some specific lineages. In spite of an apparent reduction in the ATG molecular machinery found in parasitic protists, it has become clear that ATGs play an important role in stage differentiation or organelle maintenance, sometimes with an original function that is unrelated to canonical degradative autophagy. In this review, we aim to briefly summarize the current state of knowledge in parasitic protists, in the light of the latest important findings from more canonical model organisms. Determining the roles of ATGs and the diversity of their functions in various lineages is an important challenge for understanding the evolutionary background of autophagy

    Molecular Dissection of Phagocytosis by Proteomic Analysis in Entamoeba histolytica

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    Entamoeba histolytica is the enteric protozoan parasite responsible for amebiasis. Trophozoites of E. histolytica ingest human cells in the intestine and other organs, which is the hallmark of its pathogenesis. Phagocytosis and trogocytosis are pivotal biological functions for its virulence and also contribute to the proliferation of nutrient uptake from the environment. We previously elucidated the role of a variety of proteins associated with phagocytosis and trogocytosis, including Rab small GTPases, Rab effectors, including retromer, phosphoinositide-binding proteins, lysosomal hydrolase receptors, protein kinases, and cytoskeletal proteins. However, a number of proteins involved in phagocytosis and trogocytosis remain to be identified, and mechanistic details of their involvement must be elucidated at the molecular level. To date, a number of studies in which a repertoire of proteins associated with phagosomes and potentially involved in phagocytosis have been conducted. In this review, we revisited all phagosome proteome studies we previously conducted in order to reiterate information on the proteome of phagosomes. We demonstrated the core set of constitutive phagosomal proteins and also the set of phagosomal proteins recruited only transiently or in condition-dependent fashions. The catalogs of phagosome proteomes resulting from such analyses can be a useful source of information for future mechanistic studies as well as for confirming or excluding a possibility of whether a protein of interest in various investigations is likely or is potentially involved in phagocytosis and phagosome biogenesis

    Molecular Dissection of Phagocytosis by Proteomic Analysis in <i>Entamoeba histolytica</i>

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    Entamoeba histolytica is the enteric protozoan parasite responsible for amebiasis. Trophozoites of E. histolytica ingest human cells in the intestine and other organs, which is the hallmark of its pathogenesis. Phagocytosis and trogocytosis are pivotal biological functions for its virulence and also contribute to the proliferation of nutrient uptake from the environment. We previously elucidated the role of a variety of proteins associated with phagocytosis and trogocytosis, including Rab small GTPases, Rab effectors, including retromer, phosphoinositide-binding proteins, lysosomal hydrolase receptors, protein kinases, and cytoskeletal proteins. However, a number of proteins involved in phagocytosis and trogocytosis remain to be identified, and mechanistic details of their involvement must be elucidated at the molecular level. To date, a number of studies in which a repertoire of proteins associated with phagosomes and potentially involved in phagocytosis have been conducted. In this review, we revisited all phagosome proteome studies we previously conducted in order to reiterate information on the proteome of phagosomes. We demonstrated the core set of constitutive phagosomal proteins and also the set of phagosomal proteins recruited only transiently or in condition-dependent fashions. The catalogs of phagosome proteomes resulting from such analyses can be a useful source of information for future mechanistic studies as well as for confirming or excluding a possibility of whether a protein of interest in various investigations is likely or is potentially involved in phagocytosis and phagosome biogenesis

    Dynamism of PI4-Phosphate during Interactions with Human Erythrocytes in Entamoeba histolytica

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    Phosphatidylinositol phosphates (PIPs) are involved in many cellular events as important secondary messengers. In Entamoeba histolytica, a human intestinal protozoan parasite, virulence-associated mechanisms such as cell motility, vesicular traffic, trogo- and phagocytosis are regulated by PIPs. It has been well established that PI3P, PI4P, and PI(3,4,5)P3 play specific roles during amoebic trogo- and phagocytosis. In the present study, we demonstrated the nuclear localization of PI4P in E. histolytica trophozoites in steady state with immunofluorescence imaging and immunoelectron microscopy, using anti-PI4P antibodies and PI4P biosensors [substrate of the Icm/ Dot type IV secretion system (SidM)]. We further showed that the nuclear PI4P decreased after a co-culture with human erythrocytes or Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. However, concomitant changes in the localization and the amount of PI(4,5)P2, which is the expected major metabolized (phosphorylated) product of PI4P, were not observed. This phenomenon was specifically caused by whole or ghost erythrocytes and CHO cells, but not artificial beads. The amount of PIP2 and PIP, biochemically estimated by [32P]-phosphate metabolic labeling and thin layer chromatography, was decreased upon erythrocyte adherence. Altogether, our data indicate for the first time in eukaryotes that erythrocyte attachment leads to the metabolism of nuclear PIPs, and metabolites other than PI(4,5)P2 may be involved in the regulation of downstream cellular events such as cytoskeleton rearrangement or transcriptional regulation

    Identification and Characterization of the <i>Entamoeba Histolytica</i> Rab8a Binding Protein: A Cdc50 Homolog

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    Membrane traffic plays a pivotal role in virulence in the enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. EhRab8A small GTPase is a key regulator of membrane traffic at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of this protist and is involved in the transport of plasma membrane proteins. Here we identified the binding proteins of EhRab8A. The Cdc50 homolog, a non-catalytic subunit of lipid flippase, was identified as an EhRab8A binding protein candidate by affinity coimmunoprecipitation. Binding of EhRab8A to EhCdc50 was also confirmed by reciprocal immunoprecipitation and blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the latter of which revealed an 87 kDa complex. Indirect immunofluorescence imaging with and without Triton X100 showed that endogenous EhCdc50 localized on the surface in the absence of permeabilizing agent but was observed on the intracellular structures and overlapped with the ER marker Bip when Triton X100 was used. Overexpression of N-terminal HA-tagged EhCdc50 impaired its translocation to the plasma membrane and caused its accumulation in the ER. As reported previously in other organisms, overexpression and accumulation of Cdc50 in the ER likely inhibited surface transport and function of the plasma membrane lipid flippase P4-ATPase. Interestingly, HA-EhCdc50-expressing trophozoites gained resistance to miltefosine, which is consistent with the prediction that HA-EhCdc50 overexpression caused its accumulation in the ER and mislocalization of the unidentified lipid flippase. Similarly, EhRab8A gene silenced trophozoites showed increased resistance to miltefosine, supporting EhRab8A-dependent transport of EhCdc50. This study demonstrated for the first time that EhRab8A mediates the transport of EhCdc50 and lipid flippase P4-ATPase from the ER to the plasma membrane