16 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2 Omicron detection by antigen tests using saliva

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    The Omicron emerged in November 2021 and became the predominant SARS-CoV-2 variant globally. It spreads more rapidly than ancestral lineages and its rapid detection is critical for the prevention of disease outbreaks. Antigen tests such as immunochromatographic assay (ICA) and chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA) yield results more quickly than standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR). However, their utility for the detec-tion of the Omicron variant remains unclear. We herein evaluated the performance of ICA and CLEIA in saliva from 51 patients with Omicron and 60 PCR negative individuals. The sensitivity and specificity of CLEIA were 98.0% (95%CI: 89.6-100.0%) and 100.0% (95%CI: 94.0-100.0%), respectively, with fine correlation with cy-cle threshold (Ct) values. The sensitivity and specificity of ICA were 58.8% (95%CI: 44.2-72.4%) and 100.0% (95%CI: 94.0-100.0%), respectively. The sensitivity of ICA was 100.0% (95%CI: 80.5-100.0%) when PCR Ct was less than 25. The Omicron can be efficiently detected in saliva by CLEIA. ICA also detects high viral load Omicron using saliva


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    新型コロナウイルス感染症への有効な対策として,全世界でワクチン接種が進められている。奥会津在宅医療センターは福島県立宮下病院の一部門であり,柳津町・三島町・金山町・昭和村の奥会津4町村において,ワクチン集団接種と巡回接種の支援を行った。これら4町村と奥会津在宅医療センターは2021年3月よりワクチン接種に関する協議を開始し,5月からワクチン接種が実施された。4町村の集団接種は2021年5月から8月にかけて計20回実施され,奥会津在宅医療センターは全ての集団接種で問診や接種,接種後の経過観察などを担当する支援を行った。のべ2,290名が接種を行い,接種後に対応を要したケースは14件だった。うち4件で抗アレルギー薬の処方を行い,2件は医療機関の受診をすめた。巡回接種では79名が接種を受け,接種後に対応を要したケースはなかった。ワクチン接種の準備においては先行して接種を実施していた会津医療センターへの視察の実施や,住民に配布する資料の作成に関する助言など,前例のない事業に取り組む各町村の負担を軽減する点にも重点をおいた。また今回の取り組みには,前年に三島町の一地区で実施されたインフルエンザワクチンの集団接種の知見と経験が生かされた。今後は今回の取り組みで深められた各町村や医療機関との連携をもとに,新型コロナウイルスワクチンの3回目接種の実施も念頭に置きつつ,地域住民の健康と安心を守るための継続的な活動が4町村から奥会津在宅医療センターには期待されている。Vaccination is being promoted around the world as an effective countermeasure against COVID-19. The Oku-Aizu Homecare Center (OAHC), a division of the Fukushima Prefectural Miyashita Hospital, has provided support for group vaccination in the three Oku-Aizu towns of Yanaizu, Mishima, Kaneyama, and the village of Showa. The OAHC began discussing vaccination with the three Oku-Aizu towns and the village in March 2021 and vaccinations began in May 2021. Between May and August 2021, 20 group vaccination sessions were delivered, with the OAHC providing support for all group vaccinations and post-vaccination follow-up. A total of 2,290 people were vaccinated with 14 cases requiring post-vaccination support. In four of these cases, anti-allergic medication was prescribed and two cases required referral to a medical institution. Additionally, seventy-nine people were vaccinated in the visiting vaccination program, none of whom required post-vaccination care. In this unprecedented project, we focused on alleviating the burden on the towns and the village involved when preparing for vaccination delivery. Furthermore, the knowledge and experience gained from the group vaccination against influenza in the previous year, conducted in one district of Mishima Town, were useful in this project. Based on the deepening of relationships between the towns, the village and the medical institutions through this initiative, the people of the three towns and the village support the OAHC in continuing its activities to protect the future health of residents